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Les Miserables
book third.--the house in the rue plumet   Chapter I. The House with a Secret
Victor Hugo
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       About the middle of the last century, a chief justice in the Parliament of Paris having a mistress and concealing the fact, for at that period the grand seignors displayed their mistresses, and the bourgeois concealed them, had "a little house" built in the Faubourg Saint-Germain, in the deserted Rue Blomet, which is now called Rue Plumet, not far from the spot which was then designated as Combat des Animaux.
       This house was composed of a single-storied pavilion; two rooms on the ground floor, two chambers on the first floor, a kitchen down stairs, a boudoir up stairs, an attic under the roof, the whole preceded by a garden with a large gate opening on the street. This garden was about an acre and a half in extent. This was all that could be seen by passers-by; but behind the pavilion there was a narrow courtyard, and at the end of the courtyard a low building consisting of two rooms and a cellar, a sort of preparation destined to conceal a child and nurse in case of need. This building communicated in the rear by a masked door which opened by a secret spring, with a long, narrow, paved winding corridor, open to the sky, hemmed in with two lofty walls, which, hidden with wonderful art, and lost as it were between garden enclosures and cultivated land, all of whose angles and detours it followed, ended in another door, also with a secret lock which opened a quarter of a league away, almost in another quarter, at the solitary extremity of the Rue du Babylone.
       Through this the chief justice entered, so that even those who were spying on him and following him would merely have observed that the justice betook himself every day in a mysterious way somewhere, and would never have suspected that to go to the Rue de Babylone was to go to the Rue Blomet. Thanks to clever purchasers of land, the magistrate had been able to make a secret, sewer-like passage on his own property, and consequently, without interference. Later on, he had sold in little parcels, for gardens and market gardens, the lots of ground adjoining the corridor, and the proprietors of these lots on both sides thought they had a party wall before their eyes, and did not even suspect the long, paved ribbon winding between two walls amid their flower-beds and their orchards. Only the birds beheld this curiosity. It is probable that the linnets and tomtits of the last century gossiped a great deal about the chief justice.
       The pavilion, built of stone in the taste of Mansard, wainscoted and furnished in the Watteau style, rocaille on the inside, old-fashioned on the outside, walled in with a triple hedge of flowers, had something discreet, coquettish, and solemn about it, as befits a caprice of love and magistracy.
       This house and corridor, which have now disappeared, were in existence fifteen years ago. In '93 a coppersmith had purchased the house with the idea of demolishing it, but had not been able to pay the price; the nation made him bankrupt. So that it was the house which demolished the coppersmith. After that, the house remained uninhabited, and fell slowly to ruin, as does every dwelling to which the presence of man does not communicate life. It had remained fitted with its old furniture, was always for sale or to let, and the ten or a dozen people who passed through the Rue Plumet were warned of the fact by a yellow and illegible bit of writing which had hung on the garden wall since 1819.
       Towards the end of the Restoration, these same passers-by might have noticed that the bill had disappeared, and even that the shutters on the first floor were open. The house was occupied, in fact. The windows had short curtains, a sign that there was a woman about.
       In the month of October, 1829, a man of a certain age had presented himself and had hired the house just as it stood, including, of course, the back building and the lane which ended in the Rue de Babylone. He had had the secret openings of the two doors to this passage repaired. The house, as we have just mentioned, was still very nearly furnished with the justice's old fitting; the new tenant had ordered some repairs, had added what was lacking here and there, had replaced the paving-stones in the yard, bricks in the floors, steps in the stairs, missing bits in the inlaid floors and the glass in the lattice windows, and had finally installed himself there with a young girl and an elderly maid-servant, without commotion, rather like a person who is slipping in than like a man who is entering his own house. The neighbors did not gossip about him, for the reason that there were no neighbors.
       This unobtrusive tenant was Jean Valjean, the young girl was Cosette. The servant was a woman named Toussaint, whom Jean Valjean had saved from the hospital and from wretchedness, and who was elderly, a stammerer, and from the provinces, three qualities which had decided Jean Valjean to take her with him. He had hired the house under the name of M. Fauchelevent, independent gentleman. In all that has been related heretofore, the reader has, doubtless, been no less prompt than Thenardier to recognize Jean Valjean.
