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Won from the Waves
Chapter 33. The Bird Flown
William H.G.Kingston
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       Great was Harry's disappointment on reaching Downside to find that May was not there. His cousins also, he fancied, received him with less cordiality than usual. Had he understood their feelings better, he would have had no cause to complain.
       "Sit down, Harry," said Miss Jane, in a somewhat formal tone, Harry thought. "May has told us of your offer. You must be aware that we have no legal control over her, but we feel it our duty not to encourage your visits here until we know that you have the permission of Sir Ralph and Lady Castleton, and that, we have our fears, will not be very readily given. As far as we have the power, we purpose making the dear girl independent, and have sent for Mr Shallard to make our wills accordingly."
       "Bless you for the thought," exclaimed Harry, starting up. "I wish you would get Mr Shallard to make mine, and then, if I have to go to sea, and am killed before I marry, it will be a consolation that she is provided for."
       "Nothing but generosity would have prompted you to say that," observed Miss Mary. "We only act, my dear Harry, according to the dictates of duty; we must not encourage a son to disobey his parents."
       "Then you need not object to my coming here," answered Harry, brightening up. "I have told my mother, and I believe that I have won her over. She and Julia were delighted with May, as, of course, they must have been."
       Harry hoped that he had satisfied the consciences of the two good ladies. He begged them to let him know when Mr Shallard was coming over.
       "It is very sad, Harry, to think that such a will as you propose making should ever come into effect, for it would make May very unhappy to hear of it."
       "Then don't tell her on any account. And depend upon it, I do not intend to be killed if I can help it; only when shot are flying about, one may take me off as well as another man. Ships, too, sometimes founder with all hands, or blow up, or cast on shore, or a sea washes over the deck, and sweeps all before it, or the masts are carried away, and crush those beneath them."
       "Oh, pray do not talk of all the fearful things which happen to sailors," exclaimed Miss Mary. "I am sure I wish that you could get Sir Ralph's leave to marry, and come and settle quietly at Downside, instead of roaming about over the ocean; it would be a happier life, I think."
       Harry, as he pictured May as his wife, thought so too at that moment, but could he abandon the profession he loved, and the prospects of promotion and honour? For May he could abandon all; but would it be wise? That was not a subject he could just then think very clearly about.
       He waited and waited, but May did not return. At last he thought of going to work at the grotto. The ladies said they should be much obliged if he would do so.
       At length he recollected that he had promised to escort Headland and Julia. He would ride back to Texford, and by the time he had returned with them he hoped to find May at Downside. _



Chapter 1. On The Pier
Chapter 2. At The Wreck
Chapter 3. Safe To Land
Chapter 4. May's New Home
Chapter 5. Dame Halliburt
Chapter 6. Lord Howe's Victory
Chapter 7. The Casteltons And Gouls
Chapter 8. Gaffin, The Miller
Chapter 9. A Sail In The Nancy
Chapter 10. May's New Friends
Chapter 11. Harry Off To Sea
Chapter 12. May's Schooling
Chapter 13. May An APT Scholar
Chapter 14. At Portsmouth
Chapter 15. A Yarn At Sea
Chapter 16. Home, With Promotion
Chapter 17. Second Period Of Maiden May's History
Chapter 18. A Visit
Chapter 19. The New Squire
Chapter 20. Young Miles Gaffin
Chapter 21. The Smuggler's Vault
Chapter 22. Miles Gaffin, Junior
Chapter 23. Caught In A Thunderstorm
Chapter 24. Julia Castleton
Chapter 25. May's Guardians
Chapter 26. The Fete At Texford
Chapter 27. Harry's Visit To Downside
Chapter 28. Miles Gaffin's Proposal
Chapter 29. Making The Grotto
Chapter 30. May's Introduction To The Castletons
Chapter 31. Young Miles Gaffin Again
Chapter 32. Lady Castleton
Chapter 33. The Bird Flown
Chapter 34. Mad Sal
Chapter 35. In Chase Of The Lugger
Chapter 36. Sir Ralph's Arrival
Chapter 37. No News Of The Cutter
Chapter 38. Alarms
Chapter 39. Sir Ralph At Downside
Chapter 40. Sir Ralph's Decision
Chapter 41. A Ride With General Sampson
Chapter 42. The Lugger Again
Chapter 43. Better Than A Tonic
Chapter 44. A Chase
Chapter 45. A Reverse
Chapter 46. A French Professor
Chapter 47. A Warning Voice
Chapter 48. Saved From The Wreck
Chapter 49. Sailor Jack
Chapter 50. Mr Hastings
Chapter 51. First Greetings
Chapter 52. Visitors
Chapter 53. Attacked
Chapter 54. Surprises
Chapter 55. On The Defence
Chapter 56. Sir Ranald Castleton