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Secret Adversary, The
Chapter XI - Julius Tells a Story
Agatha Christie
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       _ DRESSED appropriately, Tuppence duly sallied forth for her
       "afternoon out." Albert was in temporary abeyance, but Tuppence
       went herself to the stationer's to make quite sure that nothing
       had come for her. Satisfied on this point, she made her way to
       the Ritz. On inquiry she learnt that Tommy had not yet returned.
       It was the answer she had expected, but it was another nail in
       the coffin of her hopes. She resolved to appeal to Mr. Carter,
       telling him when and where Tommy had started on his quest, and
       asking him to do something to trace him. The prospect of his aid
       revived her mercurial spirits, and she next inquired for Julius
       Hersheimmer. The reply she got was to the effect that he had
       returned about half an hour ago, but had gone out immediately.
       Tuppence's spirits revived still more. It would be something to
       see Julius. Perhaps he could devise some plan for finding out
       what had become of Tommy. She wrote her note to Mr. Carter in
       Julius's sitting-room, and was just addressing the envelope when
       the door burst open.
       "What the hell----" began Julius, but checked himself abruptly.
       "I beg your pardon, Miss Tuppence. Those fools down at the
       office would have it that Beresford wasn't here any
       longer--hadn't been here since Wednesday. Is that so?"
       Tuppence nodded.
       "You don't know where he is?" she asked faintly.
       "I? How should I know? I haven't had one darned word from him,
       though I wired him yesterday morning."
       "I expect your wire's at the office unopened."
       "But where is he?"
       "I don't know. I hoped you might."
       "I tell you I haven't had one darned word from him since we
       parted at the depot on Wednesday."
       "What depot?"
       "Waterloo. Your London and South Western road."
       "Waterloo?" frowned Tuppence.
       "Why, yes. Didn't he tell you?"
       "I haven't seen him either," replied Tuppence impatiently. "Go on
       about Waterloo. What were you doing there?"
       "He gave me a call. Over the phone. Told me to get a move on,
       and hustle. Said he was trailing two crooks."
       "Oh!" said Tuppence, her eyes opening. "I see. Go on."
       "I hurried along right away. Beresford was there. He pointed
       out the crooks. The big one was mine, the guy you bluffed. Tommy
       shoved a ticket into my hand and told me to get aboard the cars.
       He was going to sleuth the other crook." Julius paused. "I
       thought for sure you'd know all this."
       "Julius," said Tuppence firmly, "stop walking up and down. It
       makes me giddy. Sit down in that armchair, and tell me the whole
       story with as few fancy turns of speech as possible."
       Mr. Hersheimmer obeyed.
       "Sure," he said. "Where shall I begin?"
       "Where you left off. At Waterloo."
       "Well," began Julius, "I got into one of your dear old-fashioned
       first-class British compartments. The train was just off. First
       thing I knew a guard came along and informed me mighty politely
       that I wasn't in a smoking-carriage. I handed him out half a
       dollar, and that settled that. I did a bit of prospecting along
       the corridor to the next coach. Whittington was there right
       enough. When I saw the skunk, with his big sleek fat face, and
       thought of poor little Jane in his clutches, I felt real mad that
       I hadn't got a gun with me. I'd have tickled him up some.
       "We got to Bournemouth all right. Whittington took a cab and
       gave the name of an hotel. I did likewise, and we drove up
       within three minutes of each other. He hired a room, and I hired
       one too. So far it was all plain sailing. He hadn't the remotest
       notion that anyone was on to him. Well, he just sat around in
       the hotel lounge, reading the papers and so on, till it was time
       for dinner. He didn't hurry any over that either.
       "I began to think that there was nothing doing, that he'd just
       come on the trip for his health, but I remembered that he hadn't
       changed for dinner, though it was by way of being a slap-up
       hotel, so it seemed likely enough that he'd be going out on his
       real business afterwards.
       "Sure enough, about nine o'clock, so he did. Took a car across
       the town--mighty pretty place by the way, I guess I'll take Jane
       there for a spell when I find her--and then paid it off and
       struck out along those pine-woods on the top of the cliff. I was
       there too, you understand. We walked, maybe, for half an hour.
       There's a lot of villas all the way along, but by degrees they
       seemed to get more and more thinned out, and in the end we got to
       one that seemed the last of the bunch. Big house it was, with a
       lot of piny grounds around it.
