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Richard Carvel
VOLUME 7   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLII. My Friends are proven
Winston Churchill
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       _ At the door of my lodgings I was confronted by Banks, red with
       indignation and fidgety from uneasiness.
       "O Lord, Mr. Carvel, what has happened, sir?" he cried. "Your honour's
       agent 'as been here since noon. Must I take orders from the likes o'
       him, sir?"
       Mr. Dix was indeed in possession of my rooms, lounging in the chair Dolly
       had chosen, smoking my tobacco. I stared at him from the threshold.
       Something in my appearance, or force of habit, or both brought him to his
       feet, and wiped away the smirk from his face. He put down the pipe
       guiltily. I told him shortly that I had heard the news which he must
       have got by the packet: and that he should have his money, tho' it took
       the rest of my life: and the ten per cent I had promised him provided he
       would not press my Lord Comyn. He hesitated, and drummed on the table.
       He was the man of business again.
       "What security am I to have, Mr. Carvel?" he asked.
       "My word," I said. "It has never yet been broken, I thank God, nor my
       father's before me. And hark ye, Mr. Dix, you shall not be able to say
       that of Grafton." Truly I thought the principal and agent were now well
       "Very good, Mr. Carvel," he said; "ten per cent. I shall call with the
       papers on Monday morning."
       "I shall not run away before that," I replied.
       He got out, with a poor attempt at a swagger, without his customary
       protestations of duty and humble offers of service. And I thanked Heaven
       he had not made a scene, which in my state of mind I could not have
       borne, but must have laid hands upon him. Perhaps he believed Grafton
       not yet secure in his title. I did not wonder then, in the heat of my
       youth, that he should have accepted my honour as security. But since I
       have marvelled not a little at this. The fine gentlemen at Brooks's with
       whom I had been associating were none too scrupulous, and regarded money-
       lenders as legitimate prey. Debts of honour they paid but tardily, if at
       all. A certain nobleman had been owing my Lord Carlisle thirteen
       thousand pounds for a couple of years, that his Lordship had won at
       hazard. And tho' I blush to write it, Mr. Fox himself was notorious in
       such matters, and was in debt to each of the coterie of fashionables of
       which he was the devoted chief.
       The faithful Banks vowed, with tears in his eyes, that he would never
       desert me. And in that moment of dejection the poor fellow's devotion
       brought me no little comfort. At such times the heart is bitter. We
       look askance at our friends, and make the task of comfort doubly hard for
       those that remain true. I had a great affection for the man, and had
       become so used to his ways and unwearying service that I had not the
       courage to refuse his prayers to go with me to America. I had not a
       farthing of my own--he would serve me for nothing--nay, work for me.
       "Sure," he said, taking off my coat and bringing me my gown,--"Sure, your
       honour was not made to work." To cheer me he went on with some foolish
       footman's gossip that there lacked not ladies with jointures who would
       marry me, and be thankful. I smiled sadly.
       "That was when I was Mr. Carvel's heir, Banks."
       "And your face and figure, sir, and masterful ways! Faith, and what more
       would a lady want!" Banks's notions of morality were vague enough, and he
       would have had me sink what I had left at hazard at Almack's. He had
       lived in this atmosphere. Alas! there was little chance of my ever
       regaining the position I had held but yesterday. I thought of the
       sponging-house, and my brow was moist. England was no place, in those
       days, for fallen gentlemen. With us in the Colonies the law offered
       itself. Mr. Swain, and other barristers of Annapolis, came to my mind,
       for God had given me courage. I would try the law. For I had small
       hopes of defeating my Uncle Grafton.
       The Sunday morning dawned brightly, and the church bells ringing brought
       me to my feet, and out into Piccadilly, in the forlorn hope that I might
       see my lady on her way to morning service,--see her for the last time in
       life, perhaps. Her locket I wore over my heart. It had lain upon hers.
       To see her was the most exquisite agony in the world. But not to see
       her, and to feel that she was scarce quarter of a mile away, was beyond
       endurance. I stood beside an area at the entrance to Arlington Street,
       and waited for an hour, quite in vain; watching every face that passed,
       townsmen in their ill-fitting Sunday clothes, and fine ladies with the
       footmen carrying velvet prayerbooks. And some that I knew only stared,
       and others gave me distant bows from their coach windows. For those that
       fall from fashion are dead to fashion.
       Dorothy did not go to church that day.
