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Pickwick Papers, The
Chapter 23. In which Mr. Samuel Weller begins to devote his Energies to the Return Match between himself and Mr. Trotter
Charles Dickens
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       _ In a small room in the vicinity of the stableyard, betimes in the
       morning, which was ushered in by Mr. Pickwick's adventure with the
       middle--aged lady in the yellow curl-papers, sat Mr. Weller, senior,
       preparing himself for his journey to London. He was sitting in an
       excellent attitude for having his portrait taken; and here it is.
       It is very possible that at some earlier period of his career,
       Mr. Weller's profile might have presented a bold and determined
       outline. His face, however, had expanded under the influence of
       good living, and a disposition remarkable for resignation; and its
       bold, fleshy curves had so far extended beyond the limits originally
       assigned them, that unless you took a full view of his countenance
       in front, it was difficult to distinguish more than the extreme tip
       of a very rubicund nose. His chin, from the same cause, had
       acquired the grave and imposing form which is generally
       described by prefixing the word 'double' to that expressive
       feature; and his complexion exhibited that peculiarly mottled
       combination of colours which is only to be seen in gentlemen of
       his profession, and in underdone roast beef. Round his neck he
       wore a crimson travelling-shawl, which merged into his chin by
       such imperceptible gradations, that it was difficult to distinguish
       the folds of the one, from the folds of the other. Over this, he
       mounted a long waistcoat of a broad pink-striped pattern, and
       over that again, a wide-skirted green coat, ornamented with large
       brass buttons, whereof the two which garnished the waist, were
       so far apart, that no man had ever beheld them both at the same
       time. His hair, which was short, sleek, and black, was just visible
       beneath the capacious brim of a low-crowned brown hat. His legs
       were encased in knee-cord breeches, and painted top-boots; and a
       copper watch-chain, terminating in one seal, and a key of the
       same material, dangled loosely from his capacious waistband.
       We have said that Mr. Weller was engaged in preparing for his
       journey to London--he was taking sustenance, in fact. On the
       table before him, stood a pot of ale, a cold round of beef, and a
       very respectable-looking loaf, to each of which he distributed his
       favours in turn, with the most rigid impartiality. He had just cut
       a mighty slice from the latter, when the footsteps of somebody
       entering the room, caused him to raise his head; and he beheld
       his son.
       'Mornin', Sammy!' said the father.
       The son walked up to the pot of ale, and nodding significantly
       to his parent, took a long draught by way of reply.
       'Wery good power o' suction, Sammy,' said Mr. Weller the
       elder, looking into the pot, when his first-born had set it down
       half empty. 'You'd ha' made an uncommon fine oyster, Sammy,
       if you'd been born in that station o' life.'
       'Yes, I des-say, I should ha' managed to pick up a respectable
       livin',' replied Sam applying himself to the cold beef, with
       considerable vigour.
       'I'm wery sorry, Sammy,' said the elder Mr. Weller, shaking
       up the ale, by describing small circles with the pot, preparatory
       to drinking. 'I'm wery sorry, Sammy, to hear from your lips, as
       you let yourself be gammoned by that 'ere mulberry man. I
       always thought, up to three days ago, that the names of Veller
       and gammon could never come into contract, Sammy, never.'
       'Always exceptin' the case of a widder, of course,' said Sam.
       'Widders, Sammy,' replied Mr. Weller, slightly changing
       colour. 'Widders are 'ceptions to ev'ry rule. I have heerd how
       many ordinary women one widder's equal to in pint o' comin'
       over you. I think it's five-and-twenty, but I don't rightly know
       vether it ain't more.'
       'Well; that's pretty well,' said Sam.
       'Besides,' continued Mr. Weller, not noticing the interruption,
       'that's a wery different thing. You know what the counsel said,
       Sammy, as defended the gen'l'm'n as beat his wife with the poker,
       venever he got jolly. "And arter all, my Lord," says he, "it's a
       amiable weakness." So I says respectin' widders, Sammy, and so
       you'll say, ven you gets as old as me.'
       'I ought to ha' know'd better, I know,' said Sam.
       'Ought to ha' know'd better!' repeated Mr. Weller, striking the
       table with his fist. 'Ought to ha' know'd better! why, I know a
       young 'un as hasn't had half nor quarter your eddication--as
       hasn't slept about the markets, no, not six months--who'd ha'
       scorned to be let in, in such a vay; scorned it, Sammy.' In the
       excitement of feeling produced by this agonising reflection, Mr.