       Why had Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Petit-Picpus? What had happened?
       Nothing had happened.
       It will be remembered that Jean Valjean was happy in the convent, so happy that his conscience finally took the alarm. He saw Cosette every day, he felt paternity spring up and develop within him more and more, he brooded over the soul of that child, he said to himself that she was his, that nothing could take her from him, that this would last indefinitely, that she would certainly become a nun, being thereto gently incited every day, that thus the convent was henceforth the universe for her as it was for him, that he should grow old there, and that she would grow up there, that she would grow old there, and that he should die there; that, in short, delightful hope, no separation was possible. On reflecting upon this, he fell into perplexity. He interrogated himself. He asked himself if all that happiness were really his, if it were not composed of the happiness of another, of the happiness of that child which he, an old man, was confiscating and stealing; if that were not theft? He said to himself, that this child had a right to know life before renouncing it, that to deprive her in advance, and in some sort without consulting her, of all joys, under the pretext of saving her from all trials, to take advantage of her ignorance of her isolation, in order to make an artificial vocation germinate in her, was to rob a human creature of its nature and to lie to God. And who knows if, when she came to be aware of all this some day, and found herself a nun to her sorrow, Cosette would not come to hate him? A last, almost selfish thought, and less heroic than the rest, but which was intolerable to him. He resolved to quit the convent.
       He resolved on this; he recognized with anguish, the fact that it was necessary. As for objections, there were none. Five years' sojourn between these four walls and of disappearance had necessarily destroyed or dispersed the elements of fear. He could return tranquilly among men. He had grown old, and all had undergone a change. Who would recognize him now? And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself, and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys. Besides, what is danger in comparison with the right? Finally, nothing prevented his being prudent and taking his precautions.
       As for Cosette's education, it was almost finished and complete.
       His determination once taken, he awaited an opportunity. It was not long in presenting itself. Old Fauchelevent died.
       Jean Valjean demanded an audience with the revered prioress and told her that, having come into a little inheritance at the death of his brother, which permitted him henceforth to live without working, he should leave the service of the convent and take his daughter with him; but that, as it was not just that Cosette, since she had not taken the vows, should have received her education gratuitously, he humbly begged the Reverend Prioress to see fit that he should offer to the community, as indemnity, for the five years which Cosette had spent there, the sum of five thousand francs.
       It was thus that Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Perpetual Adoration.
       On leaving the convent, he took in his own arms the little valise the key to which he still wore on his person, and would permit no porter to touch it. This puzzled Cosette, because of the odor of embalming which proceeded from it.
       Let us state at once, that this trunk never quitted him more. He always had it in his chamber. It was the first and only thing sometimes, that he carried off in his moving when he moved about. Cosette laughed at it, and called this valise his inseparable, saying: "I am jealous of it."
       Nevertheless, Jean Valjean did not reappear in the open air without profound anxiety.
       He discovered the house in the Rue Plumet, and hid himself from sight there. Henceforth he was in the possession of the name:-- Ultime Fauchelevent.
       At the same time he hired two other apartments in Paris, in order that he might attract less attention than if he were to remain always in the same quarter, and so that he could, at need, take himself off at the slightest disquietude which should assail him, and in short, so that he might not again be caught unprovided as on the night when he had so miraculously escaped from Javert. These two apartments were very pitiable, poor in appearance, and in two quarters which were far remote from each other, the one in the Rue de l'Ouest, the other in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.
       He went from time to time, now to the Rue de l'Homme Arme, now to the Rue de l'Ouest, to pass a month or six weeks, without taking Toussaint. He had himself served by the porters, and gave himself out as a gentleman from the suburbs, living on his funds, and having a little temporary resting-place in town. This lofty virtue had three domiciles in Paris for the sake of escaping from the police.