       "It was a pretty black night, and the carriage drive up to the
       house was dark as pitch. I could hear him ahead, though I
       couldn't see him. I had to walk carefully in case he might get on
       to it that he was being followed. I turned a curve and I was
       just in time to see him ring the bell and get admitted to the
       house. I just stopped where I was. It was beginning to rain, and
       I was soon pretty near soaked through. Also, it was almighty
       "Whittington didn't come out again, and by and by I got kind of
       restive, and began to mouch around. All the ground floor windows
       were shuttered tight, but upstairs, on the first floor (it was a
       two-storied house) I noticed a window with a light burning and
       the curtains not drawn.
       "Now, just opposite to that window, there was a tree growing. It
       was about thirty foot away from the house, maybe, and I sort of
       got it into my head that, if I climbed up that tree, I'd very
       likely be able to see into that room. Of course, I knew there
       was no reason why Whittington should be in that room rather than
       in any other--less reason, in fact, for the betting would be on
       his being in one of the reception-rooms downstairs. But I guess
       I'd got the hump from standing so long in the rain, and anything
       seemed better than going on doing nothing. So I started up.
       "It wasn't so easy, by a long chalk! The rain had made the
       boughs mighty slippery, and it was all I could do to keep a
       foothold, but bit by bit I managed it, until at last there I was
       level with the window.
       "But then I was disappointed. I was too far to the left. I could
       only see sideways into the room. A bit of curtain, and a yard of
       wallpaper was all I could command. Well, that wasn't any manner
       of good to me, but just as I was going to give it up, and climb
       down ignominiously, some one inside moved and threw his shadow on
       my little bit of wall--and, by gum, it was Whittington!
       "After that, my blood was up. I'd just got to get a look into
       that room. It was up to me to figure out how. I noticed that
       there was a long branch running out from the tree in the right
       direction. If I could only swarm about half-way along it, the
       proposition would be solved. But it was mighty uncertain whether
       it would bear my weight. I decided I'd just got to risk that, and
       I started. Very cautiously, inch by inch, I crawled along. The
       bough creaked and swayed in a nasty fashion, and it didn't do to
       think of the drop below, but at last I got safely to where I
       wanted to be.
       "The room was medium-sized, furnished in a kind of bare hygienic
       way. There was a table with a lamp on it in the middle of the
       room, and sitting at that table, facing towards me, was
       Whittington right enough. He was talking to a woman dressed as a
       hospital nurse. She was sitting with her back to me, so I
       couldn't see her face. Although the blinds were up, the window
       itself was shut, so I couldn't catch a word of what they said.
       Whittington seemed to be doing all the talking, and the nurse
       just listened. Now and then she nodded, and sometimes she'd shake
       her head, as though she were answering questions. He seemed very
       emphatic--once or twice he beat with his fist on the table. The
       rain had stopped now, and the sky was clearing in that sudden way
       it does.
       "Presently, he seemed to get to the end of what he was saying.
       He got up, and so did she. He looked towards the window and
       asked something--I guess it was whether it was raining. Anyway,
       she came right across and looked out. Just then the moon came out
       from behind the clouds. I was scared the woman would catch sight
       of me, for I was full in the moonlight. I tried to move back a
       bit. The jerk I gave was too much for that rotten old branch.
       With an almighty crash, down it came, and Julius P. Hersheimmer
       with it!"
       "Oh, Julius," breathed Tuppence, "how exciting! Go on."
       "Well, luckily for me, I pitched down into a good soft bed of
       earth--but it put me out of action for the time, sure enough. The
       next thing I knew, I was lying in bed with a hospital nurse (not
       Whittington's one) on one side of me, and a little black-bearded
       man with gold glasses, and medical man written all over him, on
       the other. He rubbed his hands together, and raised his eyebrows
       as I stared at him. 'Ah!' he said. 'So our young friend is
       coming round again. Capital. Capital.'
       "I did the usual stunt. Said: 'What's happened?' And 'Where am
       I?' But I knew the answer to the last well enough. There's no
       moss growing on my brain. 'I think that'll do for the present,
       sister,' said the little man, and the nurse left the room in a
       sort of brisk well-trained way. But I caught her handing me out a
       look of deep curiosity as she passed through the door.
