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Queen’s Necklace, The
Chapter 15. The Cardinal De Rohan
Alexandre Dumas
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       The next evening Jeanne, not discouraged, renewed all her preparations of the night before; and on this occasion she had no time to grow impatient, for at seven o'clock a carriage drove up to the door, from which a gentleman got out. At the sound of the door-bell Jeanne's heart beat so loud that you might almost have heard it; however, she composed herself as well as she could, and in a few minutes Clotilde opened the door, and announced the person who had written the day before yesterday.
       "Let him come in," said Jeanne; and a gentleman dressed in silk and velvet, and with a lofty carriage, entered the room.
       Jeanne made a step forward, and said: "To whom have I the honor of speaking?"
       "I am the Cardinal de Rohan," he replied; at which Madame de la Motte, feigning to be overwhelmed with the honor, courtesied, as though he were a king. Then she advanced an armchair for him, and placed herself in another.
       The cardinal laid his hat on the table, and, looking at Jeanne, began: "It is, then, true, mademoiselle----"
       "Madame," interrupted Jeanne.
       "Pardon me; I forgot."
       "My husband is called De la Motte, monseigneur."
       "Oh, yes; a gendarme, is he not?"
       "Yes, sir."
       "And you, madame, are a Valois?"
       "I am, monseigneur."
       "A great name," said the cardinal, "but rare--believed extinct."
       "Not extinct, sir, since I bear it, and as I have a brother, Baron de Valois."
       "That has nothing to do with it. Recognized or unrecognized, rich or poor, he is still Baron de Valois."
       "Madame, explain to me this descent; it interests me; I love heraldry."
       Jeanne repeated all that the reader already knows.
       The cardinal listened and looked. He did not believe either her story or her merit; but she was poor and pretty.
       "So that," he said carelessly, when she had finished, "you have really been unfortunate."
       "I do not complain, monseigneur."
       "Indeed, I had heard a most exaggerated account of the difficulties of your position; this lodging is commodious and well furnished."
       "For a grisette, no doubt," replied Jeanne.
       "What! do you call these rooms fit for a grisette?"
       "I do not think you can call them fit for a princess," replied Jeanne.
       "And you are a princess?" said he, in an ironical tone.
       "I was born a Valois, monseigneur, as you were a Rohan," said Jeanne, with so much dignity that he felt a little touched by it.
       "Madame," said he, "I forgot that my first words should have been an apology. I wrote to you that I would come yesterday, but I had to go to Versailles to assist at the reception of M. de Suffren."
       "Monseigneur does me too much honor in remembering me to-day; and my husband will more than ever regret the exile to which poverty compels him, since it prevents him from sharing this favor with me."
       "You live alone, madame?" asked the cardinal.
       "Absolutely alone. I should be out of place in all society but that from which my poverty debars me."
       "The genealogists do not contest your claim?"
       "No; but what good does it do me?"
       "Madame," continued the cardinal, "I shall be glad to know in what I can serve you."
       "In nothing, monseigneur," she said.
       "How! in nothing? Pray be frank."
       "I cannot be more frank than I am."
       "You were complaining just now."
       "Certainly, I complain."
       "Well, then?"
       "Well, then, monseigneur, I see that you wish to bestow charity on me."
       "Oh, madame!"
       "Yes, sir, I have taken charity, but I will do so no more. I have borne great humiliation."
       "Madame, you are wrong, there is no humiliation in misfortune."
       "Not even with the name I bear? Would you beg, M. de Rohan?"
       "I do not speak of myself," said he, with an embarrassment mingled with hauteur.
       "Monseigneur, I only know two ways of begging: in a carriage, or at a church door in velvet or in rags. Well, just now, I did not expect the honor of this visit; I thought you had forgotten me."
       "Oh, you knew, then, that it was I who wrote?"
       "Were not your arms on the seal?"
       "However, you feigned not to know me."
       "Because you did not do me the honor to announce yourself."
       "This pride pleases me," said the cardinal.
       "I had then," continued Jeanne, "despairing of seeing you, taken the resolution of throwing off all this flimsy parade, which covers my real poverty, and of going in rags, like other mendicants, to beg my bread from the passers-by."
       "You are not at the end of your resources, I trust, madame?"
       Jeanne did not reply.
       "You have some property, even if it be mortgaged? Some family jewels? This, for example," and he pointed to a box, with which the delicate fingers of the lady had been playing. "A singular box, upon my word! Will you permit me to look? Oh, a portrait!" he continued, with a look of great surprise. "Do you know the original of this portrait?" asked Jeanne.
