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Chicot the Jester
Chapter 58. A Flight Of Angevins
Alexandre Dumas
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       Bussy contrived to occupy the duke so well with his preparations for war during two days, that he found no time to think of Meridor, and from time to time, under pretext of examining the outer fortifications, jumped on Roland, and arrived at a certain wall, which he got over all the more quickly because each time he made some stone fall, and was, in fact, gradually making a breach.
       Towards the end of the third day, as an enormous convoy of provisions was entering the city, the produce of a tax levied by the duke on his good Angevins, as M. d'Anjou, to make himself popular, was tasting the black bread and salt fish of the soldiers, they heard a great noise at one of the gates of the city, where a man, mounted on a white horse, had presented himself. Now Bussy had had himself named Captain-General of Anjou, and had established the most severe discipline in Angers; no one could go out of or enter the town without a password; all which had no other aim than to prevent the duke from sending a messenger to Meridor without his knowledge.
       The man on the white horse had arrived at a furious gallop, and had attempted to enter, but had been stopped.
       "I am Antragues," said he, "and desire to speak to the Duc d'Anjou."
       "We do not know Antragues," they replied, "but as for seeing the duke, you shall be satisfied, for we shall arrest you, and conduct you to him."
       "You are a nice fellow, truly, to talk of arresting Charles Balzac d'Antragues, Baron de Cuneo, and Comte de Graville."
       "We will do so, however," replied the bourgeois, who had twenty men behind him.
       "Wait a little, my good friends. You do not know the Parisians. Well, I will show you a specimen of what they can do."
       "Let us arrest him!" cried the furious militia.
       "Softly, my little lambs of Anjou; it is I who will have that pleasure."
       "What does he say?" asked the bourgeois.
       "He says that his horse has only gone ten leagues, and will ride over you all." And drawing his sword and swinging it furiously round, he cut off in his passage the blades of the nearest halberts, and in less than ten minutes fifteen or twenty of them were changed into broom-handles.
       "Ah! this is very amusing!" cried he, laughing, and as he spoke stunning one of the bourgeois with a blow on the head with the flat of his sword. However, as more and more bourgeois crowded to the attack, and Antragues began to feel tired, he said, "Well, you are as brave as lions; I will bear witness to it; but, you see, you have nothing left but the handles of your halberts, and you do not know how to load your muskets. I had resolved to enter the city, but I did not know it was guarded by an army of Casars. I renounce my victory over you. Good evening, I am going away; only tell the prince that I came here expressly to see him."
       However, the captain had managed to communicate the fire to the match of his musket, but just as he was raising it to his shoulder, Antragues gave him such a furious blow upon the fingers that he dropped it.
       "Kill him! kill him!" cried several voices, "do not let him escape!"
       "Ah!" said Antragues, "just now you would not let me come in, now you will not let me go out. Take care, that will change my tactics, and instead of the flat of my sword, I will use the point--instead of cutting the halberts, I will cut the wrists. Now, will you let me go?"
       "No, no, he is tired, kill him!"
       "Well, then, take care of your hands!"
       Scarcely had he spoken when another cavalier appeared, riding furiously also, and who cried out as he approached:
       "Antragues, what are you doing among all these bourgeois?"
       "Livarot!" cried Antragues. "Mon Dieu, you are welcome; Montjoie and St. Denis, to the rescue!"
       "I heard four hours ago that you were before me, and I have been trying to catch you. But what is the matter; do they want to massacre you?"
       "Yes, they will neither let me in nor out."
       "Gentlemen!" said Livarot, "will you please to step either to the right or left, and let us pass."
       "They insult us! kill them!" cried the people.
       "Oh! this is Angers' manners!" said Livarot, drawing his sword.
       "Yes, you see; unluckily, there are so many of them."
       "If there were but three of us!"
       "And here is Ribeirac coming."
       "Do you hear him?"
       "I see him. Here, Ribeirac!"
       "Are you fighting?" cried Ribeirac.
       "Good morning, Livarot; good morning, Antragues."
       "Let us charge them," said Antragues.
       The bourgeois looked in stupefaction at this reinforcement that was about to join the attacking party.
       "They are a regiment," said the captain of the militia.
       "This is only the advanced guard," cried another.
       "We are fathers of families, and our lives belong to our children," said others, and they all tried to fly, fighting with each other to get out of the way.
       At this stage of the affair Bussy and the prince arrived, followed by twenty cavaliers, to ascertain the cause of the tumult. They were told that it was three incarnate devils from Paris who were making all the disturbance.
       "Three men, Bussy; see who they are."
       Bussy raised himself in his stirrups, and his quick eye soon recognized Livarot.
       "Mort de ma vie, monseigneur," cried he, "they are our friends from Paris who are besieging us."
       "No!" cried Livarot, "on the contrary, it is these people who are killing us."
       "Down with your arms, knaves," cried the duke, "these are friends."
       "Friends!" cried the bourgeois, "then they should have had the password; for we have been treating them like Pagans and they us like Turks."
       Livarot, Antragues, and Ribeirac advanced in triumph to kiss the duke's hand.
       "Monseigneur," said Bussy, "how many militia do you think there were here?"
       "At least one hundred and fifty."
       "You have not very famous soldiers, since three men beat them."
       "True, but I shall have the three men who did beat them." _



Chapter 1. The Wedding Of St. Luc
Chapter 2. How It Is Not Always He Who Opens The Door, Who Enters The House
Chapter 3. How It Is Sometimes Difficult To Distinguish A Dream From The Reality
Chapter 4. How Madame De St. Luc Had Passed The Night
Chapter 5. How Madame De St. Luc Passed The Second Night Of Her Marriage
Chapter 6. Le Petit Coucher Of Henri III
Chapter 7. How, Without Any One Knowing Why, The King Was Converted...
