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Volume 5   Volume 5 - Chapter 60
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
       Charge, Chester, charge!--Marmion.
        Though this was one of the first mercantile transactions of my life, I had no doubt about acquitting myself with reputation.--Vicar of Wakefield.
       The next morning I was at breakfast, when a packet was brought me from Tyrrell; it contained a sealed letter to Glanville, and a brief note to myself. The latter I transcribe:--
        "My Dear Sir,
       "The enclosed letter to Sir Reginald Glanville will explain my reasons for not keeping my pledge: suffice it to state to you, that they are such as wholly to exonerate me, and fairly to satisfy Sir Reginald. It will be useless to call upon me; I leave town before you will receive this. Respect for myself obliges me to add that, although there are circumstances to forbid my meeting Sir Reginald Glanville, there are none to prevent my demanding satisfaction of any one, whoever he may be, who shall deem himself authorized to call my motives into question,
       "I have the honour,
       "John Tyrrell."

       It was not till I had thrice read this letter that I could credit its contents. From all I had seen of Tyrrell's character, I had no reason to suspect him to be less courageous than the generality of worldly men; and the conclusion of his letter, evidently pointed at myself, should I venture to impugn his conduct, seemed by no means favourable to any suspicion of his cowardice. And yet, when I considered the violent language of Glanville's letter, and Tyrrell's apparent resolution the night before, I scarcely knew to what more honourable motive to attribute his conduct. However, I lost no time in despatching the whole packet to Glanville, with a few lines from myself, saying I should call in an hour.
       When I fulfilled this promise, Glanville's servant told me his master had gone out immediately on reading the letters I had sent, and had merely left word that he should not return home the whole day. That night he was to have brought an important motion before the House. A message from him, pleading sudden and alarming illness, devolved this duty upon another member of our party. Lord Dawton was in despair; the motion was lost by a great majority; the papers, the whole of that week, were filled with the most triumphant abuse and ridicule of the Whigs. Never was that unhappy and persecuted party reduced to so low an ebb: never did there seem a fainter probability of their coming into power. They appeared almost annihilated--a mere nominis umbra.
       On the eighth day from Glanville's disappearance, a sudden event in the cabinet threw the whole country into confusion; the Tories trembled to the very soles of their easy slippers of sinecure and office; the eyes of the public were turned to the Whigs; and chance seemed to effect in an instant that change in their favour, which all their toil, trouble, eloquence, and art, had been unable for so many years to render even a remote probability.
       But there was a strong though secret party in the state, which reminded me of the independents in the reign of Charles the First, that, concealed under a general name, worked only for a private end, and made a progress in number and respectability, not the less sure for being but little suspected. Foremost among the leaders of this party was Lord Vincent. Dawton, who knew of their existence, and regarded them with fear and jealousy, considered the struggle rather between them and himself, than any longer between himself and the Tories; and strove, while it was yet time, to reinforce himself by a body of allies, which, should the contest really take place, might be certain of giving him the superiority. The Marquis of Chester was among the most powerful of the neutral noblemen: it was of the greatest importance to gain him to the cause. He was a sturdy, sporting, independent man, who lived chiefly in the country, and turned his ambition rather towards promoting the excellence of quadrupeds, than the bad passions of men. To this personage Lord Dawton implored me to be the bearer of a letter, and to aid, with all the dexterity in my power, the purpose it was intended to effect. It was the most consequential mission yet entrusted to me, and I felt eager to turn my diplomatic energies to so good an account. Accordingly, one bright morning I wrapped myself carefully in my cloak, placed my invaluable person safely in my carriage, and set off to Chester Park, in the county of Suffolk. _



Volume 1
   Volume 1 - Chapter 1
   Volume 1 - Chapter 2
   Volume 1 - Chapter 3
   Volume 1 - Chapter 4
   Volume 1 - Chapter 5
   Volume 1 - Chapter 6
   Volume 1 - Chapter 7
   Volume 1 - Chapter 8
   Volume 1 - Chapter 9
   Volume 1 - Chapter 10
   Volume 1 - Chapter 11
   Volume 1 - Chapter 12
   Volume 1 - Chapter 13
   Volume 1 - Chapter 14
   Volume 1 - Chapter 15
   Volume 1 - Chapter 16
   Volume 1 - Chapter 17
   Volume 1 - Chapter 18
Volume 2
   Volume 2 - Chapter 19
   Volume 2 - Chapter 20
   Volume 2 - Chapter 21
   Volume 2 - Chapter 22
   Volume 2 - Chapter 23
   Volume 2 - Chapter 24
   Volume 2 - Chapter 25
   Volume 2 - Chapter 26
   Volume 2 - Chapter 27
   Volume 2 - Chapter 28
   Volume 2 - Chapter 29
Volume 3
   Volume 3 - Chapter 30
   Volume 3 - Chapter 31
   Volume 3 - Chapter 32
   Volume 3 - Chapter 33
   Volume 3 - Chapter 34
   Volume 3 - Chapter 35
   Volume 3 - Chapter 36
   Volume 3 - Chapter 37
   Volume 3 - Chapter 38
   Volume 3 - Chapter 39
   Volume 3 - Chapter 40
   Volume 3 - Chapter 41
   Volume 3 - Chapter 42
   Volume 3 - Chapter 43
Volume 4
   Volume 4 - Chapter 44
   Volume 4 - Chapter 45
   Volume 4 - Chapter 46
   Volume 4 - Chapter 47
   Volume 4 - Chapter 48
   Volume 4 - Chapter 49
   Volume 4 - Chapter 50
   Volume 4 - Chapter 51
   Volume 4 - Chapter 52
   Volume 4 - Chapter 53
   Volume 4 - Chapter 54
   Volume 4 - Chapter 55
   Volume 4 - Chapter 56
   Volume 4 - Chapter 57
Volume 5
   Volume 5 - Chapter 58
   Volume 5 - Chapter 59
   Volume 5 - Chapter 60
   Volume 5 - Chapter 61
   Volume 5 - Chapter 62
   Volume 5 - Chapter 63
   Volume 5 - Chapter 64
   Volume 5 - Chapter 65
Volume 6
   Volume 6 - Chapter 66
   Volume 6 - Chapter 67
   Volume 6 - Chapter 68
   Volume 6 - Chapter 69
   Volume 6 - Chapter 70
   Volume 6 - Chapter 71
   Volume 6 - Chapter 72
Volume 7
   Volume 7 - Chapter 73
   Volume 7 - Chapter 74
   Volume 7 - Chapter 75
   Volume 7 - Chapter 76
   Volume 7 - Chapter 77
   Volume 7 - Chapter 78
   Volume 7 - Chapter 79
Volume 8
   Volume 8 - Chapter 80
   Volume 8 - Chapter 81
   Volume 8 - Chapter 82
   Volume 8 - Chapter 83
   Volume 8 - Chapter 84
   Volume 8 - Chapter 85
   Volume 8 - Chapter 86