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Adventures of Captain Horn, The
Chapter 16. On A Business Basis
Frank R Stockton
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       Captain Horn found Edna at the entrance to the caves, busily employed in
       filling one of the Rackbirds' boxes with ship-biscuit.
       "Miss Markham," said he, "I wish to have a little business talk with you
       before I leave. Where is Ralph?"
       "He is down at the boat," she answered.
       "Very good," said he. "Will you step this way?"
       When they were seated together in the shade of some rocks, he stated to
       Edna what he had planned in case he should lose his life in his intended
       expedition, and showed her the will he had made, and also the directions
       for herself and Mrs. Cliff. Edna listened very attentively, occasionally
       asking for an explanation, but offering no opinion. When he had finished,
       she was about to say something, but he interrupted her.
       "Of course, I want to know your opinion about all this," he said, "but
       not yet. I have more to say. There has been a business plan proposed
       by two members of our party which concerns me, and when anything is
       told concerning me, I want to know how it is told, or, if possible,
       tell it myself."
       And then, as concisely as possible, he related to her Maka's anxiety in
       regard to the boss question, and his method of disposing of the
       difficulty, and afterwards Mrs. Cliff's anxiety about the property, in
       case of accident to himself, and her method of meeting the contingency.
       During this recital Edna Markham said not one word. To portions of the
       narrative she listened with an eager interest; then her expression
       became hard, almost stern; and finally her cheeks grew red, but
       whether with anger or some other emotion the captain did not know.
       When he had finished, she looked steadily at him for a few moments,
       and then she said:
       "Captain Horn, what you have told me are the plans and opinions of
       others. It seems to me that you are now called upon to say something for
       "I am quite ready to do that," he answered. "A half-hour ago I had never
       thought of such a scheme as I have laid before you. When I heard it, I
       considered it absurd, and mentioned it to you only because I was afraid I
       would be misrepresented. But since putting the matter to you, even while
       I have been just now talking, I have grown to be entirely in favor of it.
       But I want you to thoroughly understand my views on the subject. If this
       marriage is to be performed, it will be strictly a business affair,
       entered into for the purpose of securing to you and others a fortune,
       large or small, which, without this marriage, might be taken from you. In
       other words," said he, "you are to be looked upon in this affair in the
       light of my prospective widow."
       For a moment the flush on the face of the young woman faded away, but it
       quickly returned. Apparently involuntarily, she rose to her feet. Turning
       to the captain, who also rose, she said:
       "But there is another way in which the affair would have to be looked at.
       Suppose I should not become your widow? Suppose you should not be lost at
       sea, and should come back safely?"
       The captain drew a deep breath, and folded his arms upon his chest. "Miss
       Markham," said he, "if this marriage should take place, it would be
       entirely different from other marriages. If I should not return, and it
       should be considered legal, it may make you all rich and happy. If it
       should not hold good, we can only think we have done our best. But as to
       anything beyond this, or to any question of my return, or any other
       question in connection with the matter, our minds should be shut and
       locked. This matter is a business proposition, and as such I lay it
       before you. If we adopt it, we do so for certain reasons, and beyond
       those reasons neither of us is qualified to go. We should keep our eyes
       fixed upon the main point, and think of nothing else."
       "Something else must be looked at," said Edna. "It is just as likely that
       you will come back as that you will be lost at sea."
       "This plan is based entirely on the latter supposition," replied the
       captain. "It has nothing to do with the other. If we consider it at all,
       we must consider it in that light."
       "But we must consider it in the other light," she said. She was now quite
       pale, and her face had a certain sternness about it.
       "I positively refuse to do that," he said. "I will not think about it,
       or say one word about it. I will not even refer to any future settlement
       of that question. The plan I present rests entirely upon my non-return."
       "But if you do return?" persisted Edna.
       The captain smiled and shook his head. "You must excuse me," he said,
       "but I can say nothing about that."
       She looked steadily at him for a few moments, and then she said: "Very
       well, we will say nothing about it. As to the plan which has been
       devised to give us, in case of accident to you, a sound claim to the
       treasure which has been found here, and to a part of which I consider I
       have a right, I consent to it. I do this believing that I should share
       in the wonderful treasures in that cave. I have formed prospects for my
       future which would make my life a thousand times better worth living
       than I ever supposed it would be, and I do not wish to interfere with
       those prospects. I want them to become realities. Therefore, I consent
       to your proposition, and I will marry you upon a business basis, before
       you leave."
       "Your hand upon it," said the captain; and she gave him a hand so cold
       that it chilled his own. "Now I will go talk to Maka and Cheditafa," he
       said. "Of course, we understand that it may be of no advantage to have
       this coal-black heathen act as officiating clergyman, but it can do no
       harm, and we must take the chances. I have a good deal to do, and no time
       to lose if I am to get away on the flood-tide this afternoon. Will it
       suit you if I get everything ready to start, and we then have the
       "Oh, certainly," replied Edna. "Any spare moment will suit me."