       Weller rang the bell, and ordered an additional pint of ale.
       'Well, it's no use talking about it now,' said Sam. 'It's over,
       and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they always
       says in Turkey, ven they cuts the wrong man's head off. It's my
       innings now, gov'nor, and as soon as I catches hold o' this 'ere
       Trotter, I'll have a good 'un.'
       'I hope you will, Sammy. I hope you will,' returned Mr. Weller.
       'Here's your health, Sammy, and may you speedily vipe off the
       disgrace as you've inflicted on the family name.' In honour of
       this toast Mr. Weller imbibed at a draught, at least two-thirds of
       a newly-arrived pint, and handed it over to his son, to dispose of
       the remainder, which he instantaneously did.
       'And now, Sammy,' said Mr. Weller, consulting a large double-
       faced silver watch that hung at the end of the copper chain.
       'Now it's time I was up at the office to get my vay-bill and see the
       coach loaded; for coaches, Sammy, is like guns--they requires
       to be loaded with wery great care, afore they go off.'
       At this parental and professional joke, Mr. Weller, junior,
       smiled a filial smile. His revered parent continued in a solemn tone--
       'I'm a-goin' to leave you, Samivel, my boy, and there's no
       telling ven I shall see you again. Your mother-in-law may ha'
       been too much for me, or a thousand things may have happened
       by the time you next hears any news o' the celebrated Mr. Veller
       o' the Bell Savage. The family name depends wery much upon
       you, Samivel, and I hope you'll do wot's right by it. Upon all
       little pints o' breedin', I know I may trust you as vell as if it was
       my own self. So I've only this here one little bit of adwice to give
       you. If ever you gets to up'ards o' fifty, and feels disposed to go
       a-marryin' anybody--no matter who--jist you shut yourself up
       in your own room, if you've got one, and pison yourself off hand.
       Hangin's wulgar, so don't you have nothin' to say to that. Pison
       yourself, Samivel, my boy, pison yourself, and you'll be glad on
       it arterwards.' With these affecting words, Mr. Weller looked
       steadfastly on his son, and turning slowly upon his heel,
       disappeared from his sight.
       In the contemplative mood which these words had awakened,
       Mr. Samuel Weller walked forth from the Great White Horse
       when his father had left him; and bending his steps towards St.
       Clement's Church, endeavoured to dissipate his melancholy, by
       strolling among its ancient precincts. He had loitered about, for
       some time, when he found himself in a retired spot--a kind of
       courtyard of venerable appearance--which he discovered had no
       other outlet than the turning by which he had entered. He was
       about retracing his steps, when he was suddenly transfixed to the
       spot by a sudden appearance; and the mode and manner of this
       appearance, we now proceed to relate.
       Mr. Samuel Weller had been staring up at the old brick houses
       now and then, in his deep abstraction, bestowing a wink upon
       some healthy-looking servant girl as she drew up a blind, or
       threw open a bedroom window, when the green gate of a garden
       at the bottom of the yard opened, and a man having emerged
       therefrom, closed the green gate very carefully after him, and
       walked briskly towards the very spot where Mr. Weller was standing.
       Now, taking this, as an isolated fact, unaccompanied by any
       attendant circumstances, there was nothing very extraordinary in
       it; because in many parts of the world men do come out of
       gardens, close green gates after them, and even walk briskly
       away, without attracting any particular share of public observation.
       It is clear, therefore, that there must have been something in
       the man, or in his manner, or both, to attract Mr. Weller's
       particular notice. Whether there was, or not, we must leave the
       reader to determine, when we have faithfully recorded the
       behaviour of the individual in question.
       When the man had shut the green gate after him, he walked,
       as we have said twice already, with a brisk pace up the courtyard;
       but he no sooner caught sight of Mr. Weller than he faltered, and
       stopped, as if uncertain, for the moment, what course to adopt.
       As the green gate was closed behind him, and there was no other
       outlet but the one in front, however, he was not long in perceiving
       that he must pass Mr. Samuel Weller to get away. He therefore
       resumed his brisk pace, and advanced, staring straight before
       him. The most extraordinary thing about the man was, that he
       was contorting his face into the most fearful and astonishing
       grimaces that ever were beheld. Nature's handiwork never was
       disguised with such extraordinary artificial carving, as the man
       had overlaid his countenance with in one moment.