book first--a just man
   Chapter I. M. Myriel
   Chapter II. M. Myriel becomes M. Welcome
   Chapter III. A Hard Bishopric for a Good Bishop
   Chapter IV. Works corresponding to Words
   Chapter V. Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long
   Chapter VI. Who guarded his House for him
   Chapter VII. Cravatte
   Chapter VIII. Philosophy after Drinking
   Chapter IX. The Brother as depicted by the Sister
   Chapter X. The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light
   Chapter XI. A Restriction
   Chapter XII. The Solitude of Monseigneur Welcome
   Chapter XIII. What he believed
   Chapter XIV. What he thought
book second.--the fall
   Chapter I. The Evening of a Day of Walking
   Chapter II. Prudence counselled to Wisdom
   Chapter III. The Heroism of Passive Obedience
   Chapter IV. Details concerning the Cheese-Dairies of Pontarlier
   Chapter V. Tranquillity
   Chapter VI. Jean Valjean
   Chapter VII. The Interior of Despair
   Chapter VIII. Billows and Shadows
   Chapter IX. New Troubles
   Chapter X. The Man aroused
   Chapter XI. What he does
   Chapter XII. The Bishop works
   Chapter XIII. Little Gervais
book third.--in the year 1817
   Chapter I. The Year 1817
   Chapter II. A Double Quartette
   Chapter III. Four and Four
   Chapter IV. Tholomyes is so Merry that he sings a Spanish Ditty
   Chapter V. At Bombardas
   Chapter VI. A Chapter in which they adore Each Other
   Chapter VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyes
   Chapter VIII. The Death of a Horse
   Chapter IX. A Merry End to Mirth
book fourth.--to confide is sometimes to deliver into a person's power
   Chapter I. One Mother meets Another Mother
   Chapter II. First Sketch of Two Unprepossessing Figures
   Chapter III. The Lark
book fifth.-- the descent
   Chapter I. The History of a Progress in Black Glass Trinkets
   Chapter II. Madeleine
   Chapter III. Sums deposited with Laffitte
   Chapter IV. M. Madeleine in Mourning
   Chapter V. Vague Flashes on the Horizon
   Chapter VI. Father Fauchelevent
   Chapter VII. Fauchelevent becomes a Gardener in Paris
   Chapter VIII. Madame Victurnien expends Thirty Francs on Morality
   Chapter IX. Madame Victurnien's Success
   Chapter X. Result of the Success
   Chapter XI. Christus nos Liberavit
   Chapter XII. M. Bamatabois's Inactivity
   Chapter XIII. The Solution of Some Questions connected with the Municipal Police
book sixth.--javert
   Chapter I. The Beginning of Repose
   Chapter II. How Jean may become Champ
book seventh.--the champmathieu affair
   Chapter I. Sister Simplice
   Chapter II. The Perspicacity of Master Scaufflaire
   Chapter III. A Tempest in a Skull
   Chapter IV. Forms assumed by Suffering during Sleep
   Chapter V. Hindrances
   Chapter VI. Sister Simplice put to the Proof
   Chapter VII. The Traveller on his Arrival takes Precautions for Departure
   Chapter VIII. An Entrance by Favor
   Chapter IX. A Place where Convictions are in Process of Formation
   Chapter X. The System of Denials
   Chapter XI. Champmathieu more and more Astonished
book eighth.--a counter-blow
   Chapter I. In what Mirror M. Madeleine contemplates his Hair
   Chapter II. Fantine Happy
   Chapter III. Javert Satisfied
   Chapter IV. Authority reasserts its Rights
   Chapter V. A Suitable Tomb
book first.--waterloo
   Chapter I. What is met with on the Way from Nivelles
   Chapter II. Hougomont
   Chapter III. The Eighteenth of June, 1815
   Chapter IV. A
   Chapter V. The Quid Obscurum of Battles
   Chapter VI. Four o'clock in the Afternoon
   Chapter VII. Napoleon in a Good Humor
   Chapter VIII. The Emperor puts a Question to the Guide Lacoste
   Chapter IX. The Unexpected
   Chapter X. The Plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean
   Chapter XI. A Bad Guide to Napoleon; a Good Guide to Bulow
   Chapter XII. The Guard
   Chapter XIII. The Catastrophe
   Chapter XIV. The Last Square
   Chapter XV. Cambronne
   Chapter XVI. Quot Libras in Duce?
   Chapter XVII. Is Waterloo to be considered Good?
