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Pickwick Papers, The
Chapter 11. Involving another Journey, and an Antiquarian Discovery; Recording Mr. Pickwick's Determination to be present at an Election; and containing a Manuscript of the old Clergyman's
Charles Dickens
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       _ A night of quiet and repose in the profound silence of Dingley
       Dell, and an hour's breathing of its fresh and fragrant air
       on the ensuing morning, completely recovered Mr. Pickwick
       from the effects of his late fatigue of body and anxiety of mind.
       That illustrious man had been separated from his friends and
       fol lowers for two whole days; and it was with a degree of pleasure
       and delight, which no common imagination can adequately
       conceive, that he stepped forward to greet Mr. Winkle and Mr.
       Snodgrass, as he encountered those gentlemen on his return from
       his early walk. The pleasure was mutual; for who could ever gaze
       on Mr. Pickwick's beaming face without experiencing the
       sensation? But still a cloud seemed to hang over his companions
       which that great man could not but be sensible of, and was wholly
       at a loss to account for. There was a mysterious air about them
       both, as unusual as it was alarming.
       'And how,' said Mr. Pickwick, when he had grasped his
       followers by the hand, and exchanged warm salutations of
       welcome--'how is Tupman?'
       Mr. Winkle, to whom the question was more peculiarly
       addressed, made no reply. He turned away his head, and appeared
       absorbed in melancholy reflection.
       'Snodgrass,' said Mr. Pickwick earnestly, 'how is our friend--
       he is not ill?'
       'No,' replied Mr. Snodgrass; and a tear trembled on his
       sentimental eyelid, like a rain-drop on a window-frame-'no; he
       is not ill.'
       Mr. Pickwick stopped, and gazed on each of his friends in turn.
       'Winkle--Snodgrass,' said Mr. Pickwick; 'what does this
       mean? Where is our friend? What has happened? Speak--I
       conjure, I entreat--nay, I command you, speak.'
       There was a solemnity--a dignity--in Mr. Pickwick's manner,
       not to be withstood.
       'He is gone,' said Mr. Snodgrass.
       'Gone!' exclaimed Mr. Pickwick. 'Gone!'
       'Gone,' repeated Mr. Snodgrass.
       'Where!' ejaculated Mr. Pickwick.
       'We can only guess, from that communication,' replied Mr.
       Snodgrass, taking a letter from his pocket, and placing it in his
       friend's hand. 'Yesterday morning, when a letter was received
       from Mr. Wardle, stating that you would be home with his sister
       at night, the melancholy which had hung over our friend during
       the whole of the previous day, was observed to increase. He
       shortly afterwards disappeared: he was missing during the whole
       day, and in the evening this letter was brought by the hostler
       from the Crown, at Muggleton. It had been left in his charge in
       the morning, with a strict injunction that it should not be
       delivered until night.'
       Mr. Pickwick opened the epistle. It was in his friend's hand-
       writing, and these were its contents:--
       'MY DEAR PICKWICK,--YOU, my dear friend, are placed far
       beyond the reach of many mortal frailties and weaknesses which
       ordinary people cannot overcome. You do not know what it
       is, at one blow, to be deserted by a lovely and fascinating
       creature, and to fall a victim to the artifices of a villain, who had
       the grin of cunning beneath the mask of friendship. I hope you
       never may.
       'Any letter addressed to me at the Leather Bottle, Cobham,
       Kent, will be forwarded--supposing I still exist. I hasten from
       the sight of that world, which has become odious to me. Should
       I hasten from it altogether, pity--forgive me. Life, my dear
       Pickwick, has become insupportable to me. The spirit which
       burns within us, is a porter's knot, on which to rest the heavy
       load of worldly cares and troubles; and when that spirit fails us,
       the burden is too heavy to be borne. We sink beneath it. You
       may tell Rachael--Ah, that name!--
       'TRACY TupmAN.'
       'We must leave this place directly,' said Mr. Pickwick, as he
       refolded the note. 'It would not have been decent for us to
       remain here, under any circumstances, after what has happened;
       and now we are bound to follow in search of our friend.' And
       so saying, he led the way to the house.
       His intention was rapidly communicated. The entreaties to
       remain were pressing, but Mr. Pickwick was inflexible. Business,
       he said, required his immediate attendance.
       The old clergyman was present.
       'You are not really going?' said he, taking Mr. Pickwick aside.
       Mr. Pickwick reiterated his former determination.
       'Then here,' said the old gentleman, 'is a little manuscript,
       which I had hoped to have the pleasure of reading to you myself.
       I found it on the death of a friend of mine--a medical man,
       engaged in our county lunatic asylum--among a variety of
       papers, which I had the option of destroying or preserving, as I
       thought proper. I can hardly believe that the manuscript is
       genuine, though it certainly is not in my friend's hand. However,
       whether it be the genuine production of a maniac, or founded
       upon the ravings of some unhappy being (which I think more
       probable), read it, and judge for yourself.'
       Mr. Pickwick received the manuscript, and parted from the
       benevolent old gentleman with many expressions of good-will
       and esteem.
       It was a more difficult task to take leave of the inmates of
       Manor Farm, from whom they had received so much hospitality
       and kindness. Mr. Pickwick kissed the young ladies--we were
       going to say, as if they were his own daughters, only, as he might
       possibly have infused a little more warmth into the salutation, the
       comparison would not be quite appropriate--hugged the old lady
       with filial cordiality; and patted the rosy cheeks of the female
       servants in a most patriarchal manner, as he slipped into the
       hands of each some more substantial expression of his approval.
       The exchange of cordialities with their fine old host and Mr.
