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Vicomte de Bragelonne, The
Chapter 43. Guenaud
Alexandre Dumas
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       _ Chapter XLIII. Guenaud
       The cardinal's order was pressing; Guenaud quickly obeyed it. He found his patient stretched on his bed, his legs swelled, his face livid, and his stomach collapsed. Mazarin had a severe attack of gout. He suffered tortures with the impatience of a man who has not been accustomed to resistances. On seeing Guenaud: "Ah!" said he; "now I am saved!"
       Guenaud was a very learned and circumspect man, who stood in no need of the critiques of Boileau to obtain a reputation. When facing a disease, if it were personified in a king, he treated the patient as a Turk treats a Moor. He did not, therefore, reply to Mazarin as the minister expected: "Here is the doctor; good-bye disease!" On the contrary, on examining his patient, with a very serious air:
       "Oh! oh!" said he.
       "Eh! what! Guenaud! How you look at me!"
       "I look as I should on seeing your complaint, my lord; it is a very dangerous one."
       "The gout--oh! yes, the gout."
       "With complications, my lord."
       Mazarin raised himself upon his elbow, and, questioning by look and gesture: "What do you mean by that? Am I worse than I believe myself to be?"
       "My lord," said Guenaud, seating himself beside the bed; "your eminence has worked very hard during your life; your eminence has suffered much."
       "But I am not old, I fancy. The late M. de Richelieu was but seventeen months younger than I am when he died, and died of a mortal disease. I am young, Guenaud: remember, I am scarcely fifty-two."
       "Oh! my lord, you are much more than that. How long did the Fronde last?"
       "For what purpose do you put such a question to me?"
       "For a medical calculation, monseigneur."
       "Well, some ten years--off and on."
       "Very well; be kind enough to reckon every year of the Fronde as three years--that makes thirty; now twenty and fifty-two makes seventy-two years. You are seventy-two, my lord; and that is a great age."
       Whilst saying this, he felt the pulse of his patient. This pulse was full of such fatal indications, that the physician continued, notwithstanding the interruptions of the patient: "Put down the years of the Fronde at four each, and you have lived eighty-two years."
       "Are you speaking seriously, Guenaud?"
       "Alas! yes, monseigneur."
       "You take a roundabout way, then, to inform me that I am very ill?"
       "_Ma foi!_ yes, my lord, and with a man of the mind and courage of your eminence, it ought not to be necessary to do so."
       The cardinal breathed with such difficulty that he inspired pity even in a pitiless physician. "There are diseases and diseases," resumed Mazarin. "From some of them people escape."
       "That is true, my lord."
       "Is it not?" cried Mazarin, almost joyously; "for, in short, what else would be the use of power, of strength of will? What would the use of genius be--your genius, Guenaud? What would be the use of science and art, if the patient, who disposes of all that, cannot be saved from peril?"
       Guenaud was about to open his mouth, but Mazarin continued:
       "Remember," said he, "I am the most confiding of your patients; remember I obey you blindly, and that consequently--"
       "I know all that," said Guenaud.
       "I shall be cured, then?"
       "Monseigneur, there is neither strength of will, nor power, nor genius, nor science that can resist a disease which God doubtless sends, or which He cast upon the earth at the creation, with full power to destroy and kill mankind. When the disease is mortal, and nothing can--"
       "Is--my--disease--mortal?" asked Mazarin.
       "Yes, my lord."
       His eminence sank down for a moment, like an unfortunate wretch who is crushed by a falling column. But the spirit of Mazarin was a strong one, or rather his mind was a firm one. "Guenaud," said he, recovering from his first shock, "you will permit me to appeal from your judgment. I will call together the most learned men of Europe: I will consult them. I will live, in short, by the virtue of I care not what remedy."
       "My lord must not suppose," said Guenaud, "that I have the presumption to pronounce alone upon an existence so valuable as yours. I have already assembled all the good physicians and practitioners of France and Europe. There were twelve of them."
       "And they said--"
       "They said that your eminence was suffering from a mortal disease; I have the consultation signed in my portfolio. If your eminence will please to see it, you will find the names of all the incurable diseases we have met with. There is first--"
       "No, no!" cried Mazarin, pushing away the paper. "No, no, Guenaud, I yield! I yield!" And a profound silence, during which the cardinal resumed his senses and recovered his strength, succeeded to the agitation of this scene. "There is another thing," murmured Mazarin; "there are empirics and charlatans. In my country, those whom physicians abandon run the chance of a quack, who kills them ten times but saves them a hundred times."
       "Has not your eminence observed, that during the last month I have changed my remedies ten times?"
       "Yes. Well?"
       "Well, I have spent fifty thousand crowns in purchasing the secrets of all these fellows: the list is exhausted, and so is my purse. You are not cured: and, but for my art, you would be dead."
       "That ends it!" murmured the cardinal; "that ends it." And he threw a melancholy look upon the riches which surrounded him. "And must I quit all that?" sighed he. "I am dying, Guenaud! I am dying!"
       "Oh! not yet, my lord," said the physician.