   Chapter XVIII. A Recrudescence of Divine Right
   Chapter XIX. The Battle-Field at Night
book second.--the ship orion
   Chapter I. Number 24,601 becomes Number 9,430
   Chapter II. In which the reader will peruse Two Verses which are of the Devil's Composition possibly
   Chapter III. The Ankle-Chain must have undergone a Certain Preparatory Manipulation to be thus broken with a Blow from a Hammer
book third.--accomplishment of the promise made to the dead woman
   Chapter I. The Water Question at Montfermeil
   Chapter II. Two Complete Portraits
   Chapter III. Men must have Wine, and Horses must have Water
   Chapter IV. Entrance on the Scene of a Doll
   Chapter V. The Little One All Alone
   Chapter VI. Which possibly proves Boulatruelle's Intelligence
   Chapter VII. Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark
   Chapter VIII. The Unpleasantness of receiving into One's House a Poor Man who may be a Rich Man
   Chapter IX. Thenardier at his Manoeuvres
   Chapter X. He who seeks to better himself may render his Situation Worse
   Chapter XI. Number 9,430 reappears, and Cosette wins it in the Lottery
book fourth.--the gorbeau hovel
   Chapter I. Master Gorbeau
   Chapter II. A Nest for Owl and a Warbler
   Chapter III. Two Misfortunes make One Piece of Good Fortune
   Chapter IV. The Remarks of the Principal Tenant
   Chapter V. A Five-Franc Piece falls on the Ground and produces a Tumult
book fifth.--for a black hunt, a mute pack
   Chapter I. The Zigzags of Strategy
   Chapter II. It is Lucky that the Pont d'Austerlitz bears Carriages
   Chapter III. To Wit, the Plan of Paris in 1727
   Chapter IV. The Gropings of Flight
   Chapter V. Which would be Impossible with Gas Lanterns
   Chapter VI. The Beginning of an Enigma
   Chapter VII. Continuation of the Enigma
   Chapter VIII. The Enigma becomes Doubly Mysterious
   Chapter IX. The Man with the Bell
   Chapter X. Which explains how Javert got on the Scent
book sixth.--le petit-picpus
   Chapter I. Number 62 Rue Petit-Picpus
   Chapter II. The Obedience of Martin Verga
   Chapter III. Austerities
   Chapter IV. Gayeties
   Chapter V. Distractions
   Chapter VI. The Little Convent
   Chapter VII. Some Silhouettes of this Darkness
   Chapter VIII. Post Corda Lapides
   Chapter IX. A Century under a Guimpe
   Chapter X. Origin of the Perpetual Adoration
   Chapter XI. End of the Petit-Picpus
book seventh.--parenthesis
   Chapter I. The Convent as an Abstract Idea
   Chapter II. The Convent as an Historical Fact
   Chapter III. On What Conditions One can respect the Past
   Chapter IV. The Convent from the Point of View of Principles
   Chapter V. Prayer
   Chapter VI. The Absolute Goodness of Prayer
   Chapter VII. Precautions to be observed in Blame
   Chapter VIII. Faith, Law
book eighth.--cemeteries take that which is committed them
   Chapter I. Which treats of the Manner of entering a Convent
   Chapter II. Fauchelevent in the Presence of a Difficulty
   Chapter III. Mother Innocente
   Chapter IV. In which Jean Valjean has quite the Air of having read Austin Castillejo
   Chapter V. It is not Necessary to be Drunk in order to be Immortal
   Chapter VI. Between Four Planks
   Chapter VII. In which will be found the Origin of the Saying: Don't lose the Card
   Chapter VIII. A Successful Interrogatory
   Chapter IX. Cloistered
book first.--paris studied in its atom
   Chapter I. Parvulus
   Chapter II. Some of his Particular Characteristics
   Chapter III. He is Agreeable
   Chapter IV. He may be of Use
   Chapter V. His Frontiers
   Chapter VI. A Bit of History
   Chapter VII. The Gamin should have his Place in the Classifications of India
   Chapter VIII. In which the Reader will find a Charming Saying of the Last King
   Chapter IX. The Old Soul of Gaul