       Trundle was even more hearty and prolonged; and it was not
       until Mr. Snodgrass had been several times called for, and at last
       emerged from a dark passage followed soon after by Emily
       (whose bright eyes looked unusually dim), that the three friends
       were enabled to tear themselves from their friendly entertainers.
       Many a backward look they gave at the farm, as they walked
       slowly away; and many a kiss did Mr. Snodgrass waft in the air,
       in acknowledgment of something very like a lady's handkerchief,
       which was waved from one of the upper windows, until a turn of
       the lane hid the old house from their sight.
       At Muggleton they procured a conveyance to Rochester. By
       the time they reached the last-named place, the violence of their
       grief had sufficiently abated to admit of their making a very
       excellent early dinner; and having procured the necessary information
       relative to the road, the three friends set forward again in
       the afternoon to walk to Cobham.
       A delightful walk it was; for it was a pleasant afternoon in
       June, and their way lay through a deep and shady wood, cooled
       by the light wind which gently rustled the thick foliage, and
       enlivened by the songs of the birds that perched upon the boughs.
       The ivy and the moss crept in thick clusters over the old trees,
       and the soft green turf overspread the ground like a silken
       mat. They emerged upon an open park, with an ancient hall,
       displaying the quaint and picturesque architecture of Elizabeth's
       time. Long vistas of stately oaks and elm trees appeared on
       every side; large herds of deer were cropping the fresh grass;
       and occasionally a startled hare scoured along the ground,
       with the speed of the shadows thrown by the light clouds
       which swept across a sunny landscape like a passing breath of summer.
       'If this,' said Mr. Pickwick, looking about him--'if this were
       the place to which all who are troubled with our friend's complaint
       came, I fancy their old attachment to this world would very
       soon return.'
       'I think so too,' said Mr. Winkle.
       'And really,' added Mr. Pickwick, after half an hour's walking
       had brought them to the village, 'really, for a misanthrope's
       choice, this is one of the prettiest and most desirable places of
       residence I ever met with.'
       In this opinion also, both Mr. Winkle and Mr. Snodgrass
       expressed their concurrence; and having been directed to the
       Leather Bottle, a clean and commodious village ale-house, the
       three travellers entered, and at once inquired for a gentleman of
       the name of Tupman.
       'Show the gentlemen into the parlour, Tom,' said the landlady.
       A stout country lad opened a door at the end of the passage,
       and the three friends entered a long, low-roofed room, furnished
       with a large number of high-backed leather-cushioned chairs, of
       fantastic shapes, and embellished with a great variety of old
       portraits and roughly-coloured prints of some antiquity. At the
       upper end of the room was a table, with a white cloth upon it,
       well covered with a roast fowl, bacon, ale, and et ceteras; and at
       the table sat Mr. Tupman, looking as unlike a man who had
       taken his leave of the world, as possible.
       On the entrance of his friends, that gentleman laid down his
       knife and fork, and with a mournful air advanced to meet them.
       'I did not expect to see you here,' he said, as he grasped Mr.
       Pickwick's hand. 'It's very kind.'
       'Ah!' said Mr. Pickwick, sitting down, and wiping from his
       forehead the perspiration which the walk had engendered. 'Finish
       your dinner, and walk out with me. I wish to speak to you alone.'
       Mr. Tupman did as he was desired; and Mr. Pickwick having refreshed
       himself with a copious draught of ale, waited his friend's leisure.
       The dinner was quickly despatched, and they walked out together.
       For half an hour, their forms might have been seen pacing the
       churchyard to and fro, while Mr. Pickwick was engaged in
       combating his companion's resolution. Any repetition of his
       arguments would be useless; for what language could convey to
       them that energy and force which their great originator's manner
       communicated? Whether Mr. Tupman was already tired of
       retirement, or whether he was wholly unable to resist the eloquent
       appeal which was made to him, matters not, he did NOT resist it
       at last.
       'It mattered little to him,' he said, 'where he dragged out the
       miserable remainder of his days; and since his friend laid so
       much stress upon his humble companionship, he was willing to
       share his adventures.'
       Mr. Pickwick smiled; they shook hands, and walked back to
       rejoin their companions.
       It was at this moment that Mr. Pickwick made that immortal
       discovery, which has been the pride and boast of his friends, and
       the envy of every antiquarian in this or any other country. They
       had passed the door of their inn, and walked a little way down
       the village, before they recollected the precise spot in which it
       stood. As they turned back, Mr. Pickwick's eye fell upon a small
       broken stone, partially buried in the ground, in front of a cottage
       door. He paused.
       'This is very strange,' said Mr. Pickwick.
       'What is strange?' inquired Mr. Tupman, staring eagerly at
       every object near him, but the right one. 'God bless me, what's
       the matter?'
       This last was an ejaculation of irrepressible astonishment,
       occasioned by seeing Mr. Pickwick, in his enthusiasm for
       discovery, fall on his knees before the little stone, and commence
       wiping the dust off it with his pocket-handkerchief.
       'There is an inscription here,' said Mr. Pickwick.
       'Is it possible?' said Mr. Tupman.
       'I can discern,'continued Mr. Pickwick, rubbing away with all
       his might, and gazing intently through his spectacles--'I can
       discern a cross, and a 13, and then a T. This is important,'
       continued Mr. Pickwick, starting up. 'This is some very old
       inscription, existing perhaps long before the ancient alms-houses
       in this place. It must not be lost.'
       He tapped at the cottage door. A labouring man opened it.
       'Do you know how this stone came here, my friend?' inquired
       the benevolent Mr. Pickwick.