       "That look of hers gave me an idea. 'Now then, doc,' I said, and
       tried to sit up in bed, but my right foot gave me a nasty twinge
       as I did so. 'A slight sprain,' explained the doctor. 'Nothing
       serious. You'll be about again in a couple of days.' "
       "I noticed you walked lame," interpolated Tuppence.
       Julius nodded, and continued:
       " 'How did it happen?' I asked again. He replied dryly. 'You
       fell, with a considerable portion of one of my trees, into one of
       my newly planted flower-beds.'
       "I liked the man. He seemed to have a sense of humour. I felt
       sure that he, at least, was plumb straight. 'Sure, doc,' I said,
       'I'm sorry about the tree, and I guess the new bulbs will be on
       me. But perhaps you'd like to know what I was doing in your
       garden?' 'I think the facts do call for an explanation,' he
       replied. 'Well, to begin with, I wasn't after the spoons.'
       "He smiled. 'My first theory. But I soon altered my mind. By
       the way, you are an American, are you not?' I told him my name.
       'And you?' 'I am Dr. Hall, and this, as you doubtless know, is
       my private nursing home.'
       "I didn't know, but I wasn't going to put him wise. I was just
       thankful for the information. I liked the man, and I felt he was
       straight, but I wasn't going to give him the whole story. For one
       thing he probably wouldn't have believed it.
       "I made up my mind in a flash. 'Why, doctor,' I said, 'I guess I
       feel an almighty fool, but I owe it to you to let you know that
       it wasn't the Bill Sikes business I was up to.' Then I went on
       and mumbled out something about a girl. I trotted out the stern
       guardian business, and a nervous breakdown, and finally explained
       that I had fancied I recognized her among the patients at the
       home, hence my nocturnal adventures. "I guess it was just the
       kind of story he was expecting. 'Quite a romance,' he said
       genially, when I'd finished. 'Now, doc,' I went on, 'will you be
       frank with me? Have you here now, or have you had here at any
       time, a young girl called Jane Finn?' He repeated the name
       thoughtfully. 'Jane Finn?' he said. 'No.'
       "I was chagrined, and I guess I showed it. 'You are sure?'
       'Quite sure, Mr. Hersheimmer. It is an uncommon name, and I
       should not have been likely to forget it.'
       "Well, that was flat. It laid me out for a space. I'd kind of
       hoped my search was at an end. 'That's that,' I said at last.
       'Now, there's another matter. When I was hugging that darned
       branch I thought I recognized an old friend of mine talking to
       one of your nurses.' I purposely didn't mention any name
       because, of course, Whittington might be calling himself
       something quite different down here, but the doctor answered at
       once. 'Mr. Whittington, perhaps?' 'That's the fellow,' I
       replied. 'What's he doing down here? Don't tell me HIS nerves
       are out of order?'
       "Dr. Hall laughed. 'No. He came down to see one of my nurses,
       Nurse Edith, who is a niece of his.' 'Why, fancy that!' I
       exclaimed. 'Is he still here?' 'No, he went back to town almost
       immediately.' 'What a pity!' I ejaculated. 'But perhaps I could
       speak to his niece--Nurse Edith, did you say her name was?'
       "But the doctor shook his head. 'I'm afraid that, too, is
       impossible. Nurse Edith left with a patient to-night also.' 'I
       seem to be real unlucky,' I remarked. 'Have you Mr.
       Whittington's address in town? I guess I'd like to look him up
       when I get back.' 'I don't know his address. I can write to
       Nurse Edith for it if you like.' I thanked him. 'Don't say who
       it is wants it. I'd like to give him a little surprise.'
       "That was about all I could do for the moment. Of course, if the
       girl was really Whittington's niece, she might be too cute to
       fall into the trap, but it was worth trying. Next thing I did
       was to write out a wire to Beresford saying where I was, and that
       I was laid up with a sprained foot, and telling him to come down
       if he wasn't busy. I had to be guarded in what I said. However,
       I didn't hear from him, and my foot soon got all right. It was
       only ricked, not really sprained, so to-day I said good-bye to
       the little doctor chap, asked him to send me word if he heard
       from Nurse Edith, and came right away back to town. Say, Miss
       Tuppence, you're looking mighty pale!"