   Chapter X. Ecce Paris, ecce Homo
   Chapter XI. To Scoff, to Reign
   Chapter XII. The Future Latent in the People
   Chapter XIII. Little Gavroche
book second.--the great bourgeois
   Chapter I. Ninety Years and Thirty-two Teeth
   Chapter II. Like Master, Like House
   Chapter III. Luc-Esprit
   Chapter IV. A Centenarian Aspirant
   Chapter V. Basque and Nicolette
   Chapter VI. In which Magnon and her Two Children are seen
   Chapter VII. Rule: Receive No One except in the Evening
   Chapter VIII. Two do not make a Pair
book third.--the grandfather and the grandson
   Chapter I. An Ancient Salon
   Chapter II. One of the Red Spectres of that Epoch
   Chapter III. Requiescant
   Chapter IV. End of the Brigand
   Chapter V. The Utility of going to Mass, in order to become a Revolutionist
   Chapter VI. The Consequences of having met a Warden
   Chapter VII. Some Petticoat
   Chapter VIII. Marble against Granite
book fourth.--the friends of the abc
   Chapter I. A Group which barely missed becoming Historic
   Chapter II. Blondeau's Funeral Oration by Bossuet
   Chapter III. Marius' Astonishments
   Chapter IV. The Back Room of the Cafe Musain
   Chapter V. Enlargement of Horizon
   Chapter VI. Res Angusta
book fifth.--the excellence of misfortune
   Chapter I. Marius Indigent
   Chapter II. Marius Poor
   Chapter III. Marius Grown Up
   Chapter IV. M. Mabeuf
   Chapter V. Poverty a Good Neighbor for Misery
   Chapter VI. The Substitute
book sixth.--the conjunction of two stars
   Chapter I. The Sobriquet; Mode of Formation of Family Names
   Chapter II. Lux Facta Est
   Chapter III. Effect of the Spring
   Chapter IV. Beginning of a Great Malady
   Chapter V. Divers Claps of Thunder fall on Ma'am Bougon
   Chapter VI. Taken Prisoner
   Chapter VII. Adventures of the Letter U delivered over to Conjectures
   Chapter VIII. The Veterans themselves can be Happy
   Chapter IX. Eclipse
book seventh.--patron minette
   Chapter I. Mines and Miners
   Chapter II. The Lowest Depths
   Chapter III. Babet, Gueulemer, Claquesous, and Montparnasse
   Chapter IV. Composition of the Troupe
book eighth.--the wicked poor man
   Chapter I. Marius, while seeking a Girl in a Bonnet encounters a Man in a Cap
   Chapter II. Treasure Trove
   Chapter III. Quadrifrons
   Chapter IV. A Rose in Misery
   Chapter V. A Providential Peep-Hole
   Chapter VI. The Wild Man in his Lair
   Chapter VII. Strategy and Tactics
   Chapter VIII. The Ray of Light in the Hovel
   Chapter IX. Jondrette comes near Weeping
   Chapter X. Tariff of Licensed Cabs, Two Francs an Hour
   Chapter XI. Offers of Service from Misery to Wretchedness
   Chapter XII. The Use made of M. Leblanc's Five-Franc Piece
   Chapter XIII. Solus cum Solo, in Loco Remoto, non cogitabuntur orare Pater Noster
   Chapter XIV. In which a Police Agent bestows Two Fistfuls on a Lawyer
   Chapter XV. Jondrette makes his Purchases
   Chapter XVI. In which will be found the Words to an English Air which was in Fashion in 1832
   Chapter XVII. The Use made of Marius' Five-Franc Piece
   Chapter XVIII. Marius' Two Chairs form a Vis-a-Vis
   Chapter XIX. Occupying One's Self with Obscure Depths
   Chapter XX. The Trap
   Chapter XXI. One should always begin by arresting the Victims
   Chapter XXII. The Little One who was crying in Volume Two
book first.--a few pages of history
   Chapter I. Well Cut
   Chapter II. Badly Sewed
   Chapter III. Louis Philippe
   Chapter IV. Cracks beneath the Foundation
   Chapter V. Facts whence History springs and which History ignores
   Chapter VI. Enjolras and his Lieutenants
book second.--eponine
   Chapter I. The Lark's Meadow
   Chapter II. Embryonic Formation of Crimes in the Incubation of Prisons
   Chapter III. Apparition to Father Mabeuf
   Chapter IV. An Apparition to Marius