       It is a pleasure, my dears, when writing of that hour of bitterness, to
       record the moments of sweetness which lightened it. As I climbed up to
       my rooms in Dover Street, I heard merry sounds above, and a cloud of
       smoke blew out of the door when I opened it.
       "Here he is," cried Mr. Fox. "You see, Richard, we have not deserted you
       when we can win no more of your money."
       "Why, egad! the man looks as if he had had a calamity," said Mr.
       "And there is not a Jew here," Fox continued. "Tho' it is Sunday,
       the air in my Jerusalem chamber is as bad as in any crimps den in St.
       Giles's. 'Slife, and I live to be forty, I shall have as many
       underground avenues as his Majesty Louis the Eleventh."
       "He must have a place," put in my Lord Carlisle.
       "We must do something for him," said Fox, "albeit he is an American and a
       Whig, and all the rest of the execrations. Thou wilt have to swallow thy
       golden opinions, my buckskin, when we put thee in office."
       I was too overwhelmed even to protest.
       "You are not in such a cursed bad way, when all is said,
       "Richard," said Fitzpatrick. "Charles, when he loses a fortune,
       immediately borrows another."
       "If you stick to whist and quinze," said Charles, solemnly, giving me the
       advice they were forever thrusting upon him, "and play with system, you
       may make as much as four thousand a year, sir."
       And this was how I was treated by those heathen and cynical macaronies,
       Mr. Fox's friends. I may not say the same for the whole of Brooks's
       Club, tho' I never darkened its doors afterwards. But I encountered my
       Lord March that afternoon, and got only a blank stare in place of a bow.
       Charles had collected (Heaven knows how!) the thousand pounds which he
       stood in my debt, and Mr. Storer and Lord Carlisle offered to lend me as
       much as I chose. I had some difficulty in refusing, and more still in
       denying Charles when he pressed me to go with them to Richmond, where he
       had rooms for play over Sunday.
       Banks brought me the news that Lord Comyn was sitting up, and had been
       asking for me that day; that he was recovering beyond belief. But I was
       resolved not to go to Brook Street until the money affairs were settled
       on Monday with Mr. Dix, for I knew well that his Lordship would insist
       upon carrying out with the agent the contract he had so generously and
       hastily made, rather than let me pay an abnormal interest.
       On Monday I rose early, and went out for a bit of air before the scene
       with Mr. Dix. Returning, I saw a coach with his Lordship's arms on the
       panels, and there was Comyn himself in my great chair at the window,
       where he had been deposited by Banks and his footman. I stared as on one
       risen from the dead.
       "Why, Jack, what are you doing here?" I cried.
       He replied very offhand, as was his manner at such times:
       "Blicke vows that Chartersea and Lewis have qualified for the College of
       Surgeons," says he. "They are both born anatomists. Your job under the
       arm was the worst bungle of the two, egad, for Lewis put his sword, pat
       as you please, between two of my organs (cursed if I know their names),
       and not so much as scratched one."
       "Look you, Jack," said I, "I am not deceived. You have no right to be
       here, and you know it."
       "Tush!" answered his Lordship; "I am as well as you." And he took snuff
       to prove the assertion. "Why the devil was you not in Brook Street
       yesterday to tell me that your uncle had swindled you? I thought I was
       your friend," says he, "and I learn of your misfortune through others."
       "It is because you are my friend, and my best friend, that I would not
       worry you when you lay next door to death on my account," I said, with
       And just then Banks announced Mr. Dix.
       "Let him wait," said I, greatly disturbed.
       "Show him up!" said my Lord, peremptorily.
       "No, no!" I protested; "he can wait. We shall have no business now."
       But Banks was gone. And I found out, long afterward, that it was put up
       between them.
       The agent swaggered in with that easy assurance he assumed whenever he
       got the upper hand. He was the would-be squire once again, in top-boots
       and a frock. I have rarely seen a man put out of countenance so easily
       as was Mr. Dix that morning when he met his Lordship's fixed gaze from
       the arm-chair.
       "And so you are turned Jew?" says he, tapping his snuffbox. "Before
       you go ahead so fast again, you will please to remember, d--n you, that
       Mr. Carvel is the kind that does not lose his friends with his fortune."
       Mr. Dix made a salaam, which was so ludicrous in a squire that my Lord
       roared with laughter, and I feared for his wound.
       "A man must live, my Lord," sputtered the agent. His discomfiture was
       "At the expense of another," says Comyn, dryly. "That is your motto in
       Change Alley."