       Mazarin seized his hand. "In what time?" asked he, fixing his two large eyes upon the impassible countenance of the physician.
       "My lord, we never tell that."
       "To ordinary men, perhaps not;--but to me--to me, whose every minute is worth a treasure. Tell me, Guenaud, tell me!"
       "No, no, my lord."
       "I insist upon it, I tell you. Oh! give me a month, and for every one of those thirty days I will pay you a hundred thousand crowns."
       "My lord," replied Guenaud, in a firm voice, "it is God who can give you days of grace, and not I. God only allows you a fortnight."
       The cardinal breathed a painful sigh, and sank back down upon his pillow, murmuring, "Thank you, Guenaud, thank you!"
       The physician was about to depart; the dying man, raising himself up: "Silence!" said he, with flaming eyes, "silence!"
       "My lord, I have known this secret two months; you see that I have kept it faithfully."
       "Go, Guenaud; I will take care of your fortunes; go, and tell Brienne to send me a clerk called M. Colbert. Go!" _



Chapter 1. The Letter
Chapter 2. The Messenger
Chapter 3. The Interview
Chapter 4. Father And Son
Chapter 5. In Which Something Will Be Said Of Cropoli...
Chapter 6. The Unknown
Chapter 7. Parry
Chapter 8. What His Majesty King Louis XIV Was At The Age Of Twenty-Two
Chapter 9. In Which The Unknown Of The Hostelry Of Les Medici Loses His Incognito
Chapter 10. The Arithmetic Of M. De Mazarin
Chapter 11. Mazarin's Policy
Chapter 12. The King And The Lieutenant
Chapter 13. Mary De Mancini
Chapter 14. In Which The King And The Lieutenant Each Give Proofs Of Memory
Chapter 15. The Proscribed
Chapter 16. "Remember!"
Chapter 17. In Which Aramis Is Sought, And Only Bazin Is Found
Chapter 18. In Which D'artagnan Seeks Porthos, And Only Finds Mousqueton
Chapter 19. What D'artagnan Went To Paris For
Chapter 20. Of The Society Which Was Formed In The Rue Des Lombards...
Chapter 21. In Which D'artagnan Prepares To Travel For The Firm Of Planchet & Company
Chapter 22. D'artagnan Travels For The House Of Planchet And Company
Chapter 23. In Which The Author, Very Unwillingly, Is Forced To Write A Little History
Chapter 24. The Treasure
Chapter 25. The Marsh
Chapter 26. Heart And Mind
Chapter 27. The Next Day
Chapter 28. Smuggling
Chapter 29. In Which D'artagnan Begins To Fear He Has Placed His Money...
Chapter 30. The Shares Of Planchet And Company Rise Again To Par
Chapter 31. Monk Reveals Himself
Chapter 32. Athos And D'artagnan Meet Once More At The Hostelry Of The Corne Du Cerf
Chapter 33. The Audience
Chapter 34. Of The Embarrassment Of Riches
Chapter 35. On The Canal
Chapter 36. How D'artagnan Drew...
Chapter 37. How D'artagnan Regulated The "Assets"...
Chapter 38. In Which It Is Seen That The French Grocer...
Chapter 39. Mazarin's Gaming Party
Chapter 40. An Affair Of State
Chapter 41. The Recital
Chapter 42. In Which Mazarin Becomes Prodigal
Chapter 43. Guenaud
Chapter 44. Colbert
Chapter 45. Confession Of A Man Of Wealth
Chapter 46. The Donation
Chapter 47. How Anne Of Austria Gave One Piece Of Advice To Louis XIV...
Chapter 48. Agony
Chapter 49. The First Appearance Of Colbert
Chapter 50. The First Day Of The Royalty Of Louis XIV
Chapter 51. A Passion
Chapter 52. D'artagnan's Lesson
Chapter 53. The King
Chapter 54. The Houses Of M. Fouquet
Chapter 55. The Abbe Fouquet
Chapter 56. M. De La Fontaine's Wine
Chapter 57. The Gallery Of Saint-Mande
Chapter 58. Epicureans
Chapter 59. A Quarter Of An Hour's Delay
Chapter 60. Plan Of Battle
Chapter 61. The Cabaret Of The Image-De-Notre-Dame
Chapter 62. Vive Colbert!
Chapter 63. How M. D'eymeris's Diamond...
Chapter 64. Of The Notable Difference D'artagnan Finds...
Chapter 65. Philosophy Of The Heart And Mind
Chapter 66. The Journey
Chapter 67. How D'artagnan Became Acquainted With A Poet...
Chapter 68. D'artagnan Continues His Investigations
Chapter 69. In Which The Reader, No Doubt...
Chapter 70. Wherein The Ideas Of D'artagnan...
Chapter 71. A Procession At Vannes
Chapter 72. The Grandeur Of The Bishop Of Vannes
Chapter 73. In Which Porthos Begins To Be Sorry For Having Come With D'artagnan
Chapter 74. In Which D'artagnan Makes All Speed...
Chapter 75. In Which Monsieur Fouquet Acts