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Candide: Or, Optimism
Chapter 29. How Candide Found Cunegonde And The Old Woman Again
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       While Candide, the Baron, Pangloss, Martin, and Cacambo were relating their several adventures, were reasoning on the contingent or non-contingent events of the universe, disputing on effects and causes, on moral and physical evil, on liberty and necessity, and on the consolations a slave may feel even on a Turkish galley, they arrived at the house of the Transylvanian prince on the banks of the Propontis. The first objects which met their sight were Cunegonde and the old woman hanging towels out to dry.
       The Baron paled at this sight. The tender, loving Candide, seeing his beautiful Cunegonde embrowned, with blood-shot eyes, withered neck, wrinkled cheeks, and rough, red arms, recoiled three paces, seized with horror, and then advanced out of good manners. She embraced Candide and her brother; they embraced the old woman, and Candide ransomed them both.
       There was a small farm in the neighbourhood which the old woman proposed to Candide to make a shift with till the company could be provided for in a better manner. Cunegonde did not know she had grown ugly, for nobody had told her of it; and she reminded Candide of his promise in so positive a tone that the good man durst not refuse her. He therefore intimated to the Baron that he intended marrying his sister.
       "I will not suffer," said the Baron, "such meanness on her part, and such insolence on yours; I will never be reproached with this scandalous thing; my sister's children would never be able to enter the church in Germany. No; my sister shall only marry a baron of the empire."
       Cunegonde flung herself at his feet, and bathed them with her tears; still he was inflexible.
       "Thou foolish fellow," said Candide; "I have delivered thee out of the galleys, I have paid thy ransom, and thy sister's also; she was a scullion, and is very ugly, yet I am so condescending as to marry her; and dost thou pretend to oppose the match? I should kill thee again, were I only to consult my anger."
       "Thou mayest kill me again," said the Baron, "but thou shalt not marry my sister, at least whilst I am living." _



Chapter 1. How Candide Was Brought Up In A Magnificent Castle...
Chapter 2. What Became Of Candide Among The Bulgarians
Chapter 3. How Candide Made His Escape From The Bulgarians...
Chapter 4. How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss...
Chapter 5. Tempest, Shipwreck, Earthquake...
Chapter 6. How The Portuguese Made A Beautiful Auto-Da-Fe...
Chapter 7. How The Old Woman Took Care Of Candide...
Chapter 8. The History Of Cunegonde
Chapter 9. What Became Of Cunegonde, Candide...
Chapter 10. In What Distress Candide, Cunegonde...
Chapter 11. History Of The Old Woman
Chapter 12. The Adventures Of The Old Woman Continued
Chapter 13. How Candide Was Forced Away From His Fair Cunegonde...
Chapter 14. How Candide And Cacambo Were Received By The Jesuits Of Paraguay
Chapter 15. How Candide Killed The Brother Of His Dear Cunegonde
Chapter 16. Adventures Of The Two Travellers...
Chapter 17. Arrival Of Candide And His Valet At El Dorado...
Chapter 18. What They Saw In The Country Of El Dorado
Chapter 19. What Happened To Them At Surinam...
Chapter 20. What Happened At Sea To Candide And Martin
Chapter 21. Candide And Martin, Reasoning, Draw Near The Coast Of France
Chapter 22. What Happened In France To Candide And Martin
Chapter 23. Candide And Martin Touched Upon The Coast Of England...
Chapter 24. Of Paquette And Friar Giroflee
Chapter 25. The Visit To Lord Pococurante, A Noble Venetian
Chapter 26. Of A Supper Which Candide And Martin Took With Six Strangers...
Chapter 27. Candide's Voyage To Constantinople
Chapter 28. What Happened To Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, Martin, Etc
Chapter 29. How Candide Found Cunegonde And The Old Woman Again
Chapter 30. The Conclusion