       'No, I doan't, Sir,' replied the man civilly. 'It was here long
       afore I was born, or any on us.'
       Mr. Pickwick glanced triumphantly at his companion.
       'You--you--are not particularly attached to it, I dare say,'
       said Mr. Pickwick, trembling with anxiety. 'You wouldn't mind
       selling it, now?'
       'Ah! but who'd buy it?' inquired the man, with an expression
       of face which he probably meant to be very cunning.
       'I'll give you ten shillings for it, at once,' said Mr. Pickwick,
       'if you would take it up for me.'
       The astonishment of the village may be easily imagined, when
       (the little stone having been raised with one wrench of a spade)
       Mr. Pickwick, by dint of great personal exertion, bore it with his
       own hands to the inn, and after having carefully washed it,
       deposited it on the table.
       The exultation and joy of the Pickwickians knew no bounds,
       when their patience and assiduity, their washing and scraping,
       were crowned with success. The stone was uneven and broken,
       and the letters were straggling and irregular, but the following
       fragment of an inscription was clearly to be deciphered:--
       [cross] B I L S T
       u m
       P S H I
       S. M.
       Mr. Pickwick's eyes sparkled with delight, as he sat and
       gloated over the treasure he had discovered. He had attained one
       of the greatest objects of his ambition. In a county known to
       abound in the remains of the early ages; in a village in which
       there still existed some memorials of the olden time, he--he, the
       chairman of the Pickwick Club--had discovered a strange and
       curious inscription of unquestionable antiquity, which had
       wholly escaped the observation of the many learned men who had
       preceded him. He could hardly trust the evidence of his senses.
       'This--this,' said he, 'determines me. We return to town to-morrow.'
       'To-morrow!' exclaimed his admiring followers.
       'To-morrow,' said Mr. Pickwick. 'This treasure must be at once
       deposited where it can be thoroughly investigated and properly
       understood. I have another reason for this step. In a few days,
       an election is to take place for the borough of Eatanswill, at
       which Mr. Perker, a gentleman whom I lately met, is the agent of
       one of the candidates. We will behold, and minutely examine, a
       scene so interesting to every Englishman.'
       'We will,' was the animated cry of three voices.
       Mr. Pickwick looked round him. The attachment and fervour
       of his followers lighted up a glow of enthusiasm within him. He
       was their leader, and he felt it.
       'Let us celebrate this happy meeting with a convivial glass,' said
       he. This proposition, like the other, was received with unanimous
       applause. Having himself deposited the important stone in a small
       deal box, purchased from the landlady for the purpose, he
       placed himself in an arm-chair, at the head of the table; and the
       evening was devoted to festivity and conversation.
       It was past eleven o'clock--a late hour for the little village of
       Cobham--when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which had
       been prepared for his reception. He threw open the lattice
       window, and setting his light upon the table, fell into a train of
       meditation on the hurried events of the two preceding days.
       The hour and the place were both favourable to contemplation;
       Mr. Pickwick was roused by the church clock striking
       twelve. The first stroke of the hour sounded solemnly in his ear,
       but when the bell ceased the stillness seemed insupportable--he
       almost felt as if he had lost a companion. He was nervous and
       excited; and hastily undressing himself and placing his light in
       the chimney, got into bed.
       Every one has experienced that disagreeable state of mind, in
       which a sensation of bodily weariness in vain contends against an
       inability to sleep. It was Mr. Pickwick's condition at this
       moment: he tossed first on one side and then on the other; and
       perseveringly closed his eyes as if to coax himself to slumber. It
       was of no use. Whether it was the unwonted exertion he had
       undergone, or the heat, or the brandy-and-water, or the strange
       bed--whatever it was, his thoughts kept reverting very
       uncomfortably to the grim pictures downstairs, and the old stories
       to which they had given rise in the course of the evening. After
       half an hour's tumbling about, he came to the unsatisfactory
       conclusion, that it was of no use trying to sleep; so he got up and
       partially dressed himself. Anything, he thought, was better than
       lying there fancying all kinds of horrors. He looked out of the
       window--it was very dark. He walked about the room--it was
       very lonely.
       He had taken a few turns from the door to the window, and
       from the window to the door, when the clergyman's manuscript
       for the first time entered his head. It was a good thought. if it
       failed to interest him, it might send him to sleep. He took it from
       his coat pocket, and drawing a small table towards his bedside,
       trimmed the light, put on his spectacles, and composed himself
       to read. It was a strange handwriting, and the paper was much
       soiled and blotted. The title gave him a sudden start, too; and he
       could not avoid casting a wistful glance round the room.
       Reflecting on the absurdity of giving way to such feelings,
       however, he trimmed the light again, and read as follows:--
       'Yes!--a madman's! How that word would have struck to my
       heart, many years ago! How it would have roused the terror that
       used to come upon me sometimes, sending the blood hissing and
       tingling through my veins, till the cold dew of fear stood in large
       drops upon my skin, and my knees knocked together with
       fright! I like it now though. It's a fine name. Show me the
       monarch whose angry frown was ever feared like the glare of a
       madman's eye--whose cord and axe were ever half so sure as
       a madman's gripe. Ho! ho! It's a grand thing to be mad! to be
       peeped at like a wild lion through the iron bars--to gnash one's
       teeth and howl, through the long still night, to the merry ring of
       a heavy chain and to roll and twine among the straw, transported
       with such brave music. Hurrah for the madhouse! Oh, it's
       a rare place!
