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Cappy Ricks; or, the Subjugation of Matt Peasley
Chapter 1. Master Of Many Ships And Skipper Of None
Peter B.Kyne
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       A psychologist would have termed Alden P. Ricks an individualist, but his associates in the wholesale lumber and shipping trade of the Pacific Coast proclaimed him a character.
       In his youth he had made one voyage round Cape Horn as a cabin boy, his subsequent nautical experience having been confined to the presidency of the Blue Star Navigation Company and occasional voyages as a first-cabin passenger. Notwithstanding this apparent lack of salt-water wisdom, however, his intimate knowledge of ships and the men who go down to the sea in them, together with his very distinct personality, had conduced to provide him with a courtesy title in his old age.
       It is more than probable that, had Alden P. Ricks been a large, commanding person possessed of the dignity the average citizen associates with men of equal financial rating, the Street would have called him Captain Ricks. Had he lacked these characteristics, but borne nevertheless even a remote resemblance to a retired mariner, his world would have hailed him as Old Cap Ricks; but since he was what he was--a dapper, precise, shrewd, lovable little old man with mild, paternal blue eyes, a keen sense of humor and a Henry Clay collar, which latter, together with a silk top hat, had distinguished him on 'Change for forty years--it was inevitable that along the Embarcadero and up California Street he should bear the distinguishing appellation of Cappy. In any other line of human endeavor he would have been called Pappy--he was that type of man.
       Cappy Ricks had so much money, amassed in the wholesale lumber and shipping business, that he had to engage some very expensive men to take care of it for him. He owned the majority of the stock of the Ricks Lumber and Logging Company, with sawmills and timberlands in California, Oregon and Washington; his young men had to sell a million feet of lumber daily in order to keep pace with the output, while the vessels of the Blue Star Navigation Company, also controlled by Cappy, freighted it. There were thirty-odd vessels in the Blue Star fleet--windjammers and steam schooners; and Cappy was registered as managing owner of every one.
       Following that point in his career when the young fellows on the Street, discovering that he was a true-blue sport, had commenced to fraternize with him and call him Cappy, the old gentleman ceased to devote his attention to the details of his business. He was just beginning to enjoy life; so he shifted the real work of his multifarious interests to the capable shoulders of a Mr. John P. Skinner, who fitted into his niche in the business as naturally as the kernel of a healthy walnut fits its shell. Mr. Skinner was a man still on the sunny side of middle life, smart, capable, cold-blooded, a little bumptious, and, like the late Julius Caesar, ambitious.
       No sooner had Cappy commenced to take life easy than Skinner commenced to dominate the business. He attended an efficiency congress and came home with a collection of newfangled ideas that eliminated from the office all the joy and contentment old Cappy Ricks had been a life-time installing. He inaugurated card systems and short cuts in bookkeeping that drove Cappy to the verge of insanity, because he could never go to the books himself and find out anything about his own business. He had to ask Mr. Skinner--which made Skinner an important individual.
       With the passage of five years the general manager was high and low justice in Cappy's offices, and had mastered the not-too-difficult art of dominating his employer, for Cappy seldom seriously disagreed with those he trusted. He saved all his fighting force for his competitors.
       However, Cappy's interest in the Blue Star Navigation Company did not wane with the cessation of his activities as chief kicker. Ordinarily, Mr. Skinner bossed the navigation company as he bossed the lumber business, for Cappy's private office was merely headquarters for receiving mail, reading the newspapers, receiving visitors, smoking an after-luncheon cigar, and having a little nap from three o'clock until four, at which hour Cappy laid aside the cares of business and put in two hours at bridge in his club.