       "It's Tommy," said Tuppence. "What can have happened to him?"
       "Buck up, I guess he's all right really. Why shouldn't he be?
       See here, it was a foreign-looking guy he went off after. Maybe
       they've gone abroad--to Poland, or something like that?"
       Tuppence shook her head.
       "He couldn't without passports and things. Besides I've seen
       that man, Boris Something, since. He dined with Mrs. Vandemeyer
       last night."
       "Mrs. Who?"
       "I forgot. Of course you don't know all that."
       "I'm listening," said Julius, and gave vent to his favourite
       expression. "Put me wise."
       Tuppence thereupon related the events of the last two days.
       Julius's astonishment and admiration were unbounded.
       "Bully for you! Fancy you a menial. It just tickles me to
       death!" Then he added seriously: "But say now, I don't like it,
       Miss Tuppence, I sure don't. You're just as plucky as they make
       'em, but I wish you'd keep right out of this. These crooks we're
       up against would as soon croak a girl as a man any day."
       "Do you think I'm afraid?" said Tuppence indignantly, valiantly
       repressing memories of the steely glitter in Mrs. Vandemeyer's
       "I said before you were darned plucky. But that doesn't alter
       "Oh, bother ME!" said Tuppence impatiently. "Let's think about
       what can have happened to Tommy. I've written to Mr. Carter
       about it," she added, and told him the gist of her letter.
       Julius nodded gravely.
       "I guess that's good as far as it goes. But it's for us to get
       busy and do something."
       "What can we do?" asked Tuppence, her spirits rising.
       "I guess we'd better get on the track of Boris. You say he's
       been to your place. Is he likely to come again?"
       "He might. I really don't know."
       "I see. Well, I guess I'd better buy a car, a slap-up one, dress
       as a chauffeur and hang about outside. Then if Boris comes, you
       could make some kind of signal, and I'd trail him. How's that?"
       "Splendid, but he mightn't come for weeks."
       "We'll have to chance that. I'm glad you like the plan." He
       "Where are you going?"
       "To buy the car, of course," replied Julius, surprised. "What
       make do you like? I guess you'll do some riding in it before
       we've finished."
       "Oh," said Tuppence faintly, "I LIKE Rolls-Royces, but----"
       "Sure," agreed Julius. "What you say goes. I'll get one."
       "But you can't at once," cried Tuppence. "People wait ages
       "Little Julius doesn't," affirmed Mr. Hersheimmer. "Don't you
       worry any. I'll be round in the car in half an hour."
       Tuppence got up.
       "You're awfully good, Julius. But I can't help feeling that it's
       rather a forlorn hope. I'm really pinning my faith to Mr.
       "Then I shouldn't."
       "Just an idea of mine."
       "Oh; but he must do something. There's no one else. By the way,
       I forgot to tell you of a queer thing that happened this
       And she narrated her encounter with Sir James Peel Edgerton.
       Julius was interested.
       "What did the guy mean, do you think?" he asked.
       "I don't quite know," said Tuppence meditatively. "But I think
       that, in an ambiguous, legal, without prejudishish lawyer's way,
       he was trying to warn me."
       "Why should he?"
       "I don't know," confessed Tuppence. "But he looked kind, and
       simply awfully clever. I wouldn't mind going to him and telling
       him everything."
       Somewhat to her surprise, Julius negatived the idea sharply.
       "See here," he said, "we don't want any lawyers mixed up in this.
       That guy couldn't help us any."
       "Well, I believe he could," reiterated Tuppence obstinately.
       "Don't you think it. So long. I'll be back in half an hour."
       Thirty-five minutes had elapsed when Julius returned. He took
       Tuppence by the arm, and walked her to the window.
       "There she is."
       "Oh!" said Tuppence with a note of reverence in her voice, as she
       gazed down at the enormous car.
       "She's some pace-maker, I can tell you," said Julius
       "How did you get it?" gasped Tuppence.
       "She was just being sent home to some bigwig."
       "I went round to his house," said Julius. "I said that I
       reckoned a car like that was worth every penny of twenty thousand
       dollars. Then I told him that it was worth just about fifty
       thousand dollars to me if he'd get out."
       "Well?" said Tuppence, intoxicated.
       "Well," returned Julius, "he got out, that's all." _