       'I remember days when I was afraid of being mad; when I used
       to start from my sleep, and fall upon my knees, and pray to be
       spared from the curse of my race; when I rushed from the sight of
       merriment or happiness, to hide myself in some lonely place, and
       spend the weary hours in watching the progress of the fever that
       was to consume my brain. I knew that madness was mixed up
       with my very blood, and the marrow of my bones! that one
       generation had passed away without the pestilence appearing
       among them, and that I was the first in whom it would revive. I
       knew it must be so: that so it always had been, and so it ever
       would be: and when I cowered in some obscure corner of a
       crowded room, and saw men whisper, and point, and turn their
       eyes towards me, I knew they were telling each other of the
       doomed madman; and I slunk away again to mope in solitude.
       'I did this for years; long, long years they were. The nights here
       are long sometimes--very long; but they are nothing to the
       restless nights, and dreadful dreams I had at that time. It makes
       me cold to remember them. Large dusky forms with sly and
       jeering faces crouched in the corners of the room, and bent over
       my bed at night, tempting me to madness. They told me in low
       whispers, that the floor of the old house in which my father died,
       was stained with his own blood, shed by his own hand in raging
       madness. I drove my fingers into my ears, but they screamed into
       my head till the room rang with it, that in one generation before
       him the madness slumbered, but that his grandfather had lived
       for years with his hands fettered to the ground, to prevent his
       tearing himself to pieces. I knew they told the truth--I knew it
       well. I had found it out years before, though they had tried to
       keep it from me. Ha! ha! I was too cunning for them, madman
       as they thought me.
       'At last it came upon me, and I wondered how I could ever
       have feared it. I could go into the world now, and laugh and
       shout with the best among them. I knew I was mad, but they did
       not even suspect it. How I used to hug myself with delight, when
       I thought of the fine trick I was playing them after their old
       pointing and leering, when I was not mad, but only dreading that
       I might one day become so! And how I used to laugh for joy,
       when I was alone, and thought how well I kept my secret, and
       how quickly my kind friends would have fallen from me, if they
       had known the truth. I could have screamed with ecstasy when I
       dined alone with some fine roaring fellow, to think how pale he
       would have turned, and how fast he would have run, if he had
       known that the dear friend who sat close to him, sharpening a
       bright, glittering knife, was a madman with all the power, and
       half the will, to plunge it in his heart. Oh, it was a merry life!
       'Riches became mine, wealth poured in upon me, and I rioted
       in pleasures enhanced a thousandfold to me by the consciousness
       of my well-kept secret. I inherited an estate. The law--the eagle-
       eyed law itself--had been deceived, and had handed over disputed
       thousands to a madman's hands. Where was the wit of the sharp-
       sighted men of sound mind? Where the dexterity of the lawyers,
       eager to discover a flaw? The madman's cunning had overreached
       them all.
       'I had money. How I was courted! I spent it profusely. How I
       was praised! How those three proud, overbearing brothers
       humbled themselves before me! The old, white-headed father,
       too--such deference--such respect--such devoted friendship--
       he worshipped me! The old man had a daughter, and the young
       men a sister; and all the five were poor. I was rich; and when I
       married the girl, I saw a smile of triumph play upon the faces of
       her needy relatives, as they thought of their well-planned scheme,
       and their fine prize. It was for me to smile. To smile! To laugh
       outright, and tear my hair, and roll upon the ground with shrieks
       of merriment. They little thought they had married her to a madman.
       'Stay. If they had known it, would they have saved her? A
       sister's happiness against her husband's gold. The lightest feather
       I blow into the air, against the gay chain that ornaments my body!
       'In one thing I was deceived with all my cunning. If I had not
       been mad--for though we madmen are sharp-witted enough, we
       get bewildered sometimes--I should have known that the girl
       would rather have been placed, stiff and cold in a dull leaden
       coffin, than borne an envied bride to my rich, glittering house. I
       should have known that her heart was with the dark-eyed boy
       whose name I once heard her breathe in her troubled sleep; and
       that she had been sacrificed to me, to relieve the poverty of the
       old, white-headed man and the haughty brothers.
       'I don't remember forms or faces now, but I know the girl was
       beautiful. I know she was; for in the bright moonlight nights,
       when I start up from my sleep, and all is quiet about me, I see,
       standing still and motionless in one corner of this cell, a slight
       and wasted figure with long black hair, which, streaming down
       her back, stirs with no earthly wind, and eyes that fix their gaze
       on me, and never wink or close. Hush! the blood chills at my
       heart as I write it down--that form is HERS; the face is very pale,
       and the eyes are glassy bright; but I know them well. That figure
       never moves; it never frowns and mouths as others do, that fill
       this place sometimes; but it is much more dreadful to me, even
       than the spirits that tempted me many years ago--it comes fresh
       from the grave; and is so very death-like.
       'For nearly a year I saw that face grow paler; for nearly a year
       I saw the tears steal down the mournful cheeks, and never knew
       the cause. I found it out at last though. They could not keep it
       from me long. She had never liked me; I had never thought she
       did: she despised my wealth, and hated the splendour in which
       she lived; but I had not expected that. She loved another. This I
       had never thought of. Strange feelings came over me, and
       thoughts, forced upon me by some secret power, whirled round
       and round my brain. I did not hate her, though I hated the boy
       she still wept for. I pitied--yes, I pitied--the wretched life to
       which her cold and selfish relations had doomed her. I knew that
       she could not live long; but the thought that before her death she
       might give birth to some ill-fated being, destined to hand down
       madness to its offspring, determined me. I resolved to kill her.
       'For many weeks I thought of poison, and then of drowning,
       and then of fire. A fine sight, the grand house in flames, and the
       madman's wife smouldering away to cinders. Think of the jest of
       a large reward, too, and of some sane man swinging in the wind
       for a deed he never did, and all through a madman's cunning!