       'Well!' said Mr. Weller to himself, as the man approached.
       'This is wery odd. I could ha' swore it was him.'
       Up came the man, and his face became more frightfully
       distorted than ever, as he drew nearer.
       'I could take my oath to that 'ere black hair and mulberry suit,'
       said Mr. Weller; 'only I never see such a face as that afore.'
       As Mr. Weller said this, the man's features assumed an
       unearthly twinge, perfectly hideous. He was obliged to pass very
       near Sam, however, and the scrutinising glance of that gentleman
       enabled him to detect, under all these appalling twists of feature,
       something too like the small eyes of Mr. Job Trotter to be
       easily mistaken.
       'Hollo, you Sir!' shouted Sam fiercely.
       The stranger stopped.
       'Hollo!' repeated Sam, still more gruffly.
       The man with the horrible face looked, with the greatest
       surprise, up the court, and down the court, and in at the windows
       of the houses--everywhere but at Sam Weller--and took another
       step forward, when he was brought to again by another shout.
       'Hollo, you sir!' said Sam, for the third time.
       There was no pretending to mistake where the voice came
       from now, so the stranger, having no other resource, at last
       looked Sam Weller full in the face.
       'It won't do, Job Trotter,' said Sam. 'Come! None o' that 'ere
       nonsense. You ain't so wery 'andsome that you can afford to
       throw avay many o' your good looks. Bring them 'ere eyes o'
       yourn back into their proper places, or I'll knock 'em out of
       your head. D'ye hear?'
       As Mr. Weller appeared fully disposed to act up to the spirit of
       this address, Mr. Trotter gradually allowed his face to resume its
       natural expression; and then giving a start of joy, exclaimed,
       'What do I see? Mr. Walker!'
       'Ah,' replied Sam. 'You're wery glad to see me, ain't you?'
       'Glad!' exclaimed Job Trotter; 'oh, Mr. Walker, if you had but
       known how I have looked forward to this meeting! It is too
       much, Mr. Walker; I cannot bear it, indeed I cannot.' And with
       these words, Mr. Trotter burst into a regular inundation of tears,
       and, flinging his arms around those of Mr. Weller, embraced him
       closely, in an ecstasy of joy.
       'Get off!' cried Sam, indignant at this process, and vainly
       endeavouring to extricate himself from the grasp of his
       enthusiastic acquaintance. 'Get off, I tell you. What are you crying
       over me for, you portable engine?'
       'Because I am so glad to see you,' replied Job Trotter, gradually
       releasing Mr. Weller, as the first symptoms of his pugnacity
       disappeared. 'Oh, Mr. Walker, this is too much.'
       'Too much!' echoed Sam, 'I think it is too much--rayther!
       Now, what have you got to say to me, eh?'
       Mr. Trotter made no reply; for the little pink pocket-handkerchief
       was in full force.
       'What have you got to say to me, afore I knock your head off?'
       repeated Mr. Weller, in a threatening manner.
       'Eh!' said Mr. Trotter, with a look of virtuous surprise.
       'What have you got to say to me?'
       'I, Mr. Walker!'
       'Don't call me Valker; my name's Veller; you know that vell
       enough. What have you got to say to me?'
       'Bless you, Mr. Walker--Weller, I mean--a great many things,
       if you will come away somewhere, where we can talk comfortably.
       If you knew how I have looked for you, Mr. Weller--'
       'Wery hard, indeed, I s'pose?' said Sam drily.
       'Very, very, Sir,' replied Mr. Trotter, without moving a muscle
       of his face. 'But shake hands, Mr. Weller.'
       Sam eyed his companion for a few seconds, and then, as if
       actuated by a sudden impulse, complied with his request.
       'How,' said Job Trotter, as they walked away, 'how is your
       dear, good master? Oh, he is a worthy gentleman, Mr. Weller!
       I hope he didn't catch cold, that dreadful night, Sir.'
       There was a momentary look of deep slyness in Job Trotter's
       eye, as he said this, which ran a thrill through Mr. Weller's
       clenched fist, as he burned with a desire to make a demonstration
       on his ribs. Sam constrained himself, however, and replied that
       his master was extremely well.
       'Oh, I am so glad,' replied Mr. Trotter; 'is he here?'
       'Is yourn?' asked Sam, by way of reply.
