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Chapter 45. The Declaration...
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
       As Godolphin returned to health, and, day after day, the presence of Constance, her soft tones, her deep eyes, grew on him, renewing their ancient spells, the reader must perceive that bourne to which events necessarily tended. For some weeks not a word that alluded to the Siren's Cave was uttered by either; but when that allusion came at last from Godolphin's lips, the next moment he was kneeling beside Constance, her hand surrendered to his, and her proud cheek all bathed in the blushes of sixteen.
       "And so," said Saville, "you, Percy Godolphin, are at last the accepted lover of Constance, Countess of Erpingham. When is the wedding to be?"
       "I know not," replied Godolphin, musingly.
       "Well, I almost envy you; you will be very happy for six weeks, and that's something in this disagreeable world. Yet now, I look on you, I grow reconciled to myself again; you do not seem so happy as that I, Augustus Saville, should envy you while my digestion lasts. What are you thinking of?"
       "Nothing," replied Godolphin, vacantly; the words of Lucilla were weighing at his heart, like a prophecy working towards its fulfilment: "Come what may, you will never find the happiness you ask: you exact too much."
       At that moment Lady Erpingham's page entered with a note from Constance, and a present of flowers. No one ever wrote half so beautifully, so spiritually as Constance, and to Percy the wit was so intermingled with the tenderness!
       "No," said he, burying his lips among the flowers; "no! I discard the foreboding; with you I must be happy!" But conscience, still unsilenced, whispered Lucilla!
       The marriage was to take place at Rome. The day was fixed; and, owing to Constance's rank, beauty and celebrity, the news of the event created throughout "the English in Italy" no small sensation. There was a great deal of gossip, of course, on the occasion; and some of this gossip found its way to the haughty ears of Constance. It was said that she had made a strange match--that it was a curious weakness in one so proud and brilliant, to look no loftier than a private and not very wealthy gentleman; handsome, indeed, and reputed clever; but one who had never distinguished himself in anything--who never would!
       Constance was alarmed and stung, not at the vulgar accusation, the paltry sneer, but at the prophecy relating to Godolphin: "he had never distinguished himself in anything--he never would." Rank, wealth, power, Constance felt these she wanted not, these she could command of herself; but she felt also that a nobler vanity of her nature required that the man of her mature and second choice should not be one, in repute, of that mere herd, above whom, in reality, his genius so eminently exalted him. She deemed it essential to her future happiness that Godolphin's ambition should be aroused, that he should share her ardour for those great objects that she felt would for ever be dear to her.
       "I love Rome!" said she, passionately, one day, as accompanied by Godolphin, she left the Vatican; "I feel my soul grow larger amidst its ruins. Elsewhere, through Italy, we live in the present, but here in the past."
       "Say not that that is the better life, dear Constance; the present--can we surpass it?"
       Constance blushed, and thanked her lover with a look that told him he was understood.
       "Yet," said she, returning to the subject, "who can breathe the air that is rife with glory, and not be intoxicated with emulation? Ah, Percy!"
       "Ah, Constance! and what wouldst thou have of me? Is it not glory enough to be thy lover?"
       "Let the world be as proud of my choice as I am." Godolphin frowned; he penetrated in those words to Constance's secret meaning. Accustomed to be an idol from his boyhood, he resented the notion that he had need of exertion to render him worthy even of Constance; and sensible that it might be thought he made an alliance beyond his just pretensions, he was doubly tenacious as to his own claims. Godolphin frowned, then, and turned away in silence. Constance sighed; she felt that she might not renew the subject. But, after a pause, Godolphin himself continued it.
       "Constance," said he, in a low firm voice, "let us understand each other. You are all to me in the world; fame, and honor, and station and happiness. Am I, also, that all to you? If there be any thought at your heart which whispers you, 'You might have served your ambition better; you have done wrong in yielding to love and love only,'--then, Constance, pause; it is not too late."
       "Do I deserve this, Percy?"
       "You drop words sometimes," answered Godolphin, "that seem to indicate that you think the world may cavil at your choice, and that some exertion on my part is necessary to maintain your dignity. Constance, need I say, again and again, that I adore the very dust you tread on? But I have a pride, a self-respect, beneath which I cannot stoop; if you really think or feel this, I will not condescend to receive even happiness from you: let us part."