       Despite this apparent indifference to business, however, Mr. Skinner handled the navigation company with gloves; for, if Cappy dozed in his office, he had a habit of keeping one eye open, so to speak, and every little while he would wake up and veto an order of Skinner's, of which the latter would have been willing to take an oath Cappy had never heard. In the matter of engaging new skippers or discharging old ones Mr. Skinner had to be very careful. Cappy always declared that any clerk can negotiate successfully a charter at the going rates in a stiff market, but skippers are, in the final analysis, the Genii of the Dividends. And Cappy knew skippers. He could get more loyalty out of them with a mere pat on the back and a kindly word than could Mr. Skinner, with all his threats, nagging and driving, yet he was an employer who demanded a full measure of service, and never permitted sentiment to plead for an incompetent. And his ships were his pets; in his affections they occupied a position but one degree removed from that occupied by his only child, in consequence of which he was mighty particular who hung up his master's ticket in the cabin of a Blue Star ship. Some idea of the scrupulous care with which he examined all applicants for a skipper's berth may be gleaned from the fact that any man discharged from a Blue Star ship stood as much chance of obtaining a berth with one of Cappy Ricks' competitors as a celluloid dog chasing an asbestos cat through Hades.
       The reader will readily appreciate, therefore, the apprehensions which assailed Cappy Ricks when the Blue Star Navigation Company discovered it had on its payroll one Matthew Peasley, a Nobody from Nowhere, who not only had the insufferable impudence to apply for a job skippering the finest windjammer in the fleet, but when rebuffed in no uncertain terms, refused to withdraw his application, and defied his owners to fire him. Such a preposterous state of affairs borders so closely on the realm of fancy as to require explanation; hence, for the nonce let us leave Cappy Ricks and Mr. Skinner to their sordid task of squeezing dividends out of the Blue Star Navigation Company and turn the searchlight of inquiry upon the amazing Matthew. _



Chapter 1. Master Of Many Ships And Skipper Of None
Chapter 2. The Man From Blue Water
Chapter 3. Under The Blue Star Flag
Chapter 4. Bad News From Cape Town
Chapter 5. Matt Peasley Assumes Office
Chapter 6. Wordy War At A Dollar A Word
Chapter 7. Cappy Ricks Makes Bad Medicine
Chapter 8. All Hands And Feet To The Rescue
Chapter 9. Mr. Murphy Advises Preparedness
Chapter 10. The Battle Of Table Bay
Chapter 11. Mr. Skinner Receives A Telegram
Chapter 12. The Campaign Opens
Chapter 13. An Old Friend Returns And Cappy Leads Another Ace
Chapter 14. Insult Added To Injury
Chapter 15. Rumors Of War
Chapter 16. War!
Chapter 17. Cappy Forces An Armistice
Chapter 18. The War Is Renewed
Chapter 19. Cappy Seeks Peace
Chapter 20. Peace At Last!
Chapter 21. Matt Peasley Meets A Talkative Stranger
Chapter 22. Face To Face
Chapter 23. Business And--
Chapter 24. The Clean Up
Chapter 25. Cappy Proves Himself A Despot
Chapter 26. Matt Peasley In Exile
Chapter 27. Promotion
Chapter 28. Cappy Has A Heart
Chapter 29. Nature Takes Her Course
Chapter 30. Mr. Skinner Hears A Lecture
Chapter 31. Internal Combustion
Chapter 32. Skinner Proposes--And Cappy Ricks Disposes
Chapter 33. Cappy's Plans Demolished
Chapter 34. A Gift From The Gods
Chapter 35. A Dirty Yankee Trick
Chapter 36. Cappy Forbids The Bans--Yet
Chapter 37. Matt Peasley Becomes A Shipowner
Chapter 38. Working Capital
Chapter 39. Easy Money
Chapter 40. The Cataclysm
Chapter 41. When Pain And Anguish Wring The Brow
Chapter 42. Unexpected Developments
Chapter 43. Cappy Plans A Knock-Out
Chapter 44. Skinner Develops Into A Human Being
Chapter 45. Cappy Pulls Off A Wedding
Chapter 46. A Ship Forgotten
Chapter 47. The Tail Goes With The Hide
Chapter 48. Victory