book third.--the house in the rue plumet
   Chapter I. The House with a Secret
   Chapter II. Jean Valjean as a National Guard
   Chapter III. Foliis ac Frondibus
   Chapter IV. Change of Gate
   Chapter V. The Rose perceives that it is an Engine of War
   Chapter VI. The Battle Begun
   Chapter VII. To One Sadness oppose a Sadness and a Half
   Chapter VIII. The Chain-Gang
book fourth.--succor from below may turn out to be succor from on high
   Chapter I. A Wound without, Healing within
   Chapter II. Mother Plutarque finds no Difficulty in explaining a Phenomenon
book fifth.--the end of which does not resemble the beginning
   Chapter I. Solitude and Barracks Combined
   Chapter II. Cosette's Apprehensions
   Chapter III. Enriched with Commentaries by Toussaint
   Chapter IV. A Heart beneath a Stone
   Chapter V. Cosette after the Letter
   Chapter VI. Old People are made to go out opportunely
book sixth.--little gavroche
   Chapter I. The Malicious Playfulness of the Wind
   Chapter II. In which Little Gavroche extracts Profit from Napoleon the Great
   Chapter III. The Vicissitudes of Flight
book seventh.--slang
   Chapter I. Origin
   Chapter II. Roots
   Chapter III. Slang which weeps and Slang which laughs
   Chapter IV. The Two Duties: To Watch and to Hope
book eighth.--enchantments and desolations
   Chapter I. Full Light
   Chapter II. The Bewilderment of Perfect Happiness
   Chapter III. The Beginning of Shadow
   Chapter IV. A Cab runs in English and barks in Slang
   Chapter V. Things of the Night
   Chapter VI. Marius becomes Practical once more to the Extent of Giving Cosette his Address
   Chapter VII. The Old Heart and the Young Heart in the Presence of Each Other
book ninth.--whither are they going?
   Chapter I. Jean Valjean
   Chapter II. Marius
   Chapter III. M. Mabeuf
book tenth.--the 5th of june, 1832
   Chapter I. The Surface of the Question
   Chapter II. The Root of the Matter
   Chapter III. A Burial; an Occasion to be born again
   Chapter IV. The Ebullitions of Former Days
   Chapter V. Originality of Paris
book eleventh.--the atom fraternizes with the hurricane
   Chapter I. Some Explanations with Regard to the Origin of Gavroche's Poetry. The Influence of an Academician on this Poetry
   Chapter II. Gavroche on the March
   Chapter III. Just Indignation of a Hair-dresser
   Chapter IV. The Child is amazed at the Old Man
   Chapter V. The Old Man
   Chapter VI. Recruits
book twelfth.--corinthe
   Chapter I. History of Corinthe from its Foundation
   Chapter II. Preliminary Gayeties
   Chapter III. Night begins to descend upon Grantaire
   Chapter IV. An Attempt to console the Widow Hucheloup
   Chapter V. Preparations
   Chapter VI. Waiting
   Chapter VII. The Man recruited in the Rue des Billettes
   Chapter VIII. Many Interrogation Points with Regard to a Certain Le Cabuc, whose Name may not have been Le Cabuc
book thirteenth.--marius enters the shadow
   Chapter I. From the Rue Plumet to the Quartier Saint-Denis
   Chapter II. An Owl's View of Paris
   Chapter III. The Extreme Edge
book fourteenth.--the grandeurs of despair
   Chapter I. The Flag: Act First
   Chapter II. The Flag: Act Second
   Chapter III. Gavroche would have done better to accept Enjolras' Carbine
   Chapter IV. The Barrel of Powder
   Chapter V. End of the Verses of Jean Prouvaire
   Chapter VI. The Agony of Death after the Agony of Life
   Chapter VII. Gavroche as a Profound Calculator of Distances
book fifteenth.--the rue de l'homme arme
   Chapter I. A Drinker is a Babbler
   Chapter II. The Street Urchin an Enemy of Light
   Chapter III. While Cosette and Toussaint are Asleep
   Chapter IV. Gavroche's Excess of Zeal
book first.--the war between four walls
