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Queen’s Necklace, The
Chapter 33. The Head Of The Taverney Family
Alexandre Dumas
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       While this was passing in the Rue St. Gilles, the elder M. Taverney was walking in his garden, followed by two footmen, who carried a chair, with which they approached him every five minutes, that he might rest. While doing so, a servant came to announce the chevalier.
       "My son," said the old man, "come, Philippe, you arrive apropos--my heart is full of happy thoughts; but how solemn you look!"
       "Do I, sir?"
       "You know already the results of that affair?"
       "What affair?"
       The old man looked to see that no one was listening, then said, "I speak of the ball."
       "I do not understand."
       "Oh, the ball at the Opera."
       Philippe colored.
       "Sit down," continued his father; "I want to talk to you. It seems that you, so timid and delicate at first, now compromise her too much."
       "Whom do you mean, sir?"
       "Pardieu! do you think I am ignorant of your escapade, both together at the Opera ball? It was pretty."
       "Sir, I protest----"
       "Oh, do not be angry; I only mean to warn you for your good. You are not careful enough; you were seen there with her."
       "I was seen?"
       "Pardieu! had you, or not, a blue domino?"
       Philippe was about to explain that he had not, and did not know what his father meant, but he thought to himself, "It is of no use to explain to him; he never believes me. Besides, I wish to learn more."
       "You see," continued the old man, triumphantly, "you were recognized. Indeed, M. de Richelieu, who was at the ball in spite of his eighty-four years, wondered who the blue domino could be with whom the queen was walking, and he could only suspect you, for he knew all the others."
       "And pray how does he say he recognized the queen?"
       "Not very difficult, when she took her mask off. Such audacity as that surpasses all imagination; she must really be mad about you. But take care, chevalier; you have jealous rivals to fear; it is an envied post to be favorite of the queen, when the queen is the real king. Pardon my moralizing, but I do not wish that the breath of chance should blow down what you have reared so skilfully."
       Philippe rose; the conversation was hateful to him, but a kind of savage curiosity impelled him to hear everything.
       "We are already envied," continued the old man; "that is natural, but we have not yet attained the height to which we shall rise. To you will belong the glory of raising our name; and now you are progressing so well, only be prudent, or you will fail after all. Soon, however, you must ask for some high post, and obtain for me a lord-lieutenancy not too far from Paris. Then you can have a peerage, and become a duke and lieutenant-general. In two years, if I am still alive----"
       "Enough, enough!" groaned Philippe.
       "Oh, if you are satisfied with that, I am not. You have a whole life before you; I, perhaps, only a few months. However, I do not complain; God gave me two children, and if my daughter has been useless in repairing our fortunes, you will make up for it. I see in you the great Taverney, and you inspire me with respect, for your conduct has been admirable; you show no jealousy, but leave the field apparently open to every one, while you really hold it alone."
       "I do not understand you," replied Philippe.
       "Oh, no modesty; it was exactly the conduct of M. Potemkin, who astonished the world with his fortunes. He saw that Catherine loved variety in her amours; that, if left free, she would fly from flower to flower, returning always to the sweetest and most beautiful; but that, if pursued, she would fly right away. He took his part, therefore; he even introduced new favorites to his sovereign, to weary her out with their number; but through and after the quickly succeeding reigns of the twelve Caesars, as they were ironically called, Potemkin in reality was supreme."
       "What incomprehensible infamies!" murmured poor Philippe. But the old man went on:
       "According to his system, however, you have been still a little wrong. He never abandoned his surveillance, and you are too lax in this."
       Philippe replied only by shrugging his shoulders. He really began to think his father was crazy.
       "Ah! you thought I did not see your game. You are already providing a successor, for you have divined that there is no stability in the queen's amours, and in the event of her changing, you wish not to be quite thrown aside; therefore you make friends with M. de Charny, who might otherwise, when his turn comes, exile you, as you now might MM. de Coigny, Vaudreuil, and others."
       Philippe, with an angry flush, said:
       "Once more, enough; I am ashamed to have listened so long. Those who say that the Queen of France is a Messalina are criminal calumniators."
       "I tell you," said the old man, "no one can hear, and I approve your plan. M. de Charny will repay your kindness some day."
       "Your logic is admirable, sir; and M. de Charny is so much my favorite that I have just passed my sword through his ribs."
       "What!" cried the old man, somewhat frightened at his son's flashing eyes, "you have not been fighting?"