       'Oh, yes, he is here, and I grieve to say, Mr. Weller, he is going
       on worse than ever.'
       'Ah, ah!' said Sam.
       'Oh, shocking--terrible!'
       'At a boarding-school?' said Sam.
       'No, not at a boarding-school,' replied Job Trotter, with the
       same sly look which Sam had noticed before; 'not at a
       'At the house with the green gate?' said Sam, eyeing his
       companion closely.
       'No, no--oh, not there,' replied Job, with a quickness very
       unusual to him, 'not there.'
       'What was you a-doin' there?' asked Sam, with a sharp glance.
       'Got inside the gate by accident, perhaps?'
       'Why, Mr. Weller,' replied Job, 'I don't mind telling you my
       little secrets, because, you know, we took such a fancy for each
       other when we first met. You recollect how pleasant we were
       that morning?'
       'Oh, yes,' said Sam, impatiently. 'I remember. Well?'
       'Well,' replied Job, speaking with great precision, and in the
       low tone of a man who communicates an important secret; 'in
       that house with the green gate, Mr. Weller, they keep a good
       many servants.'
       'So I should think, from the look on it,' interposed Sam.
       'Yes,' continued Mr. Trotter, 'and one of them is a cook, who
       has saved up a little money, Mr. Weller, and is desirous, if she
       can establish herself in life, to open a little shop in the chandlery
       way, you see.'
       'Yes, Mr. Weller. Well, Sir, I met her at a chapel that I go to; a
       very neat little chapel in this town, Mr. Weller, where they sing
       the number four collection of hymns, which I generally carry
       about with me, in a little book, which you may perhaps have seen
       in my hand--and I got a little intimate with her, Mr. Weller, and
       from that, an acquaintance sprung up between us, and I may
       venture to say, Mr. Weller, that I am to be the chandler.'
       'Ah, and a wery amiable chandler you'll make,' replied Sam,
       eyeing Job with a side look of intense dislike.
       'The great advantage of this, Mr. Weller,' continued Job, his
       eyes filling with tears as he spoke, 'will be, that I shall be able to
       leave my present disgraceful service with that bad man, and to
       devote myself to a better and more virtuous life; more like the
       way in which I was brought up, Mr. Weller.'
       'You must ha' been wery nicely brought up,' said Sam.
       'Oh, very, Mr. Weller, very,' replied Job. At the recollection
       of the purity of his youthful days, Mr. Trotter pulled forth the
       pink handkerchief, and wept copiously.
       'You must ha' been an uncommon nice boy, to go to school
       vith,' said Sam.
       'I was, sir,' replied Job, heaving a deep sigh; 'I was the idol of
       the place.'
       'Ah,' said Sam, 'I don't wonder at it. What a comfort you
       must ha' been to your blessed mother.'
       At these words, Mr. Job Trotter inserted an end of the pink
       handkerchief into the corner of each eye, one after the other, and
       began to weep copiously.
       'Wot's the matter with the man,' said Sam, indignantly.
       'Chelsea water-works is nothin' to you. What are you melting
       vith now? The consciousness o' willainy?'
       'I cannot keep my feelings down, Mr. Weller,' said Job, after a
       short pause. 'To think that my master should have suspected the
       conversation I had with yours, and so dragged me away in a
       post-chaise, and after persuading the sweet young lady to say she
       knew nothing of him, and bribing the school-mistress to do the
       same, deserted her for a better speculation! Oh! Mr. Weller, it
       makes me shudder.'
       'Oh, that was the vay, was it?' said Mr. Weller.
       'To be sure it was,' replied Job.
       'Vell,' said Sam, as they had now arrived near the hotel, 'I vant
       to have a little bit o' talk with you, Job; so if you're not partickler
       engaged, I should like to see you at the Great White Horse to-
       night, somewheres about eight o'clock.'
       'I shall be sure to come,' said Job.
       'Yes, you'd better,' replied Sam, with a very meaning look, 'or
       else I shall perhaps be askin' arter you, at the other side of the
       green gate, and then I might cut you out, you know.'
       'I shall be sure to be with you, sir,' said Mr. Trotter;
       and wringing Sam's hand with the utmost fervour, he walked away.
       'Take care, Job Trotter, take care,' said Sam, looking after
       him, 'or I shall be one too many for you this time. I shall,
       indeed.' Having uttered this soliloquy, and looked after Job till
       he was to be seen no more, Mr. Weller made the best of his way
       to his master's bedroom.
