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Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers
A Spiritual Dialogue
Don Marquis
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       _ Last night I met Hermione,
       And eagerly she said to me:
       "Thoughts from the ambient everywhere
       Electrify our worldly air."
       "My soul," I said, "grabs off such hints
       As butter, whether pats or prints,
       Receives and holds all unaware
       Small strands of drifting, golden hair.
       But have YOU thought, O Maiden fair,
       O, have you thought profoundly of
       The psychic consciousness in crows?
       Or why the Malay when in love
       Wears rubber earrings on his toes?"
       The lady shook her lovely head --
       'Twas coiffed divinely -- and she said:
       "Have you reflected on the part
       Primeval instinct plays in Art?
       It's simply wonderful the way
       Old things grow new from day to day!"
       "That's true," I said, "I often ape
       The Ape to get my Art in shape --
       And with the Simian going strong,
       Behold, another Rennysawng!"
       "Perhaps," she said, "across the verge
       Of darkness, from the Cosmic Urge,
       The Light is speeding in bright waves,
       E'en now to show the way to slaves!"
       "The thought," I said, "is cheerful -- but
       These Swamis WILL chew betel-nut!"
       "Alas!" she said, "alas! too true!
       But oh! it's wonderful of you
       To sympathize and understand --"
       (She gestured with a jeweled hand) --
       "The joy of being understood!"
       "Our talk," I said, "has done me good." _