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Adventures of Captain Horn, The
Chapter 9. An Amazing Narration
Frank R Stockton
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       When the captain had gone out again into the open air, he was followed by
       the rest of the party, for, if there were no danger, they all wanted to
       see what was to be seen. What they saw was a party of six black men on
       the plateau, Maka in the lead. There could be no doubt that the newcomers
       were the remainder of the party of Africans who had been enslaved by the
       Rackbirds, and the desire of the captain and his companions to know how
       they had got away, and what news they brought, was most intense.
       Maka now hurried forward, leading one of the strangers. "Great things
       they tell," said he. "This Cheditafa. He speak English good as me. He
       tell you."
       "The first thing I want," cried the captain, "is some news of those
       Rackbirds. Have they found we are here? Will they be coming after these
       men, or have they gone off somewhere else? Tell me this, and be quick."
       "Oh, yes," cried Maka, "they found out we here. But Cheditafa tell
       you--he tell you everything. Great things!"
       "Very well, then," said the captain. "Let him begin and be quick
       about it."
       The appearance of Cheditafa was quite as miserable as that of poor Mok,
       but his countenance was much more intelligent, and his English, although
       very much broken, was better even than Maka's, and he was able to make
       himself perfectly understood. He spoke briefly, and this is the substance
       of his story:
       About the middle of the afternoon of the day before, a wonderful thing
       happened. The Rackbirds had had their dinner, which they had cooked
       themselves, and they were all lying down in their huts or in the shadows
       of the rocks, either asleep, or smoking and telling stories. Cheditafa
       knew why they were resting. The Rackbirds had no idea that he understood
       English, for he had been careful to keep this fact from them after he
       found out what sort of men they were,--and this knowledge had come very
       soon to him,--and they spoke freely before him. He had heard some of the
       men who had been out looking for Mok, and who had come back early that
       morning, tell about some shipwrecked people in a cave up the coast, and
       had heard all the plans which had been made for the attack upon them
       during the night. He also knew why he and his fellows had been cooped up
       in the cave in the rock in which they lived, all that day, and had not
       been allowed to come down and do any work.
       They were lying huddled in their little cave, feeling very hungry and
       miserable, and whispering together,--for if they spoke out or made any
       noise, one of the men below would be likely to fire a load of shot at
       them,--when suddenly a strange thing happened.
       They heard a great roar like a thousand bulls, which came from the
       higher part of the ravine, and peeping out, they saw what seemed like a
       wall of rock stretching across the little valley. But in a second they
       saw it was not rock--it was water, and before they could take two breaths
       it had reached them. Then it passed on, and they saw only the surface of
       a furious and raging stream, the waves curling and dashing over each
       other, and reaching almost up to the floor of their cave.
       They were so frightened that they pressed back as far as they could get,
       and even tried to climb up the sides of the rocky cavity, so fearful were
       they that the water would dash in upon them. But the raging flood roared
       and surged outside, and none of it came into their cave. Then the sound
       of it became not quite so loud, and grew less and less. But still
       Cheditafa and his companions were so frightened and so startled by this
       awful thing, happening so suddenly, as if it had been magic, that it was
       some time--he did not know how long--before they lifted their faces from
       the rocks against which they were pressing them.
       Then Cheditafa crept forward and looked out. The great waves and the
       roaring water were gone. There was no water to be seen, except the brook
       which always ran at the bottom of the ravine, and which now seemed not
       very much bigger than it had been that morning.
       But the little brook was all there was in the ravine, except the bare
       rocks, wet and glistening. There were no huts, no Rackbirds, nothing.
       Even the vines and bushes which had been growing up the sides of the
       stream were all gone. Not a weed, not a stick, not a clod of earth, was
       left--nothing but a great, rocky ravine, washed bare and clean.
       Edna Markham stepped suddenly forward and seized the captain by the arm.
       "It was the lake," she cried. "The lake swept down that ravine!"
       "Yes," said the captain, "it must have been. But listen--let us hear
       more. Go on," he said to Cheditafa, who proceeded to tell how he and his
       companions looked out for a long time, but they saw nor heard nothing of
       any living creature. It would be easy enough for anybody to come back up
       the ravine, but nobody came.
       They had now grown so hungry that they could have almost eaten each
       other. They felt they must get out of the cave and go to look for food.
       It would be better to be shot than to sit there and starve.
       Then they devised a plan by which they could get down. The smallest man
       got out of the cave and let himself hang, holding to the outer edge of
       the floor with his hands. Then another man put his feet over the edge of
       the rock, and let the hanging man take hold of them. The other two each
       seized an arm of the second man, and lowered the two down as far as they
       could reach. When they had done this, the bottom man dropped, and did not
       hurt himself. Then they had to pull up the second man, for the fall would
       have been too great for him.
       After that they had to wait a long time, while the man who had got out
       went to look for something by which the others could help themselves
       down--the ladder they had used having been carried away with everything
       else. After going a good way down the ravine to a place where it grew
       much wider, with the walls lower, he found things that had been thrown up
       on the sides, and among these was the trunk of a young tree, which,
       after a great deal of hard work, he brought back to the cave, and by the
       help of this they all scrambled down.