       'It's all in training, Sir,' said Sam.
       'What's in training, Sam?' inquired Mr. Pickwick.
       'I've found 'em out, Sir,' said Sam.
       'Found out who?'
       'That 'ere queer customer, and the melan-cholly chap with the
       black hair.'
       'Impossible, Sam!' said Mr. Pickwick, with the greatest energy.
       'Where are they, Sam: where are they?'
       'Hush, hush!' replied Mr. Weller; and as he assisted Mr.
       Pickwick to dress, he detailed the plan of action on which he
       proposed to enter.
       'But when is this to be done, Sam?' inquired Mr. Pickwick.
       'All in good time, Sir,' replied Sam.
       Whether it was done in good time, or not, will be seen hereafter. _



Chapter 1. The Pickwickians
Chapter 2. The first Day's Journey, and the first Evening's Adventures; with their Consequences
Chapter 3. A new Acquaintance--The Stroller's Tale--A disagreeable Interruption, and an unpleasant Encounter
Chapter 4. A Field Day and Bivouac--More new Friends--An Invitation to the Country
Chapter 5. A short one--Showing, among other Matters, how Mr. Pickwick undertook to drive, and Mr. Winkle to ride, and how they both did it
Chapter 6. An old-fashioned Card-party--The Clergyman's verses--The Story of the Convict's Return
Chapter 7. How Mr. Winkle, instead of shooting at the Pigeon and killing the Crow, shot at the Crow and wounded the Pigeon; how Dingley Dell Cricket Club played All-Muggleton, and how All-Muggleton dined at the Dingley Dell Expense
Chapter 8. Strongly illustrative of the Position, that the Course of True Love is not a Railway
Chapter 9. A Discovery and a Chase
Chapter 10. Clearing up all Doubts (if any existed) of the Disinterestedness of Mr. A. Jingle's Character
Chapter 11. Involving another Journey, and an Antiquarian Discovery; Recording Mr. Pickwick's Determination to be present at an Election; and containing a Manuscript of the old Clergyman's
Chapter 12. Descriptive of a very important Proceeding on the Part of Mr. Pickwick; no less an Epoch in his Life, than in this History
Chapter 13. Some Account of Eatanswill; of the State of Parties therein; and of the Election of a Member to serve in Parliament for that ancient, loyal, and patriotic Borough
Chapter 14. Comprising a brief Description of the Company at the Peacock assembled; and a Tale told by a Bagman
Chapter 15. In which is given a faithful Portraiture of two distinguished Persons; and an accurate Description of a public Breakfast in their House: which public Breakfast leads to the Recognition of an old Acquaintance
Chapter 16. Too full of Adventure to be briefly described
Chapter 17. Showing that an Attack of Rheumatism, in some Cases, acts as a Quickener to inventive Genius
Chapter 18. Briefly illustrative of two Points; first, the Power of Hysterics, and, secondly, the Force of Circumstances
Chapter 19. A pleasant Day with an unpleasant Termination
Chapter 20. Showing how Dodson and Fogg were Men of Business, their Clerks Men of pleasure;how an affecting Interview between Mr. Weller and his long-lost Parent; what Choice Spirits assembled at the Magpie and Stump
Chapter 21. In which the old Man launches forth into his favourite Theme, and relates a Story about a queer Client
Chapter 22. Mr. Pickwick journeys to Ipswich and meets with a romantic Adventure with a middle-aged Lady in yellow Curl-papers
Chapter 23. In which Mr. Samuel Weller begins to devote his Energies to the Return Match between himself and Mr. Trotter
Chapter 24. Wherein Mr. Peter Magnus grows jealous, and the middle-aged Lady apprehensive, which brings the Pickwickians within the Grasp of the Law
Chapter 25. Showing, among a Variety of pleasant Matters, how majestic and impartial Mr. Nupkins was; and how Mr. Weller returned Mr. Job Trotter's Shuttlecock as heavily as it came--With another Matter, which will be found in its Place
Chapter 26. Which contains a brief Account of the Progress of the Action of Bardell against Pickwick
Chapter 27. Samuel Weller makes a Pilgrimage to Dorking, and beholds his Mother-in-law
Chapter 28. A good-humoured Christmas (Pickwick Papers)
Chapter 29. The Story of the Goblins who stole a Sexton