       "It is that of Maria Theresa."
       "Of Maria Theresa?"
       "Yes, the Empress of Austria."
       "Really!" cried Jeanne. "Are you sure, monseigneur?"
       "Where did you get it?" he asked.
       "From a lady who came the day before yesterday."
       "To see you?"
       The cardinal examined the box with minute attention.
       "There were two ladies," continued Jeanne.
       "And one of them gave you this box?" said he, with evident suspicion.
       "No; she dropped it here."
       The cardinal remained thoughtful for some time, and then said, "What was the name of this lady? I beg pardon for being inquisitive."
       "Indeed, it is a somewhat strange question."
       "Indiscreet, perhaps, but not strange."
       "Yes, very strange; for if I had known her name, I should have returned it long before this."
       "Then, you know not who she is?"
       "I only know she is the head of some charitable house."
       "In Paris?"
       "No; in Versailles."
       "From Versailles; the head of a charitable house!"
       "Monseigneur, I accept charity from ladies; that does not so much humiliate a poor woman; and this lady, who had heard of my wants, left a hundred louis on my table when she went away."
       "A hundred louis!" said the cardinal in surprise; then, fearing to offend, he added, "I am not astonished, madame, that they should give you such a sum. You merit, on the contrary, all the solicitude of charitable people, and your name makes it a duty to help you. It is only the title of the Sister of Charity that surprised me, they are not in the habit of giving such donations. Could you describe this lady to me?"
       "Not easily, sir."
       "How so, since she came here?"
       "Yes, but she probably did not wish to be recognized, for she hid her face as much as possible in her hood, and was besides, enveloped in furs."
       "Well, but you saw something?"
       "My impressions were, that she had blue eyes, and a small mouth, though the lips were rather thick."
       "Tall or short?"
       "Of middle height."
       "Her hands?"
       "Her throat?"
       "Long and slender."
       "Her expression?"
       "Severe and noble. But you, perhaps, know this lady, monseigneur?"
       "Why should you think so, madame?"
       "From the manner in which you question me; besides, there is a sympathy between the doers of good works."
       "No, madame, I do not know her."
       "But, sir, if you had some suspicion."
       "How should I?"
       "Oh, from this portrait, perhaps."
       "Yes, certainly, the portrait," said the cardinal, rather uneasily.
       "Well, sir, this portrait you still believe to be that of Maria Theresa?"
       "I believe so, certainly."
       "Then you think----?"
       "That you have received a visit from some German lady who has founded one of these houses!" But it was evident that the cardinal doubted, and he was pondering how this box, which he had seen a hundred times in the hands of the queen, came into the possession of this woman. Had the queen really been to see her? If she had been, was she indeed unknown to Jeanne? Or, if not, why did she try to hide the knowledge from him. If the queen had really been there, it was no longer a poor woman he had to deal with, but a princess succored by a queen, who bestowed her gifts in person.
       Jeanne saw that the cardinal was thoughtful, and even suspicious of her. She felt uneasy, and knew not what to say.
       At last, however, he broke the silence by saying, "And the other lady?"
       "Oh, I could see her perfectly; she is tall and beautiful, with a determined expression, and a brilliant complexion."
       "And the other lady did not name her?"
       "Yes, once; but by her Christian name."
       "What was it?"
       "Andree!" repeated the cardinal, with a start.
       This name put an end to all his doubts. It was known that the queen had gone to Paris on that day with Mademoiselle de Taverney. It was evident, also, that Jeanne had no intention of deceiving him; she was telling all she knew. Still, he would try one more proof.
       "Countess," he said, "one thing astonishes me, that you have not addressed yourself to the king."
       "But, sir, I have sent him twenty petitions."
       "Without result?"
       "Well, then, the princes of the blood; M. le Duc d'Orleans is charitable, and often likes to do what the king refuses."
       "I have tried him, equally fruitlessly."
       "That astonishes me."
       "Oh, when one is poor, and not supported by any one----"
       "There is still the Comte d'Artois; sometimes dissipated men do more generous actions than charitable ones."
       "It is the same story with him."
       "But the princesses, the aunts of the king, Madame Elizabeth particularly, would refuse assistance to no one."
       "It is true, monseigneur, her royal highness, to whom I wrote, promised to receive me; but, I know not why, after having received my husband, I could never get any more notice from her."
       "It is strange, certainly," said the cardinal; then, as if the thought had just struck him, he cried, "Ah! mon Dieu! but we are forgetting the person to whom you should have addressed yourself first of all."
       "Whom do you mean?"