       When he had gone, Edna Markham sat down on the rock again. With her hands
       clasped in her lap, she gazed at the sand at her feet.
       "Without a minute to think of it," she said to herself,
       presently,--"without any consideration at all. And now it is done! It
       was not like me. I do not know myself. But yes!" she exclaimed, speaking
       so that any one near might have heard her, "I do know myself. I said it
       because I was afraid, if I did not say it then, I should never be able
       to say it."
       If Captain Horn could have seen her then, a misty light, which no man can
       mistake, shining in her eyes as she gazed out over everything into
       nothing, he might not have been able to confine his proposition to a
       strictly business basis.
       She sat a little longer, and then she hurried away to finish the work on
       which she had been engaged; but when Mrs. Cliff came to look for her, she
       did not find her packing provisions for the captain's cruise, but sitting
       alone in one of the inner caves.
       "What, crying!" exclaimed Mrs. Cliff. "Now, let me tell you, my dear
       child, I do not feel in the least like crying. The captain has told me
       that everything is all right between you, and the more I think of it, the
       more firmly I believe that it is the grandest thing that could have
       happened. For some reason or other, and I am sure I cannot tell you why,
       I do not believe at all that the captain is going to be shipwrecked in
       that little boat. Before this I felt sure we should never see him again,
       but now I haven't a doubt that he will get somewhere all right, and that
       he will come back all right, and if he does it will be a grand match.
       Why, Edna child, if Captain Horn never gets away with a stick of that
       gold, it will be a most excellent match. Now, I believe in my heart," she
       continued, sitting down by Edna, "that when you accepted Captain Horn you
       expected him to come back. Tell me isn't that true?"
       At that instant Miss Markham gave a little start. "Mrs. Cliff," she
       exclaimed, "there is Ralph calling me. Won't you go and tell him all
       about it? Hurry, before he comes in here."
       When Ralph Markham heard what had happened while he was down at the
       beach, he grew so furiously angry that he could not find words in which
       to express himself.
       "That Captain Horn," he cried, when speech came to him, "is the most
       despotic tyrant on the face of the earth! He tells people what they are
       to do, and they simply go and do it. The next thing he will do is to tell
       you to adopt me as a son. Marry Edna! My sister! And I not know it! And
       she, just because he asks her, must go and marry him. Well, that is just
       like a woman."
       With savage strides he was about marching back to the beach, when Mrs.
       Cliff stopped him.
       "Now, don't make everybody unhappy, Ralph," she said, "but just listen to
       me. I want to tell you all about this matter."
       It took about a quarter of an hour to make clear to the ruffled mind of
       Ralph the powerful, and in Mrs. Cliffs eyes the imperative, reasons for
       the sudden and unpremeditated matrimonial arrangements of the morning.
       But before she had finished, the boy grew quieter, and there appeared
       upon his face some expressions of astute sagacity.
       "Well," said he, "when you first put this business to me, it was tail
       side up, but now you've got heads up it looks a little different. He will
       be drowned, as like as not, and then I suppose we can call our souls our
       own, and if, besides that, we can call a lot of those chunks of gold our
       own, we ought not to grumble. All right. I won't forbid the banns. But,
       between you and me, I think the whole thing is stuff and nonsense. What
       ought I to call him? Brother Horn?"
       "Now, don't say anything like that, Ralph," urged Mrs. Cliff, "and don't
       make yourself disagreeable in any way. This is a very serious time for
       all of us, and I am sure that you will not do anything which will hurt
       your sister's feelings."
       "Oh, don't be afraid," said Ralph. "I'm not going to hurt anybody's
       feelings. But when I first meet that man, I hope I may be able to keep
       him from knowing what I think of him."
       Five minutes later Ralph heard the voice of Captain Horn calling him. The
       voice came from the opening in the caves, and instantly Ralph turned and
       walked toward the beach. Again came the voice, louder than before:
       "Ralph, I want you." The boy stopped, put his hands in his pockets, and
       shrugged his shoulders, then he slowly turned.
       "If I were bigger," he said to himself, "I'd thrash him on the spot. Then
       I'd feel easier in my mind, and things could go on as they pleased. But
       as I am not six feet high yet, I suppose I might as well go to see what
       he wants."
       "Ralph," said the captain, as soon as the boy reached him, "I see Mrs.
       Cliff has been speaking to you, and so you know about the arrangements
       that have been made. But I have a great deal to do before I can start,
       and I want you to help me. I am now going to the mound in the cave to get
       out some of that gold, and I don't want anybody but you to go with me. I
       have just sent all the negroes down to the beach to carry things to the
       boat, and we must be quick about our business. You take this leather bag.
       It is Mrs. Cliff's, but I think it is strong enough. The lantern is
       lighted, so come on."