Chapter 30. How the Pickwickians made and cultivated the Acquaintance of a Couple of nice young Men belonging to one of the liberal Professions; how they disported themselves on the Ice; and how their Visit came to a Conclusion
Chapter 31. Which is all about the Law, and sundry Great Authorities learned therein
Chapter 32. Describes, far more fully than the Court Newsman ever did, a Bachelor's Party, given by Mr. Bob Sawyer at his Lodgings in the Borough
Chapter 33. Mr. Weller the elder delivers some Critical Sentiments respecting Literary Composition; and, assisted by his Son Samuel, pays a small Instalment of Retaliation to the Account of the Reverend Gentleman with the Red Nose
Chapter 34. Is wholly devoted to a full and faithful Report of the memorable Trial of Bardell against Pickwick
Chapter 35. In which Mr. Pickwick thinks he had better go to Bath; and goes accordingly
Chapter 36. The chief Features of which will be found to be an authentic Version of the Legend of Prince Bladud, and a most extraordinary Calamity that befell Mr. Winkle
Chapter 37. Honourably accounts for Mr. Weller's Absence, by describing a Soiree to which he was invited and went; also relates how he was intrusted by Mr. Pickwick with a Private Mission of Delicacy and Importance
Chapter 38. How Mr. Winkle, when he stepped out of the Frying-pan, walked gently and comfortably into the Fire
Chapter 39. Mr. Samuel Weller, being intrusted with a Mission of Love, proceeds to execute it; with what Success will hereinafter appear
Chapter 40. Introduces Mr. Pickwick to a new and not uninteresting Scene in the great Drama of Life
Chapter 41. Whatt befell Mr. Pickwick when he got into the Fleet; what Prisoners he saw there; and how he passed the Night
Chapter 42. Illustrative, like the preceding one, of the old Proverb, that Adversity brings a Man acquainted with strange Bedfellows--Likewise containing Mr. Pickwick's extraordinary and startling Announcement to Mr. Samuel Weller
Chapter 43. Showing how Mr. Samuel Weller got into Difficulties
Chapter 44. Treats of divers little Matters which occurred in the Fleet, and of Mr. Winkle's mysterious Behaviour; and shows how the poor Chancery Prisoner obtained his Release at last
Chapter 45. Descriptive of an affecting Interview between Mr. Samuel Weller and a Family Party. Mr. Pickwick makes a Tour of the diminutive World he inhabits, and resolves to mix with it, in Future, as little as possible
Chapter 46. Records a touching Act of delicate Feeling not unmixed with Pleasantry, achieved and performed by Messrs. Dodson and Fogg
Chapter 47. Is chiefly devoted to Matters of Business, and the temporal Advantage of Dodson and Fogg-- Mr. Winkle reappears under extraordinary Circumstances--Mr. Pickwick's Benevolence proves stronger than his Obstinacy
Chapter 48. Relates how Mr. Pickwick, with the Assistance of Samuel Weller, essayed to soften the Heart of Mr. Benjamin Allen, and to mollify the Wrath of Mr. Robert Sawyer
Chapter 49. Containing the Story of the Bagman's Uncle
Chapter 50. How Mr. Pickwick sped upon his Mission, and how he was reinforced in the Outset by a most unexpected Auxiliary
Chapter 51. In which Mr. Pickwick encounters an old Acquaintance--To which fortunate Circumstance the Reader is mainly indebted for Matter of thrilling Interest herein set down, concerning two great Public Men of Might and Power
Chapter 52. Involving a serious Change in the Weller Family, and the untimely Downfall of Mr. Stiggins
Chapter 53. Comprising the final Exit of Mr. Jingle and Job Trotter, with a great Morning of business in Gray's Inn Square--Concluding with a Double Knock at Mr. Perker's Door
Chapter 54. Containing some Particulars relative to the Double Knock, and other Matters: among which certain interesting Disclosures relative to Mr. Snodgrass and a Young Lady are by no Means irrelevant to this History
Chapter 55. Mr. Solomon Pell, assisted by a Select Committee of Coachmen, arranges the affairs of the elder Mr. Weller
Chapter 56. An important Conference takes place between Mr. Pickwick and Samuel Weller, at which his Parent assists--An old Gentleman in a snuff-coloured Suit arrives unexpectedly
Chapter 57. In which the Pickwick Club is finally dissolved, and everything concluded to the Satisfaction of Everybody