       I thought often of this, but I gave it up at last. Oh! the pleasure
       of stropping the razor day after day, feeling the sharp edge, and
       thinking of the gash one stroke of its thin, bright edge would make!
       'At last the old spirits who had been with me so often before
       whispered in my ear that the time was come, and thrust the open
       razor into my hand. I grasped it firmly, rose softly from the bed,
       and leaned over my sleeping wife. Her face was buried in her
       hands. I withdrew them softly, and they fell listlessly on her
       bosom. She had been weeping; for the traces of the tears were
       still wet upon her cheek. Her face was calm and placid; and even
       as I looked upon it, a tranquil smile lighted up her pale features.
       I laid my hand softly on her shoulder. She started--it was only a
       passing dream. I leaned forward again. She screamed, and woke.
       'One motion of my hand, and she would never again have
       uttered cry or sound. But I was startled, and drew back. Her eyes
       were fixed on mine. I knew not how it was, but they cowed and
       frightened me; and I quailed beneath them. She rose from the bed,
       still gazing fixedly and steadily on me. I trembled; the razor was
       in my hand, but I could not move. She made towards the door.
       As she neared it, she turned, and withdrew her eyes from my face.
       The spell was broken. I bounded forward, and clutched her by
       the arm. Uttering shriek upon shriek, she sank upon the ground.
       'Now I could have killed her without a struggle; but the house
       was alarmed. I heard the tread of footsteps on the stairs. I
       replaced the razor in its usual drawer, unfastened the door, and
       called loudly for assistance.
       'They came, and raised her, and placed her on the bed. She lay bereft
       of animation for hours; and when life, look, and speech returned,
       her senses had deserted her, and she raved wildly and furiously.
       'Doctors were called in--great men who rolled up to my door
       in easy carriages, with fine horses and gaudy servants. They were
       at her bedside for weeks. They had a great meeting and consulted
       together in low and solemn voices in another room. One, the
       cleverest and most celebrated among them, took me aside, and
       bidding me prepare for the worst, told me--me, the madman!--
       that my wife was mad. He stood close beside me at an open
       window, his eyes looking in my face, and his hand laid upon my
       arm. With one effort, I could have hurled him into the street
       beneath. It would have been rare sport to have done it; but my
       secret was at stake, and I let him go. A few days after, they told
       me I must place her under some restraint: I must provide a
       keeper for her. I! I went into the open fields where none could
       hear me, and laughed till the air resounded with my shouts!
       'She died next day. The white-headed old man followed her to
       the grave, and the proud brothers dropped a tear over the
       insensible corpse of her whose sufferings they had regarded in her
       lifetime with muscles of iron. All this was food for my secret
       mirth, and I laughed behind the white handkerchief which I held
       up to my face, as we rode home, till the tears Came into my eyes.
       'But though I had carried my object and killed her, I was
       restless and disturbed, and I felt that before long my secret must
       be known. I could not hide the wild mirth and joy which boiled
       within me, and made me when I was alone, at home, jump up and
       beat my hands together, and dance round and round, and roar
       aloud. When I went out, and saw the busy crowds hurrying
       about the streets; or to the theatre, and heard the sound of
       music, and beheld the people dancing, I felt such glee, that I
       could have rushed among them, and torn them to pieces limb
       from limb, and howled in transport. But I ground my teeth, and
       struck my feet upon the floor, and drove my sharp nails into my
       hands. I kept it down; and no one knew I was a madman yet.
       'I remember--though it's one of the last things I can remember:
       for now I mix up realities with my dreams, and having so much
       to do, and being always hurried here, have no time to separate
       the two, from some strange confusion in which they get involved
       --I remember how I let it out at last. Ha! ha! I think I see their
       frightened looks now, and feel the ease with which I flung them
       from me, and dashed my clenched fist into their white faces, and
       then flew like the wind, and left them screaming and shouting
       far behind. The strength of a giant comes upon me when I think
       of it. There--see how this iron bar bends beneath my furious
       wrench. I could snap it like a twig, only there are long galleries
       here with many doors--I don't think I could find my way along
       them; and even if I could, I know there are iron gates below
       which they keep locked and barred. They know what a clever
       madman I have been, and they are proud to have me here, to show.
       'Let me see: yes, I had been out. It was late at night when I
       reached home, and found the proudest of the three proud
       brothers waiting to see me--urgent business he said: I recollect
       it well. I hated that man with all a madman's hate. Many and
       many a time had my fingers longed to tear him. They told me he
       was there. I ran swiftly upstairs. He had a word to say to me. I
       dismissed the servants. It was late, and we were alone together--
       for the first time.
       'I kept my eyes carefully from him at first, for I knew what he
       little thought--and I gloried in the knowledge--that the light of
       madness gleamed from them like fire. We sat in silence for a few
       minutes. He spoke at last. My recent dissipation, and strange
       remarks, made so soon after his sister's death, were an insult to
       her memory. Coupling together many circumstances which had
       at first escaped his observation, he thought I had not treated her
       well. He wished to know whether he was right in inferring that I
       meant to cast a reproach upon her memory, and a disrespect upon her
       family. It was due to the uniform he wore, to demand this explanation.
       'This man had a commission in the army--a commission,
       purchased with my money, and his sister's misery! This was the
       man who had been foremost in the plot to ensnare me, and grasp
       my wealth. This was the man who had been the main instrument
       in forcing his sister to wed me; well knowing that her heart was
       given to that puling boy. Due to his uniform! The livery of his
       degradation! I turned my eyes upon him--I could not help it--
       but I spoke not a word.