       They hurried down the ravine, and as they approached the lower part,
       where it became wider before opening into the little bay into which the
       stream ran, they found that the flood, as it had grown shallower and
       spread itself out, had left here and there various things which it had
       brought down from the camp--bits of the huts, articles of clothing, and
       after a while they came to a Rackbird, quite dead, and hanging upon a
       point of projecting rock. Farther on they found two or three more bodies
       stranded, and later in the day some Rackbirds who had been washed out to
       sea came back with the tide, and were found upon the beach. It was
       impossible, Cheditafa said, for any of them to have escaped from that
       raging torrent, which hurled them against the rocks as it carried them
       down to the sea.
       But the little party of hungry Africans did not stop to examine anything
       which had been left. What they wanted was something to eat, and they
       knew where to get it. About a quarter of a mile back from the beach was
       the storehouse of the Rackbirds, a sort of cellar which they had made in
       a sand-hill. As the Africans had carried the stores over from the vessel
       which had brought them, and had afterwards taken to the camp such
       supplies as were needed from time to time, of course they knew where to
       find them, and they lost no time in making a hearty meal.
       According to Cheditafa's earnest assertions, they had never eaten as
       they had eaten then. He believed that the reason they had been left
       without food was that the Rackbirds were too proud to wait on black
       men, and had concluded to let them suffer until they had returned from
       their expedition, and the negroes could be let down to attend to their
       own wants.
       After they had eaten, the Africans went to a spot which commanded a view
       up the ravine, as well as the whole of the bay, and there they hid
       themselves, and watched as long as it was daylight, so that if any of
       the Rackbirds had escaped they could see them. But they saw nothing, and
       being very anxious to find good white people who would take care of
       them, they started out before dawn that morning to look for the
       shipwrecked party about whom Cheditafa had heard the Rackbirds talking,
       and with whom they hoped to find their companion Mok, and thus it was
       that they were here.
       "And those men were coming to attack us last night?" asked the captain.
       "You are sure of that?"
       "Yes," said Cheditafa, "it was last night. They not know how many you
       are, and all were coming."
       "And some of them had already been here?"
       "Yes," replied the African. "One day before, three went out to look for
       Mok, and they found his track and more track, and they waited in the
       black darkness, and then came here, and they heard you all sleep and
       snore that night. They were to come again, and if they--"
       "And yesterday afternoon the lake came down and swept them out of
       existence!" exclaimed Mrs. Cliff. _



Chapter 1. An Introductory Disaster
Chapter 2. A New Face In Camp
Chapter 3. A Change Of Lodgings
Chapter 4. Another New Face
Chapter 5. The Rackbirds
Chapter 6. Three Wild Beasts
Chapter 7. Gone!
Chapter 8. The Alarm
Chapter 9. An Amazing Narration
Chapter 10. The Captain Explores
Chapter 11. A New Hemisphere
Chapter 12. A Tradition And A Waistcoat
Chapter 13. "Mine!"
Chapter 14. A Pile Of Fuel
Chapter 15. The Cliff-Maka Scheme
Chapter 16. On A Business Basis
Chapter 17. "A Fine Thing, No Matter What Happens"
Chapter 18. Mrs. Cliff Is Amazed
Chapter 19. Left Behind
Chapter 20. At The Rackbirds' Cove
Chapter 21. In The Gates
Chapter 22. A Pack-Mule
Chapter 23. His Present Share
Chapter 24. His Fortune Under His Feet
Chapter 25. At The Palmetto Hotel
Chapter 26. The Captain's Letter
Chapter 27. Edna Makes Her Plans
Chapter 28. "Home, Sweet Home"
Chapter 29. A Committee Of Ladies
Chapter 30. At The Hotel Boileau
Chapter 31. Waiting
Chapter 32. A Mariner's Wits Take A Little Flight
Chapter 33. The "Miranda" Takes In Cargo
Chapter 34. Burke And His Chisel
Chapter 35. The Captain Writes A Letter
Chapter 36. A Horse-Dealer Appears On The Scene
Chapter 37. The "Arato"
Chapter 38. The Coast Of Patagonia
Chapter 39. Shirley Spies A Sail
Chapter 40. The Battle Of The Golden Wall
Chapter 41. The "Arato" Anchors Nearer Shore
Chapter 42. Inkspot Has A Dream Of Heaven
Chapter 43. Mok As A Vocalist
Chapter 44. Mr. Banker's Speculation
Chapter 45. Mental Turmoils
Chapter 46. A Problem
Chapter 47. A Man-Chimpanzee
Chapter 48. Enter Captain Horn
Chapter 49. A Golden Afternoon
Chapter 50. A Case Of Recognition
Chapter 51. Banker Does Some Important Business
Chapter 52. The Captain Takes His Stand
Chapter 53. A Little Gleam Afar