       "If you will permit, Jack, I must have a few words in private with Mr.
       Dix," I cut in uneasily.
       His Lordship would be damned first. "I am not accustomed to be thwarted,
       Richard, I tell you. Ask the dowager if I have not always had my way.
       I am not going to stand by and see a man who saved my life fall into the
       clutches of an usurer. Yes, I said usurer, Mr. Dix. My attorney, Mr.
       Kennett, of Lincoln's Inn, has instructions to settle with you."
       And, despite all I could say, he would not budge an inch. At last I
       submitted under the threat that he would never after have a word to say
       to me. By good luck, when I had paid into Mr. Dix's hand the thousand
       pounds I had received from Charles Fox, and cleared my outstanding bills,
       the sum I remained in Comyn's debt was not greatly above seven hundred
       pounds. And that was the end of Mr. Dix for me; when he had backed
       himself out in chagrin at having lost his ten per centum, my feelings got
       the better of me. The water rushed to my eyes, and I turned my back upon
       his Lordship. To conceal his own emotions he fell to swearing like mad.
       "Fox will get you something," he said at length, when he was a little
       I told him, sadly, that my duty took me to America.
       "And Dorothy?" he said; "you will leave her?"
       I related the whole miserable story (all save the part of the locket),
       for I felt that I owed it him. His excitement grew as he listened, until
       I had to threaten to stop to keep him quiet. But when I had done, he saw
       nothing but good to come of it.
       "'Od's life! Richard, lad, come here!" he cried. "Give me your hand.
       Why, you ass, you have won a thousand times over what you lost. She
       loves you! Did I not say so? And as for that intriguing little puppy,
       her father, you have pulled his teeth, egad. She heard what you said to
       him, you tell me. Then he will never deceive her again, my word on't.
       And Chartersea may come back to London, and be damned." _



   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER I. Lionel Carvel, of Carvel Hall
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER II. Some Memories of Childhood
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER III. Caught by the Tide
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER IV. Grafton would heal an Old Breach
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER V. "If Ladies be but Young and Fair"
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER VI. I first suffer for the Cause
   VOLUME 1 - CHAPTER VII. Grafton has his Chance
   VOLUME 2 - CHAPTER VIII. Over the Wall
   VOLUME 2 - CHAPTER IX. Under False Colours
   VOLUME 2 - CHAPTER X. The Red in the Carvel Blood
   VOLUME 2 - CHAPTER XI. A Festival and a Parting
   VOLUME 2 - CHAPTER XII. News from a Far Country
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XIII. Mr. Allen shows his Hand
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XIV. The Volte Coupe
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XV. Of which the Rector has the Worst
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XVI. In which Some Things are made Clear
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XVII. South River
   VOLUME 3 - CHAPTER XVIII. The Black Moll.
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XIX. A Man of Destiny
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XX. A Sad Home-coming
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XXI. The Gardener's Cottage
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XXII. On the Road
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XXIII. London Town
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XXIV. Castle Yard
   VOLUME 4 - CHAPTER XXV. The Rescue
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXVI. The Part Horatio played
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXVII. In which I am sore tempted
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXVIII. Arlington Street
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXIX. I meet a very Great Young Man
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXX. A Conspiracy
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXXI. "Upstairs into the World"
   VOLUME 5 - CHAPTER XXXII. Lady Tankerville's Drum-major
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXIV. His Grace makes Advances
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXV. In which my Lord Baltimore appears .
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXVI. A Glimpse of Mr. Garrick
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXVII. The Serpentine
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXVIII. In which I am roundly brought to task
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XXXIX. Holland House
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XL. Vauxhall
   VOLUME 6 - CHAPTER XLI. The Wilderness
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLII. My Friends are proven
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLIII. Annapolis once more
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLIV. Noblesse Oblige
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLV. The House of Memories
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLVI. Gordon's Pride
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLVIII. Multum in Parvo
   VOLUME 7 - CHAPTER XLIX. Liberty loses a Friend
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER L. Farewell to Gordon's
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LI. How an Idle Prophecy came to pass
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LII. How the Gardener's Son fought the Serapis
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LIII. In which I make Some Discoveries
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LIV. More Discoveries.
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LV. The Love of a Maid for a Man
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LVI. How Good came out of Evil
   VOLUME 8 - CHAPTER LVII. I come to my Own again