       'I saw the sudden change that came upon him beneath my
       gaze. He was a bold man, but the colour faded from his face, and
       he drew back his chair. I dragged mine nearer to him; and I
       laughed--I was very merry then--I saw him shudder. I felt the
       madness rising within me. He was afraid of me.
       '"You were very fond of your sister when she was alive," I
       'He looked uneasily round him, and I saw his hand grasp the
       back of his chair; but he said nothing.
       '"You villain," said I, "I found you out: I discovered your
       hellish plots against me; I know her heart was fixed on some one
       else before you compelled her to marry me. I know it--I know it."
       'He jumped suddenly from his chair, brandished it aloft, and
       bid me stand back--for I took care to be getting closer to him all
       the time I spoke.
       'I screamed rather than talked, for I felt tumultuous passions
       eddying through my veins, and the old spirits whispering and
       taunting me to tear his heart out.
       '"Damn you," said I, starting up, and rushing upon him; "I
       killed her. I am a madman. Down with you. Blood, blood! I will
       have it!"
       'I turned aside with one blow the chair he hurled at me in his
       terror, and closed with him; and with a heavy crash we rolled
       upon the floor together.
       'It was a fine struggle that; for he was a tall, strong man,
       fighting for his life; and I, a powerful madman, thirsting to
       destroy him. I knew no strength could equal mine, and I was
       right. Right again, though a madman! His struggles grew fainter.
       I knelt upon his chest, and clasped his brawny throat firmly with
       both hands. His face grew purple; his eyes were starting from his
       head, and with protruded tongue, he seemed to mock me. I
       squeezed the tighter.
       'The door was suddenly burst open with a loud noise, and a
       crowd of people rushed forward, crying aloud to each other to
       secure the madman.
       'My secret was out; and my only struggle now was for liberty
       and freedom. I gained my feet before a hand was on me, threw
       myself among my assailants, and cleared my way with my strong
       arm, as if I bore a hatchet in my hand, and hewed them down
       before me. I gained the door, dropped over the banisters, and in
       an instant was in the street.
       'Straight and swift I ran, and no one dared to stop me. I heard
       the noise of the feet behind, and redoubled my speed. It grew
       fainter and fainter in the distance, and at length died away
       altogether; but on I bounded, through marsh and rivulet, over
       fence and wall, with a wild shout which was taken up by the
       strange beings that flocked around me on every side, and swelled
       the sound, till it pierced the air. I was borne upon the arms of
       demons who swept along upon the wind, and bore down bank
       and hedge before them, and spun me round and round with a
       rustle and a speed that made my head swim, until at last they
       threw me from them with a violent shock, and I fell heavily upon
       the earth. When I woke I found myself here--here in this gray
       cell, where the sunlight seldom comes, and the moon steals in, in
       rays which only serve to show the dark shadows about me, and that
       silent figure in its old corner. When I lie awake, I can sometimes
       hear strange shrieks and cries from distant parts of this
       large place. What they are, I know not; but they neither come
       from that pale form, nor does it regard them. For from the first
       shades of dusk till the earliest light of morning, it still stands
       motionless in the same place, listening to the music of my iron
       chain, and watching my gambols on my straw bed.'
       At the end of the manuscript was written, in another hand, this
       [The unhappy man whose ravings are recorded above, was a
       melancholy instance of the baneful results of energies
       misdirected in early life, and excesses prolonged until their
       consequences could never be repaired. The thoughtless riot,
       dissipation, and debauchery of his younger days produced fever and
       delirium. The first effects of the latter was the strange delusion,
       founded upon a well-known medical theory, strongly contended
       for by some, and as strongly contested by others, that an
       hereditary madness existed in his family. This produced a settled
       gloom, which in time developed a morbid insanity, and finally
       terminated in raving madness. There is every reason to believe
       that the events he detailed, though distorted in the description
       by his diseased imagination, really happened. It is only matter of
       wonder to those who were acquainted with the vices of his early
       career, that his passions, when no longer controlled by reason,
       did not lead him to the commission of still more frightful deeds.]
       Mr. Pickwick's candle was just expiring in the socket, as he
       concluded the perusal of the old clergyman's manuscript; and
       when the light went suddenly out, without any previous flicker
       by way of warning, it communicated a very considerable start to
       his excited frame. Hastily throwing off such articles of clothing as
       he had put on when he rose from his uneasy bed, and casting a
       fearful glance around, he once more scrambled hastily between
       the sheets, and soon fell fast asleep.
       The sun was shining brilliantly into his chamber, when he
       awoke, and the morning was far advanced. The gloom which had
       oppressed him on the previous night had disappeared with the
       dark shadows which shrouded the landscape, and his thoughts
       and feelings were as light and gay as the morning itself. After a
       hearty breakfast, the four gentlemen sallied forth to walk to
       Gravesend, followed by a man bearing the stone in its deal box.
       They reached the town about one o'clock (their luggage they had
       directed to be forwarded to the city, from Rochester), and being
       fortunate enough to secure places on the outside of a coach,
       arrived in London in sound health and spirits, on that same afternoon.
       The next three or four days were occupied with the preparations
       which were necessary for their journey to the borough of
       Eatanswill. As any references to that most important undertaking
       demands a separate chapter, we may devote the few lines
       which remain at the close of this, to narrate, with great brevity,
       the history of the antiquarian discovery.
       It appears from the Transactions of the Club, then, that Mr.