Chapter 8. How The King Was Afraid Of Being Afraid
Chapter 9. How The Angel Made A Mistake And Spoke To Chicot...
Chapter 10. How Bussy Went To Seek For The Reality Of His Dream
Chapter 11. M. Bryan De Monsoreau
Chapter 12. How Bussy Found Both The Portrait And The Original
Chapter 13. Who Diana Was
Chapter 14. The Treaty
Chapter 15. The Marriage
Chapter 16. The Marriage
Chapter 17. How Henri III Traveled...
Chapter 18. Brother Gorenflot
Chapter 19. How Chicot Found Out That It Was Easier To Go In Than Out Of The Abbey
Chapter 20. How Chicot, Forced To Remain In The Abbey...
Chapter 21. How Chicot Learned Genealogy
Chapter 22. How M. And Madame De St. Luc Met With A Traveling Companion
Chapter 23. The Old Man
Chapter 24. How Remy-Le-Haudouin Had...
Chapter 25. The Father And Daughter
Chapter 26. How Brother Gorenflot Awoke, And The Reception He Met With At His Convent
Chapter 27. How Brother Gorenflot Remained Convinced...
Chapter 28. How Brother Gorenflot Traveled Upon An Ass...
Chapter 29. How Brother Gorenflot Changed His Ass For A Mule...
Chapter 30. How Chicot And His Companion Installed Themselves At The Hotel...
Chapter 31. How The Monk Confessed The Advocate...
Chapter 32. How Chicot Used His Sword
Chapter 33. How The Duc D'anjou Learned That Diana Was Not Dead
Chapter 34. How Chicot Returned To The Louvre...
Chapter 35. What Passed Between M. De Monsoreau And The Duke
Chapter 36. Chicot And The King
Chapter 37. What M. De Guise Came To Do At The Louvre
Chapter 38. Castor And Pollux
Chapter 39. Which It Is Proved That Listening Is The Best Way To Hear
Chapter 40. The Evening Of The League
Chapter 41. The Rue De La Ferronnerie
Chapter 42. The Prince And The Friend
Chapter 43. Etymology Of The Rue De La Jussienne
Chapter 44. How D'epernon Had His Doublet Torn...
Chapter 45. Chicot More Than Ever King Of France
Chapter 46. How Chicot Paid A Visit To Bussy, And What Followed
Chapter 47. The Chess Of M. Chicot, And The Cup And Ball Of M. Quelus
Chapter 48. The Reception Of The Chiefs Of The League
Chapter 49. How The King N Axed...
Chapter 50. Eteocles And Polynices
Chapter 51. How People Do Not Always Lose Their Time By Searching Empty Drawers
Chapter 52. Ventre St. Gris
Chapter 53. The Friends
Chapter 54. Bussy And Diana
Chapter 55. How Bussy Was Offered Three Hundred Pistoles For His Horse...
Chapter 56. The Diplomacy Of The Duc D'anjou
Chapter 57. The Ideas Of The Duc D'anjou
Chapter 58. A Flight Of Angevins
Chapter 59. Roland
Chapter 60. What M. De Monsoreau Came To Announce
Chapter 61. How The King Learned The Flight Of His Beloved Brother...
Chapter 62. How, As Chicot And The Queen Mother Were Agreed...
Chapter 63. In Which It Is Proved That Gratitude Was One Of St. Luc's Virtues
Chapter 64. The Project Of M. De St. Luc
Chapter 65. How M. De St. Luc Showed M. De Monsoreau The Thrust...
Chapter 66. In Which We See The Queen-Mother...
Chapter 67. Little Causes And Great Effects
Chapter 68. How M. De Monsoreau Opened And Shut His Eyes...
Chapter 69. How M. Le Duc D'anjou Went To Meridor...
Chapter 70. The Inconvenience Of Large Litters And Narrow Doors
Chapter 71. What Temper The King Was In When St. Luc Reappeared At The Louvre
Chapter 72. In Which We Meet Two Important Personages...
Chapter 73. Diana's Second Journey To Paris
Chapter 74. How The Ambassador Of The Duc D'anjou Arrived At The Louvre...
Chapter 75. Which Is Only The End Of The Preceding One
Chapter 76. How M. De St. Luc Acquitted Himself...
Chapter 77. In What Respect M. De St. Luc Was More Civilized...
Chapter 78. The Precautions Of M. De Monsoreau
Chapter 79. A Visit To The House At Les Tournelles
Chapter 80. The Watchers
Chapter 81. How M. Le Duc D'anjou Signed, And After Having Signed, Spoke
Chapter 82. A Promenade At The Tournelles
Chapter 83. In Which Chicot Sleeps
Chapter 84. Where Chicot Wakes
Chapter 85. The Fete Dieu
Chapter 86. Which Will Elucidate The Previous Chapter
Chapter 87. The Procession
Chapter 88. Chicot The First
Chapter 89. Interest And Capital
Chapter 90. What Was Passing Near The Bastile...
Chapter 91. The Assassination
Chapter 92. How Brother Gorenflot Found Himself More...
Chapter 93. Where Chicot Guesses Why D'epernon Had Blood On His Feet...
Chapter 94. The Morning Of The Combat
Chapter 95. The Friends Of Bussy
Chapter 96. The Combat
Chapter 97. The End