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Thomas Wingfold, Curate
Volume 1   Volume 1 - Chapter 28. Sisterhood
George MacDonald
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       "Well, Poldie, after all I would rather be you than she!" cried Helen indignantly, when she had learned the whole story.
       It was far from the wisest thing to say, but she meant it, and clasped her brother to her bosom.
       Straightway the poor fellow began to search for all that man could utter in excuse, nay in justification, not of himself, but of the woman he had murdered, appropriating all the blame. But Helen had recognised in Emmeline the selfishness which is the essential murderer, nor did it render her more lenient towards her that the same moment, with a start of horror, she caught a transient glimpse of the same in herself. But the discovery wrought in the other direction, and the tenderness she now lavished upon Leopold left all his hopes far behind. Her brother's sin had broken wide the feebly-flowing springs of her conscience, and she saw that in idleness and ease and drowsiness of soul, she had been forgetting and neglecting even the being she loved best in the universe. In the rushing confluence of love, truth, and indignation, to atone for years of half-love, half-indifference, as the past now appeared to her, she would have spoiled him terribly, heaping on him caresses and assurances that he was far the less guilty and the more injured of the two; but Leopold's strength was exhausted, and he fell back in a faint.
       While she was occupied with his restoration many things passed through her mind. Amongst the rest she saw it would be impossible for her to look after him sufficiently where he was, that the difficulty of feeding him even would be great, that very likely he was on the borders of an illness, when he would require constant attention, that the danger of discovery was great--in short, that some better measures must be taken for his protection and the possibility of her ministrations. If she had but a friend to consult! Ever that thought returned. Alas! she had none on whose counsel or discretion either she could depend. When at length he opened his eyes, she told him she must leave him now, but when it was dark she would come again, and stay with him till dawn. Feebly he assented, seeming but half aware of what she said, and again closed his eyes. While he lay thus, she gained possession of his knife. It left its sheath behind it, and she put it naked in her pocket. As she went from the room, feeling like a mother abandoning her child in a wolf-haunted forest, his eyes followed her to the door with a longing, wild, hungry look, and she felt the look following her still through the wood and across the park and into her chamber, while the knife in her pocket felt like a spellbound demon waiting his chance to work them both a mischief. She locked her door and took it out, and as she put it carefully away, fearful lest any attempt to destroy it might lead to its discovery, she caught sight of her brother's name engraved in full upon the silver mounting of the handle. "What if he had left it behind him!" she thought with a shudder.
       But a reassuring strength had risen in her mind with Leopold's disclosure. More than once on her way home she caught herself reasoning that the poor boy had not been to blame at all--that he could not help it--that she had deserved nothing less. Her conscience speedily told her that in consenting to such a thought, she herself would be a murderess. Love her brother she must; excuse him she might, for honest excuse is only justice; but to uphold the deed would be to take the part of hell against heaven. Still the murder did not, would not seem so frightful after she had heard the whole tale, and she found it now required far less effort to face her aunt. If she was not the protectress of the innocent, she was of the grievously wronged, and the worst wrong done him was the crime he had been driven to do. She lay down and slept until dinner time, woke refreshed, and sustained her part during the slow meal, neartened by the expectation of seeing her brother again and in circumstance of less anxiety when the friendly darkness had come, and all eyes but theirs were closed. She talked to her aunt and a lady who dined with them as if she had the freest heart in the world; the time passed; the converse waned; the hour arrived; adieus were said; drowsiness came. All the world of Glaston was asleep; the night on her nest was brooding upon the egg of to-morrow; the moon was in darkness; and the wind was blowing upon Helen's hot forehead, as she slid like a thief across the park.
       Her mind was in a tumult of mingled feelings, all gathered about the form of her precious brother. One moment she felt herself ministering to the father she had loved so dearly, in protecting his son; the next the thought of her father had vanished, and all was love for the boy whose memories filled the shadow of her childhood; about whom she had dreamed night after night as he crossed the great sea to come to her; who had crept into her arms timidly, and straightway turned into the daintiest merriest playmate; who had charmed her even in his hot-blooded rages, when he rushed at her with whatever was in his hand at the moment. Then she had laughed and dared him; now she shuddered to remember. Again, and this was the feeling that generally prevailed, she was a vessel overflowing with the mere woman-passion of protection: the wronged, abused, maddened, oppressed, hunted human thing was dependent upon her, and her alone, for any help or safety he was ever to find. Sometimes it was the love of a mother for her sick child; sometimes that of a tigress crouching over her wounded cub and licking its hurts. All was coloured with admiration of his beauty and grace, and mingled with boundless pity for their sad overclouding and defeature! Nor was the sense of wrong to herself in wrong to her own flesh and blood wanting. The sum of all was a passionate devotion of her being to the service of her brother.