       Constance saw his lips white and quivering as he spoke; her heart smote her, her pride vanished: she sank on his shoulder, and forgot even ambition; nay, while she inly murmured at his sentiment, she felt it breathed a sort of nobility that she could not but esteem. She strove then to lull to rest all her more worldly anxieties for the future; to hope that, cast on the exciting stage of English ambition, Godolphin must necessarily be stirred despite his creed; and if she sometimes doubted, sometimes despaired of this, she felt at least that his presence had become dearer to her than all things. Nay, she checked her own enthusiasm, her own worship of fame, since they clashed with his opinions; so marvellously and insensibly bad Love bowed down the proud energies and the lofty soul of the daughter of John Vernon. _



Chapter 1. The Death-Bed Of John Vernon...
Chapter 2. Remark On The Tenure Of Life...
Chapter 3. The Hero Introduced To Our Reader's Notice...
Chapter 4. Percy's First Adventure As A Free Agent
Chapter 5. The Mummers.--Godolphin In Love...
Chapter 6. Percy Godolphin The Guest Of Saville...
Chapter 7. Saville Excused For Having Human Affections...
Chapter 8. Godolphin's Passion For The Stage...
Chapter 9. The Legacy.--A New Deformity In Saville...
Chapter 10. The Education Of Constance's Mind
Chapter 11. Conversation Between Lady Erpingham And Constance...
Chapter 12. Description Of Godolphin's House...
Chapter 13. A Ball Announced...
Chapter 14. Conversation Between Godolphin And Constance...
Chapter 15. The Feelings Of Constance And Godolphin Towards Each Other...
Chapter 16. Godolphin's Return Home...
Chapter 17. Constance At Her Toilet...
Chapter 18. The Interview.--The Crisis Of A Life
Chapter 19. A Rare And Exquisite Of The Best (worst) School...
Chapter 20. Fanny Millinger Once More...
Chapter 21. An Event Of Great Importance...
Chapter 22. The Bride Alone...
Chapter 23. An Insight Into The Real Grande Monde...
Chapter 24. The Married State Of Constance
Chapter 25. The Pleasure Of Retaliating Humiliation...
Chapter 26. The Visionary And His Daughter...
Chapter 27. A Conversation Little Appertaining To The Nineteenth Century...
Chapter 28. The Youth Of Lucilla Volktman.--A Mysterious Conversation...
Chapter 29. The Effect Of Years And Experience...
Chapter 30. Magnetism...
Chapter 31. A Scene.--Lucilla's Strange Conduct...
Chapter 32. The Weakness Of All Virtue Springing Only From The Feelings
Chapter 33. Return To Lady Erpingham...
Chapter 34. Ambition Vindicated...
Chapter 35. Godolphin At Rome...
Chapter 36. Dialogue Between Godolphin And Saville...
Chapter 37. An Evening With Constance
Chapter 38. Constance's Undiminished Love For Godolphin...
Chapter 39. Lucilla's Letter...
Chapter 40. Tivoli...
Chapter 41. Lucilla...
Chapter 42. Joy And Despair
Chapter 43. Love Strong As Death, And Not Less Bitter
Chapter 44. Godolphin
Chapter 45. The Declaration...
Chapter 46. The Bridals...
Chapter 47. News Of Lucilla
Chapter 48. In Which Two Persons, Permanently United..
Chapter 49. The Return To London...
Chapter 50. Godolphin's Soliloquy...
Chapter 51. Godolphin's Course Of Life...
Chapter 52. Radclyffe And Godolphin Converse...
Chapter 53. Fanny Behind The Scenes...
Chapter 54. The Career Of Constance...
Chapter 55. The Death Of George IV...
Chapter 56. The Roue Has Become A Valetudinarian...
Chapter 57. Superstition...
Chapter 58 The Empire Of Time And Of Love...
Chapter 59. Constance Makes A Discovery...
Chapter 60. The Reform Bill.--A Very Short
Chapter 61. The Soliloquy Of The Soothsayer...
Chapter 62. In Which The Common Life Glides Into The Strange...
Chapter 63. A Meeting Between Constance And The Prophetess
Chapter 64. Lucilla's Flight...
Chapter 65. New Views Of A Privileged Order...
Chapter 66. The Journey And The Surprise...
Chapter 67. The Full Renewal Of Love...
Chapter 68. The Last Conversation Between Godolphin And Constance...
Chapter The Last. A Dread Meeting...