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Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Dramatis Personae
William Shakespeare
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       ANTIOCHUS, king of Antioch.
       PERICLES, prince of Tyre.
       HELICANUS, ESCANES, two lords of Tyre.
       SIMONIDES, kIng of Pentapolis.
       CLEON, governor of Tarsus.
       LYSIMACHUS, governor of Mytilene.
       CERIMON, a lord of Ephesus.
       THALIARD, a lord of Antioch.
       PFIILEMON, servant to Cerimon.
       LEONINE, servant to Dionyza.
       A Pandar.
       BOULT, his servant.
       The Daughter of Antiochus.
       DIONYZA, wife to Cleon.
       THAISA, daughter to Simonides.
       MARINA, daughter to Pericles and Thaisa.
       LYCHORIDA, nurse to Marina.
       A Bawd.
       Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates, Fishermen, and
       GOWER, as Chorus.
       SCENE: Dispersedly in various countries.



Dramatis Personae
act i
   Before the palace of Antioch
   Scene I.
   Scene II.
   Scene III.
   Scene IV.
act ii
   Enter Gower
   Scene I.
   Scene II.
   Scene III.
   Scene IV.
   Scene V.
act iii
   Enter Gower
   Scene I.
   Scene II.
   Scene III.
   Scene IV.
act iv
   Enter Gower
   Scene I.
   Scene II.
   Scene III.
   Scene IV.
   Scene V.
   Scene VI.
act v
   Enter Gower
   Scene I.
   Scene II.
   Scene III.