       Pickwick lectured upon the discovery at a General Club Meeting,
       convened on the night succeeding their return, and entered into a
       variety of ingenious and erudite speculations on the meaning of
       the inscription. It also appears that a skilful artist executed a
       faithful delineation of the curiosity, which was engraven on
       stone, and presented to the Royal Antiquarian Society, and other
       learned bodies: that heart-burnings and jealousies without
       number were created by rival controversies which were penned
       upon the subject; and that Mr. Pickwick himself wrote a
       pamphlet, containing ninety-six pages of very small print, and
       twenty-seven different readings of the inscription: that three old
       gentlemen cut off their eldest sons with a shilling a-piece for
       presuming to doubt the antiquity of the fragment; and that one
       enthusiastic individual cut himself off prematurely, in despair at
       being unable to fathom its meaning: that Mr. Pickwick was
       elected an honorary member of seventeen native and foreign
       societies, for making the discovery: that none of the seventeen
       could make anything of it; but that all the seventeen agreed it
       was very extraordinary.
       Mr. Blotton, indeed--and the name will be doomed to the
       undying contempt of those who cultivate the mysterious and the
       sublime--Mr. Blotton, we say, with the doubt and cavilling
       peculiar to vulgar minds, presumed to state a view of the case, as
       degrading as ridiculous. Mr. Blotton, with a mean desire to
       tarnish the lustre of the immortal name of Pickwick, actually
       undertook a journey to Cobham in person, and on his return,
       sarcastically observed in an oration at the club, that he had seen
       the man from whom the stone was purchased; that the man
       presumed the stone to be ancient, but solemnly denied the
       antiquity of the inscription--inasmuch as he represented it to
       have been rudely carved by himself in an idle mood, and to
       display letters intended to bear neither more or less than the
       simple construction of--'BILL STUMPS, HIS MARK'; and
       that Mr. Stumps, being little in the habit of original composition,
       and more accustomed to be guided by the sound of words than
       by the strict rules of orthography, had omitted the concluding
       'L' of his Christian name.
       The Pickwick Club (as might have been expected from so
       enlightened an institution) received this statement with the contempt
       it deserved, expelled the presumptuous and ill-conditioned
       Blotton from the society, and voted Mr. Pickwick a pair of gold
       spectacles, in token of their confidence and approbation: in
       return for which, Mr. Pickwick caused a portrait of himself to
       be painted, and hung up in the club room.
       Mr. Blotton was ejected but not conquered. He also wrote a
       pamphlet, addressed to the seventeen learned societies, native
       and foreign, containing a repetition of the statement he had
       already made, and rather more than half intimating his opinion
       that the seventeen learned societies were so many 'humbugs.'
       Hereupon, the virtuous indignation of the seventeen learned
       societies being roused, several fresh pamphlets appeared; the
       foreign learned societies corresponded with the native learned
       societies; the native learned societies translated the pamphlets of
       the foreign learned societies into English; the foreign learned
       societies translated the pamphlets of the native learned societies
       into all sorts of languages; and thus commenced that celebrated
       scientific discussion so well known to all men, as the Pickwick
       But this base attempt to injure Mr. Pickwick recoiled upon the
       head of its calumnious author. The seventeen learned societies
       unanimously voted the presumptuous Blotton an ignorant
       meddler, and forthwith set to work upon more treatises than
       ever. And to this day the stone remains, an illegible monument
       of Mr. Pickwick's greatness, and a lasting trophy to the littleness
       of his enemies. _



Chapter 1. The Pickwickians
Chapter 2. The first Day's Journey, and the first Evening's Adventures; with their Consequences
Chapter 3. A new Acquaintance--The Stroller's Tale--A disagreeable Interruption, and an unpleasant Encounter
Chapter 4. A Field Day and Bivouac--More new Friends--An Invitation to the Country
Chapter 5. A short one--Showing, among other Matters, how Mr. Pickwick undertook to drive, and Mr. Winkle to ride, and how they both did it
Chapter 6. An old-fashioned Card-party--The Clergyman's verses--The Story of the Convict's Return
Chapter 7. How Mr. Winkle, instead of shooting at the Pigeon and killing the Crow, shot at the Crow and wounded the Pigeon; how Dingley Dell Cricket Club played All-Muggleton, and how All-Muggleton dined at the Dingley Dell Expense
Chapter 8. Strongly illustrative of the Position, that the Course of True Love is not a Railway
Chapter 9. A Discovery and a Chase
Chapter 10. Clearing up all Doubts (if any existed) of the Disinterestedness of Mr. A. Jingle's Character
Chapter 11. Involving another Journey, and an Antiquarian Discovery; Recording Mr. Pickwick's Determination to be present at an Election; and containing a Manuscript of the old Clergyman's
Chapter 12. Descriptive of a very important Proceeding on the Part of Mr. Pickwick; no less an Epoch in his Life, than in this History
Chapter 13. Some Account of Eatanswill; of the State of Parties therein; and of the Election of a Member to serve in Parliament for that ancient, loyal, and patriotic Borough
Chapter 14. Comprising a brief Description of the Company at the Peacock assembled; and a Tale told by a Bagman