       To dive into a treasure mound Ralph would have followed a much more
       ruthless tyrant than Captain Horn, and although he made no remarks, he
       went willingly enough. When they had climbed the mound, and the captain
       had lifted the stone from the opening in the top, Ralph held the lantern
       while the captain, reaching down into the interior, set himself to work
       to fill the bag with the golden ingots. As the boy gazed down upon the
       mass of dull gold, his heart swelled within him. His feeling of
       indignant resentment began to disappear rapidly before the growing
       consciousness that he was to be the brother-in-law of the owner of all
       that wealth. As soon as the bag was filled, the stone was replaced, and
       the two descended from the mound, the captain carefully holding the
       heavy bag under his arm, for he feared the weight might break the
       handle. Then, extinguishing the lantern as soon as they could see their
       way without it, they reached the innermost cave before any of the
       negroes returned. Neither Mrs. Cliff nor Edna was there, and the
       captain placed his burden behind a piece of rock.
       "Captain," said the boy, his eyes glistening, "there must be a fortune in
       that bag!"
       The captain laughed. "Oh, no," said he, "not a very large one. I have had
       a good deal of experience with gold in California, and I suppose each one
       of those little bars is worth from two hundred and fifty to three hundred
       dollars." What we have represents a good deal of money. But now, Ralph, I
       have something very important to say to you. I am going to appoint you
       sole guardian and keeper of that treasure. You are very young to have
       such a responsibility put upon you, but I know you will feel the
       importance of your duty, and that you will not be forgetful or negligent
       about it. The main thing is to keep those two negroes, and anybody who
       may happen to come here, away from the mound. Do what you can to prevent
       any one exploring the cave, and don't let the negroes go there for water.
       They now know the way over the rocks to the stream.
       "If I should not come back, or a ship should come along and take you off
       before I return, you must all be as watchful as cats about that gold.
       Don't let anybody see a piece of it. You three must carry away with you
       as much as you can, but don't let any one know you are taking it. Of
       course, I expect to come back and attend to the whole business, but if I
       should not be heard from for a long time,--and if that is the case, you
       may be sure I am lost,--and you should get away, I will trust to your
       sister and you to get up an expedition to come back for it."
       Ralph drew himself up as high as circumstances would permit. "Captain,"
       said he, "you may count on me. I'll keep an eye on those black fellows,
       and on anybody else who may come here."
       "Very good," said the captain. "I am sure you will never forget that you
       are the guardian of all our fortunes." _



Chapter 1. An Introductory Disaster
Chapter 2. A New Face In Camp
Chapter 3. A Change Of Lodgings
Chapter 4. Another New Face
Chapter 5. The Rackbirds
Chapter 6. Three Wild Beasts
Chapter 7. Gone!
Chapter 8. The Alarm
Chapter 9. An Amazing Narration
Chapter 10. The Captain Explores
Chapter 11. A New Hemisphere
Chapter 12. A Tradition And A Waistcoat
Chapter 13. "Mine!"
Chapter 14. A Pile Of Fuel
Chapter 15. The Cliff-Maka Scheme
Chapter 16. On A Business Basis
Chapter 17. "A Fine Thing, No Matter What Happens"
Chapter 18. Mrs. Cliff Is Amazed
Chapter 19. Left Behind
Chapter 20. At The Rackbirds' Cove
Chapter 21. In The Gates
Chapter 22. A Pack-Mule
Chapter 23. His Present Share
Chapter 24. His Fortune Under His Feet
Chapter 25. At The Palmetto Hotel
Chapter 26. The Captain's Letter
Chapter 27. Edna Makes Her Plans
Chapter 28. "Home, Sweet Home"
Chapter 29. A Committee Of Ladies
Chapter 30. At The Hotel Boileau
Chapter 31. Waiting
Chapter 32. A Mariner's Wits Take A Little Flight
Chapter 33. The "Miranda" Takes In Cargo
Chapter 34. Burke And His Chisel
Chapter 35. The Captain Writes A Letter
Chapter 36. A Horse-Dealer Appears On The Scene
Chapter 37. The "Arato"
Chapter 38. The Coast Of Patagonia
Chapter 39. Shirley Spies A Sail
Chapter 40. The Battle Of The Golden Wall
Chapter 41. The "Arato" Anchors Nearer Shore
Chapter 42. Inkspot Has A Dream Of Heaven
Chapter 43. Mok As A Vocalist
Chapter 44. Mr. Banker's Speculation
Chapter 45. Mental Turmoils
Chapter 46. A Problem
Chapter 47. A Man-Chimpanzee
Chapter 48. Enter Captain Horn
Chapter 49. A Golden Afternoon
Chapter 50. A Case Of Recognition
Chapter 51. Banker Does Some Important Business
Chapter 52. The Captain Takes His Stand
Chapter 53. A Little Gleam Afar