       "To the dispenser of all favors, she who never refuses help where it is deserved--to the queen. Have you seen her?"
       "No," answered Jeanne.
       "You have never presented your petition to the queen?"
       "You have not tried to obtain an audience of her?"
       "I have tried, but failed."
       "Have you tried to throw yourself in her way, that she might remark you?"
       "No, monseigneur."
       "But that is very strange."
       "I have only been twice to Versailles, and then saw but two persons there; one was Doctor Louis, who had attended my poor father at the Hotel Dieu, and the other was M. le Baron de Taverney, to whom I had an introduction."
       "What did M. de Taverney say to you? He might have brought you to the queen."
       "He told me that I was very foolish to bring forward as a claim to the benevolence of the king a relationship which would be sure to displease him, as nobody likes poor relations."
       "I recognize the egotistical and rude old baron. Well," continued he, "I will conduct you myself to Versailles, and will open the doors for you."
       "Oh, monseigneur, how good you are," cried Jeanne, overwhelmed with joy.
       The cardinal approached her, and said, "It is impossible but that before long all must interest themselves in you."
       "Alas! monseigneur," said Jeanne, with a sigh, "do you think so?"
       "I am sure of it."
       "I fear you flatter me," she said, looking earnestly at him, for she could hardly believe in his sudden change of manner, he had been so cold and suspicious at first.
       This look had no small effect on the cardinal; he began to think he had never met a woman prettier or more attractive. "Ah, ma foi!" said he to himself, with the eternally scheming spirit of a man used to diplomacy, "it would be too extraordinary and too fortunate if I have met at once an honest woman with the attractions of a scheming one, and found in this poverty an able coadjutrix to my desires."
       "Monseigneur, the silence you keep every now and then disquiets me."
       "Why so, countess?"
       "Because a man like you only fails in politeness to two kinds of women."
       "Mon Dieu! countess, you frighten me. What are you about to say?" and he took her hand.
       "I repeat it," said she, "with women that you love too much, or with women whom you do not esteem enough to be polite to."
       "Countess, you make me blush. Have I, then, failed in politeness towards you?"
       "Rather so, monseigneur; and yet you cannot love me too much, and I have given you no cause to despise me."
       "Oh, countess, you speak as if you were angry with me."
       "No, monseigneur; you have not yet merited my anger."
       "And I never will, madame. From this day, in which I have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, my solicitude for you will not cease."
       "Oh, sir, do not speak to me of your protection."
       "Oh, mon Dieu! I should humiliate myself, not you, in mentioning such a thing;" and he pressed her hand, which he continued to hold, to his lips.
       She tried to withdraw it; but he said, "Only politeness, madame," and she let it remain.
       "To know," said she, "that I shall occupy a place, however small, in the mind of a man so eminent and so busy, would console me for a year."
       "Let us hope the consolation will last longer than that, countess."
       "Well, perhaps so, monseigneur; I have confidence in you, because I feel that you are capable of appreciating a mind like mine, adventurous, brave, and pure, in spite of my poverty, and of the enemies which my position has made me. Your eminence will, I am sure, discover all the good that is in me, and be indulgent to all the rest."
       "We, are, then, warm friends, madame;" and he advanced towards her, but his arms were a little more extended than the occasion required. She avoided him, and said, laughing:
       "It must be a friendship among three, cardinal."
       "Among three?"
       "Doubtless, for there exists an exile, a poor gendarme, who is called M. de la Motte."
       "Oh, countess, what a deplorably good memory you have!"
       "I must speak to you of him, that you may not forget him."
       "Do you know why I do not speak of him, countess?"
       "No; pray tell me."
       "Because he will speak enough for himself: husbands never let themselves be forgotten. We shall hear that M. le Comte de la Motte found it good, or found it bad, that the Cardinal de Rohan came two, three, or four times a week to visit his wife."
       "Ah! but will you come so often, monseigneur?"
       "Without that, where would be our friendship? Four times! I should have said six or seven."
       Jeanne laughed, "I should not indeed wonder in that case if people did talk of it."
       "Oh! but we can easily prevent them."
       "Quite easily. The people know me----"
       "Certainly, monseigneur."
       "But you they have the misfortune not to know."
       "Therefore, if you would----"
       "What, sir?"
       "Come out instead of me."
       "Come to your hotel, monseigneur?"
       "You would go to see a minister."
       "Oh! a minister is not a man."
       "You are adorable, countess. But I did not speak of my hotel; I have a house----"
       "Oh! a petite maison?"
       "No; a house of yours."
       "A house of mine, cardinal! Indeed, I did not know it."