       I suspect that at root the loves of the noble wife, the great-souled mother, and the true sister, are one. Anyhow, they are all but glints on the ruffled waters of humanity of the one changeless enduring Light. _



Volume 1
   Volume 1 - Chapter 1. Helen Lingard
   Volume 1 - Chapter 2. Thomas Wingfold
   Volume 1 - Chapter 3. The Diners
   Volume 1 - Chapter 4. Their Talk
   Volume 1 - Chapter 5. A Staggering Question
   Volume 1 - Chapter 6. The Curate In The Churchyard
   Volume 1 - Chapter 7. The Cousins
   Volume 1 - Chapter 8. The Garden
   Volume 1 - Chapter 9. The Park
   Volume 1 - Chapter 10. The Dwarfs
   Volume 1 - Chapter 11. The Curate At Home
   Volume 1 - Chapter 12. An Incident
   Volume 1 - Chapter 13. A Report Of Progress
   Volume 1 - Chapter 14. Jeremy Taylor
   Volume 1 - Chapter 15 The Park Gate
   Volume 1 - Chapter 16. The Attic
   Volume 1 - Chapter 17. Polwarth's Plan
   Volume 1 - Chapter 18. Joseph Polwarth
   Volume 1 - Chapter 19. The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter
   Volume 1 - Chapter 20. A Strange Sermon
   Volume 1 - Chapter 21. A Thunderbolt
   Volume 1 - Chapter 22. Leopold
   Volume 1 - Chapter 23. The Refuge
   Volume 1 - Chapter 24. Helen With A Secret
   Volume 1 - Chapter 25. A Daylight Visit
   Volume 1 - Chapter 26. Leopold's Story
   Volume 1 - Chapter 27. Leopold's Story Concluded
   Volume 1 - Chapter 28. Sisterhood
   Volume 1 - Chapter 29. The Sick-Chamber
   Volume 1 - Chapter 30. The Curate's Progress
   Volume 1 - Chapter 31. The Curate Makes A Discovery
   Volume 1 - Chapter 32. Hopes
   Volume 1 - Chapter 33. The Ride
Volume 2
   Volume 2 - Chapter 1. Rachel And Her Uncle
   Volume 2 - Chapter 2. A Dream
   Volume 2 - Chapter 3. Another Sermon
   Volume 2 - Chapter 4. Nursing
   Volume 2 - Chapter 5. Glaston And The Curate
   Volume 2 - Chapter 6. The Linen-Draper
   Volume 2 - Chapter 7. Rachel
   Volume 2 - Chapter 8. The Butterfly
   Volume 2 - Chapter 9. The Common-Place
   Volume 2 - Chapter 10. Home Again
   Volume 2 - Chapter 11. The Sheath
   Volume 2 - Chapter 12. Invitation
   Volume 2 - Chapter 13. A Sermon To Helen
   Volume 2 - Chapter 14. A Sermon To Himself
   Volume 2 - Chapter 15. Criticism
   Volume 2 - Chapter 16. A Vanishing Glimmer
   Volume 2 - Chapter 17. Let Us Pray!
   Volume 2 - Chapter 18. Two Letters
   Volume 2 - Chapter 19. Advice In The Dark
   Volume 2 - Chapter 20. Intercession
   Volume 2 - Chapter 21. Helen Alone
   Volume 2 - Chapter 22. A Haunted Soul
   Volume 2 - Chapter 23. Compelled Confidence
   Volume 2 - Chapter 24. Willing Confidence
   Volume 2 - Chapter 25. The Curate's Counsel
   Volume 2 - Chapter 26. Sleep
   Volume 2 - Chapter 27. Divine Service
   Volume 2 - Chapter 28. A Shop In Heaven
   Volume 2 - Chapter 29. Polwarth And Lingard
   Volume 2 - Chapter 30. The Strong Man
   Volume 2 - Chapter 31. George And Leopold
   Volume 2 - Chapter 32. Wingfold And Helen
   Volume 2 - Chapter 33. A Review
   Volume 2 - Chapter 34. A Sermon To Leopold
Volume 3
   Volume 3 - Chapter 1. After The Sermon
   Volume 3 - Chapter 2. Bascombe And The Magistrate
   Volume 3 - Chapter 3. The Confession
   Volume 3 - Chapter 4. The Mask
   Volume 3 - Chapter 5. Further Decision
   Volume 3 - Chapter 6. The Curate And The Doctor
   Volume 3 - Chapter 7. Helen And The Curate
   Volume 3 - Chapter 8. An Examination
   Volume 3 - Chapter 9. Immortality
   Volume 3 - Chapter 10. Passages From The Autobiography Of The Wandering Jew
   Volume 3 - Chapter 11. The Wandering Jew
   Volume 3 - Chapter 12. The Wandering Jew
   Volume 3 - Chapter 13. Remarks
   Volume 3 - Chapter 14. Struggles
   Volume 3 - Chapter 15. The Lawn
   Volume 3 - Chapter 16. How Jesus Spoke To Women
   Volume 3 - Chapter 17. Deliverance
   Volume 3 - Chapter 18. The Meadow
   Volume 3 - Chapter 19. Rachel And Leopold
   Volume 3 - Chapter 20. The Blood-Hound
   Volume 3 - Chapter 21. The Blood-Hound Traversed
   Volume 3 - Chapter 22. The Bedside
   Volume 3 - Chapter 23. The Garden
   Volume 3 - Chapter 24. The Departure
   Volume 3 - Chapter 25. The Sunset
   Volume 3 - Chapter 26. An Honest Spy
   Volume 3 - Chapter 27. What Helen Heard
   Volume 3 - Chapter 28. What Helen Heard More
   Volume 3 - Chapter 29. The Curate's Resolve
   Volume 3 - Chapter 30. Helen Awake
   Volume 3 - Chapter 31. Thou Didst Not Leave