   Chapter I. The Charybdis of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine and the Scylla of the Faubourg du Temple
   Chapter II. What Is to Be Done in the Abyss if One Does Not Converse
   Chapter III. Light and Shadow
   Chapter IV. Minus Five, Plus One
   Chapter V. The Horizon Which One Beholds from the Summit of a Barricade
   Chapter VI. Marius Haggard, Javert Laconic
   Chapter VII. The Situation Becomes Aggravated
   Chapter VIII. The Artillery-men Compel People to Take Them Seriously
   Chapter IX. Employment of the Old Talents of a Poacher and That Infallible Marksmanship Which Influenced the Condemnation of 1796
   Chapter X. Dawn
   Chapter XI. The Shot Which Misses Nothing and Kills No One
   Chapter XII. Disorder a Partisan of Order
   Chapter XIII. Passing Gleams
   Chapter XIV. Wherein Will Appear the Name of Enjolras' Mistress
   Chapter XV. Gavroche Outside
   Chapter XVI. How from a Brother One Becomes a Father
   Chapter XVII. Mortuus Pater Filium Moriturum Expectat
   Chapter XVIII. The Vulture Becomes Prey
   Chapter XIX. Jean Valjean Takes His Revenge
   Chapter XX. The Dead Are in the Right and the Living Are Not in the Wrong
   Chapter XXI. The Heroes
   Chapter XXII. Foot to Foot
   Chapter XXIII. Orestes Fasting and Pylades Drunk
   Chapter XXIV. Prisoner
book second.--the intestine of the leviathan
   Chapter I. The Land Impoverished by the Sea
   Chapter II. Ancient History of the Sewer
   Chapter III. Bruneseau
   Chapter IV
   Chapter V. Present Progress
   Chapter VI. Future Progress
book third.--mud but the soul
   Chapter I. The Sewer and Its Surprises
   Chapter II. Explanation
   Chapter III. The "Spun" Man
   Chapter IV. He Also Bears His Cross
   Chapter V. In the Case of Sand, as in That of Woman, There Is a Fineness Which Is Treacherous
   Chapter VI. The Fontis
   Chapter VII. One Sometimes Runs Aground When One Fancies That One Is Disembarking
   Chapter VIII. The Torn Coat-Tail
   Chapter IX. Marius Produces on Some One Who Is a Judge of the Matter, the Effect of Being Dead
   Chapter X. Return of the Son Who Was Prodigal of His Life
   Chapter XI. Concussion in the Absolute
   Chapter XII. The Grandfather
book fourth.--javert derailed
   Chapter I
book fifth.--grandson and grandfather
   Chapter I. In Which the Tree with the Zinc Plaster Appears Again
   Chapter II. Marius, Emerging from Civil War, Makes Ready for Domestic War
   Chapter III. Marius Attacked
   Chapter IV. Mademoiselle Gillenormand Ends by No Longer Thinking It a Bad Thing That M. Fauchelevent Should Have Entered With Something Under His Arm
   Chapter V. Deposit Your Money in a Forest Rather than with a Notary
   Chapter VI. The Two Old Men Do Everything, Each One After His Own Fashion, to Render Cosette Happy
   Chapter VII. The Effects of Dreams Mingled with Happiness
   Chapter VIII. Two Men Impossible to Find
book sixth.--the sleepless night
   Chapter I. The 16th of February, 1833
   Chapter II. Jean Valjean Still Wears His Arm in a Sling
   Chapter III. The Inseparable
   Chapter IV. The Immortal Liver
book seventh.--the last draught from the cup
   Chapter I. The Seventh Circle and the Eighth Heaven
   Chapter II. The Obscurities Which a Revelation Can Contain
book eighth.--fading away of the twilight
   Chapter I. The Lower Chamber
   Chapter II. Another Step Backwards
   Chapter III. They Recall the Garden of the Rue Plumet
   Chapter IV. Attraction and Extinction
book ninth.--supreme shadow, supreme dawn
   Chapter I. Pity for the Unhappy, but Indulgence for the Happy
   Chapter II. Last Flickerings of a Lamp Without Oil
   Chapter III. A Pen Is Heavy to the Man Who Lifted the Fauchelevent's Cart
   Chapter IV. A Bottle of Ink Which Only Succeeded in Whitening
   Chapter V. A Night Behind Which There Is Day
   Chapter VI. The Grass Covers and the Rain Effaces