       "To-morrow, at ten o'clock, you shall have the address."
       The countess blushed; the cardinal took her hand again, and imprinted another kiss upon it, at once bold, respectful, and tender. They then bowed to each other.
       "Light monseigneur down," said the countess; and he went away.
       "Well," thought she, "I have made a great step in the world."
       "Come," said the cardinal to himself as he drove off, "I think I have killed two birds with one stone; this woman has too much talent not to catch the queen as she has caught me?" _



Prologue.--The Predictions
Chapter 1. Two Unknown Ladies
Chapter 2. An Interior
Chapter 3. Jeanne De La Motte Valois
Chapter 4. Belus
Chapter 5. The Road To Versailles
Chapter 6. Laurent
Chapter 7. The Queen's Bed-Chamber
Chapter 8. The Queen's Petite Levee
Chapter 9. The Swiss Lake
Chapter 10. The Tempter
Chapter 11. M. De Suffren
Chapter 12. M. De Charny
Chapter 13. The One Hundred Louis Of The Queen
Chapter 14. M. Fingret
Chapter 15. The Cardinal De Rohan
Chapter 16. Mesmer And St. Martin
Chapter 17. The Bucket
Chapter 18. Mademoiselle Oliva
Chapter 19. Monsieur Beausire
Chapter 20. Gold
Chapter 21. La Petite Maison
Chapter 22. Some Words About The Opera
Chapter 23. The Ball At The Opera
Chapter 24. The Examination
Chapter 25. The Academy Of M. Beausire
Chapter 26. The Ambassador
Chapter 27. Messrs. Boehmer And Bossange
Chapter 28. The Ambassador's Hotel
Chapter 29. The Bargain
Chapter 30. The Journalist's House
Chapter 31. How Two Friends Became Enemies
Chapter 32. The House In The Rue St. Gilles
Chapter 33. The Head Of The Taverney Family
Chapter 34. The Stanzas Of M. De Provence
Chapter 35. The Princess De Lamballe
Chapter 36. The Queen
Chapter 37. An Alibi
Chapter 38. M. De Crosne.
Chapter 39. The Temptress
Chapter 40. Two Ambitions That Wish To Pass For Two Loves
Chapter 41. Faces Under Their Masks
Chapter 42. In Which M. Ducorneau Understands Nothing Of What Is Passing
Chapter 43. Illusions And Realities
Chapter 44. Oliva Begins To Ask What They Want Of Her
Chapter 45. The Deserted House
Chapter 46. Jeanne The Protectress
Chapter 47. Jeanne Protected
Chapter 48. The Queen's Portfolio
Chapter 49. In Which We Find Dr. Louis
Chapter 50. Aegri Somnia
Chapter 51. Andree
Chapter 52. Delirium
Chapter 53. Convalescence
Chapter 54. Two Bleeding Hearts
Chapter 55. The Minister Of Finance
Chapter 56. The Cardinal De Rohan
Chapter 57. Debtor And Creditor
Chapter 58. Family Accounts
Chapter 59. Marie Antoinette As Queen, And Madame De La Motte As Woman
Chapter 60. The Receipt Of Mm. Boehmer And Bossange, And The Gratitude Of The Queen
Chapter 61 The Prisoner
Chapter 62. The Look Out
Chapter 63. The Two Neighbors
Chapter 64. The Rendezvous
Chapter 65. The Queen's Hand
Chapter 66. Woman And Queen
Chapter 67. Woman And Demon
Chapter 68. The Night
Chapter 69. The Conge
Chapter 70. The Jealousy Of The Cardinal
Chapter 71. The Flight
Chapter 72. The Letter And The Receipt
Chapter 73
Chapter 74. Love And Diplomacy
Chapter 75. Charny, Cardinal, And Queen
Chapter 76. Explanations
Chapter 77. The Arrest
Chapter 78. The Proces-Verbal
Chapter 79. The Last Accusation
Chapter 80. The Proposal Of Marriage
Chapter 81. St. Denis
Chapter 82. A Dead Heart
Chapter 83. In Which It Is Explained Why The Baron De Taverney Grew Fat
Chapter 84. The Father And The Fiancee
Chapter 85. After The Dragon, The Viper
Chapter 86. How It Came To Pass That M. Beausire Was Tracked By The Agents Of M. De Crosne
Chapter 87. The Turtles Are Caged
Chapter 88. The Last Hope Lost
Chapter 89. The Baptism Of The Little Beausire
Chapter 90. The Trial
Chapter 91. The Execution
Chapter 92. The Marriage