Chapter 15. In which is given a faithful Portraiture of two distinguished Persons; and an accurate Description of a public Breakfast in their House: which public Breakfast leads to the Recognition of an old Acquaintance
Chapter 16. Too full of Adventure to be briefly described
Chapter 17. Showing that an Attack of Rheumatism, in some Cases, acts as a Quickener to inventive Genius
Chapter 18. Briefly illustrative of two Points; first, the Power of Hysterics, and, secondly, the Force of Circumstances
Chapter 19. A pleasant Day with an unpleasant Termination
Chapter 20. Showing how Dodson and Fogg were Men of Business, their Clerks Men of pleasure;how an affecting Interview between Mr. Weller and his long-lost Parent; what Choice Spirits assembled at the Magpie and Stump
Chapter 21. In which the old Man launches forth into his favourite Theme, and relates a Story about a queer Client
Chapter 22. Mr. Pickwick journeys to Ipswich and meets with a romantic Adventure with a middle-aged Lady in yellow Curl-papers
Chapter 23. In which Mr. Samuel Weller begins to devote his Energies to the Return Match between himself and Mr. Trotter
Chapter 24. Wherein Mr. Peter Magnus grows jealous, and the middle-aged Lady apprehensive, which brings the Pickwickians within the Grasp of the Law
Chapter 25. Showing, among a Variety of pleasant Matters, how majestic and impartial Mr. Nupkins was; and how Mr. Weller returned Mr. Job Trotter's Shuttlecock as heavily as it came--With another Matter, which will be found in its Place
Chapter 26. Which contains a brief Account of the Progress of the Action of Bardell against Pickwick
Chapter 27. Samuel Weller makes a Pilgrimage to Dorking, and beholds his Mother-in-law
Chapter 28. A good-humoured Christmas (Pickwick Papers)
Chapter 29. The Story of the Goblins who stole a Sexton
Chapter 30. How the Pickwickians made and cultivated the Acquaintance of a Couple of nice young Men belonging to one of the liberal Professions; how they disported themselves on the Ice; and how their Visit came to a Conclusion
Chapter 31. Which is all about the Law, and sundry Great Authorities learned therein
Chapter 32. Describes, far more fully than the Court Newsman ever did, a Bachelor's Party, given by Mr. Bob Sawyer at his Lodgings in the Borough
Chapter 33. Mr. Weller the elder delivers some Critical Sentiments respecting Literary Composition; and, assisted by his Son Samuel, pays a small Instalment of Retaliation to the Account of the Reverend Gentleman with the Red Nose
Chapter 34. Is wholly devoted to a full and faithful Report of the memorable Trial of Bardell against Pickwick
Chapter 35. In which Mr. Pickwick thinks he had better go to Bath; and goes accordingly
Chapter 36. The chief Features of which will be found to be an authentic Version of the Legend of Prince Bladud, and a most extraordinary Calamity that befell Mr. Winkle
Chapter 37. Honourably accounts for Mr. Weller's Absence, by describing a Soiree to which he was invited and went; also relates how he was intrusted by Mr. Pickwick with a Private Mission of Delicacy and Importance
Chapter 38. How Mr. Winkle, when he stepped out of the Frying-pan, walked gently and comfortably into the Fire
Chapter 39. Mr. Samuel Weller, being intrusted with a Mission of Love, proceeds to execute it; with what Success will hereinafter appear
Chapter 40. Introduces Mr. Pickwick to a new and not uninteresting Scene in the great Drama of Life
Chapter 41. Whatt befell Mr. Pickwick when he got into the Fleet; what Prisoners he saw there; and how he passed the Night
Chapter 42. Illustrative, like the preceding one, of the old Proverb, that Adversity brings a Man acquainted with strange Bedfellows--Likewise containing Mr. Pickwick's extraordinary and startling Announcement to Mr. Samuel Weller
Chapter 43. Showing how Mr. Samuel Weller got into Difficulties
Chapter 44. Treats of divers little Matters which occurred in the Fleet, and of Mr. Winkle's mysterious Behaviour; and shows how the poor Chancery Prisoner obtained his Release at last
Chapter 45. Descriptive of an affecting Interview between Mr. Samuel Weller and a Family Party. Mr. Pickwick makes a Tour of the diminutive World he inhabits, and resolves to mix with it, in Future, as little as possible
Chapter 46. Records a touching Act of delicate Feeling not unmixed with Pleasantry, achieved and performed by Messrs. Dodson and Fogg
Chapter 47. Is chiefly devoted to Matters of Business, and the temporal Advantage of Dodson and Fogg-- Mr. Winkle reappears under extraordinary Circumstances--Mr. Pickwick's Benevolence proves stronger than his Obstinacy
Chapter 48. Relates how Mr. Pickwick, with the Assistance of Samuel Weller, essayed to soften the Heart of Mr. Benjamin Allen, and to mollify the Wrath of Mr. Robert Sawyer
Chapter 49. Containing the Story of the Bagman's Uncle
Chapter 50. How Mr. Pickwick sped upon his Mission, and how he was reinforced in the Outset by a most unexpected Auxiliary
Chapter 51. In which Mr. Pickwick encounters an old Acquaintance--To which fortunate Circumstance the Reader is mainly indebted for Matter of thrilling Interest herein set down, concerning two great Public Men of Might and Power
Chapter 52. Involving a serious Change in the Weller Family, and the untimely Downfall of Mr. Stiggins
Chapter 53. Comprising the final Exit of Mr. Jingle and Job Trotter, with a great Morning of business in Gray's Inn Square--Concluding with a Double Knock at Mr. Perker's Door
Chapter 54. Containing some Particulars relative to the Double Knock, and other Matters: among which certain interesting Disclosures relative to Mr. Snodgrass and a Young Lady are by no Means irrelevant to this History
Chapter 55. Mr. Solomon Pell, assisted by a Select Committee of Coachmen, arranges the affairs of the elder Mr. Weller
Chapter 56. An important Conference takes place between Mr. Pickwick and Samuel Weller, at which his Parent assists--An old Gentleman in a snuff-coloured Suit arrives unexpectedly
Chapter 57. In which the Pickwick Club is finally dissolved, and everything concluded to the Satisfaction of Everybody