       "Yes, sir; that is my method of conciliating my successors. And he turned to go away.
       "Philippe, you jest."
       "I do not, sir."
       The old man rose, and tottered off to the house.
       "Quick," said he to the servant; "let a man on horseback go at once and ask after M. de Charny, who has been wounded, and let him be sure to say he comes from me." Then he murmured to himself, "Mine is still the only head in the family." _



Prologue.--The Predictions
Chapter 1. Two Unknown Ladies
Chapter 2. An Interior
Chapter 3. Jeanne De La Motte Valois
Chapter 4. Belus
Chapter 5. The Road To Versailles
Chapter 6. Laurent
Chapter 7. The Queen's Bed-Chamber
Chapter 8. The Queen's Petite Levee
Chapter 9. The Swiss Lake
Chapter 10. The Tempter
Chapter 11. M. De Suffren
Chapter 12. M. De Charny
Chapter 13. The One Hundred Louis Of The Queen
Chapter 14. M. Fingret
Chapter 15. The Cardinal De Rohan
Chapter 16. Mesmer And St. Martin
Chapter 17. The Bucket
Chapter 18. Mademoiselle Oliva
Chapter 19. Monsieur Beausire
Chapter 20. Gold
Chapter 21. La Petite Maison
Chapter 22. Some Words About The Opera
Chapter 23. The Ball At The Opera
Chapter 24. The Examination
Chapter 25. The Academy Of M. Beausire
Chapter 26. The Ambassador
Chapter 27. Messrs. Boehmer And Bossange
Chapter 28. The Ambassador's Hotel
Chapter 29. The Bargain
Chapter 30. The Journalist's House
Chapter 31. How Two Friends Became Enemies
Chapter 32. The House In The Rue St. Gilles
Chapter 33. The Head Of The Taverney Family
Chapter 34. The Stanzas Of M. De Provence
Chapter 35. The Princess De Lamballe
Chapter 36. The Queen
Chapter 37. An Alibi
Chapter 38. M. De Crosne.
Chapter 39. The Temptress
Chapter 40. Two Ambitions That Wish To Pass For Two Loves
Chapter 41. Faces Under Their Masks
Chapter 42. In Which M. Ducorneau Understands Nothing Of What Is Passing
Chapter 43. Illusions And Realities
Chapter 44. Oliva Begins To Ask What They Want Of Her
Chapter 45. The Deserted House
Chapter 46. Jeanne The Protectress
Chapter 47. Jeanne Protected
Chapter 48. The Queen's Portfolio
Chapter 49. In Which We Find Dr. Louis
Chapter 50. Aegri Somnia
Chapter 51. Andree
Chapter 52. Delirium
Chapter 53. Convalescence
Chapter 54. Two Bleeding Hearts
Chapter 55. The Minister Of Finance
Chapter 56. The Cardinal De Rohan
Chapter 57. Debtor And Creditor
Chapter 58. Family Accounts
Chapter 59. Marie Antoinette As Queen, And Madame De La Motte As Woman
Chapter 60. The Receipt Of Mm. Boehmer And Bossange, And The Gratitude Of The Queen
Chapter 61 The Prisoner
Chapter 62. The Look Out
Chapter 63. The Two Neighbors
Chapter 64. The Rendezvous
Chapter 65. The Queen's Hand
Chapter 66. Woman And Queen
Chapter 67. Woman And Demon
Chapter 68. The Night
Chapter 69. The Conge
Chapter 70. The Jealousy Of The Cardinal
Chapter 71. The Flight
Chapter 72. The Letter And The Receipt
Chapter 73
Chapter 74. Love And Diplomacy
Chapter 75. Charny, Cardinal, And Queen
Chapter 76. Explanations
Chapter 77. The Arrest
Chapter 78. The Proces-Verbal
Chapter 79. The Last Accusation
Chapter 80. The Proposal Of Marriage
Chapter 81. St. Denis
Chapter 82. A Dead Heart
Chapter 83. In Which It Is Explained Why The Baron De Taverney Grew Fat
Chapter 84. The Father And The Fiancee
Chapter 85. After The Dragon, The Viper
Chapter 86. How It Came To Pass That M. Beausire Was Tracked By The Agents Of M. De Crosne
Chapter 87. The Turtles Are Caged
Chapter 88. The Last Hope Lost
Chapter 89. The Baptism Of The Little Beausire
Chapter 90. The Trial
Chapter 91. The Execution
Chapter 92. The Marriage