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Essay(s) by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
The Poor Little Penny Dreadful
Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
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       Oct. 5, 1895. Our "Crusaders."
       The poor little Penny Dreadful has been catching it once more. Once
       more the British Press has stripped to its massive waist and solemnly
       squared up to this hardened young offender. It calls this remarkable
       performance a "Crusade."
       I like these Crusades. They remind one of that merry passage in
       _Pickwick_ (p. 254 in the first edition):--
       "Whether Mr. Winkle was seized with a temporary attack of that
       species of insanity which originates in a sense of injury, or
       animated by this display of Mr. Weller's valour, is uncertain;
       but certain it is, that he no sooner saw Mr. Grummer fall, than
       _he made a terrific onslaught on a small boy who stood next to
       him_; whereupon Mr. Snodgrass--"

       [Pay attention to Mr. Snodgrass, if you please, and cast your memories
       back a year or two, to the utterances of a famous Church Congress on
       the National Vice of Gambling.]
       "--whereupon Mr. Snodgrass, in a truly Christian spirit, and in
       order that he might take no one unawares, announced in a very
       loud tone that he was going to begin, and proceeded to take off
       his coat with the utmost deliberation. He was immediately
       surrounded and secured; and it is but common justice both to him
       and to Mr. Winkle to say that they did not make the slightest
       attempt to rescue either themselves or Mr. Weller, who, after a
       most vigorous resistance, was overpowered by numbers and taken
       prisoner. The procession then reformed, the chairmen resumed
       their stations, and the march was re-commenced."

       "The chairmen resumed their stations, and the march was re-commenced."
       Is it any wonder that Dickens and Labiche have found no fit
       successors? One can imagine the latter laying down his pen and
       confessing himself beaten at his own game; for really this periodical
       "crusade" upon the Penny Dreadful has all the qualities of the very
       best vaudeville--the same bland exhibition of _bourgeois_ logic, the
       same wanton appreciation of evidence, the same sententious alacrity in
       seizing the immediate explanation--the more trivial the better--the
       same inability to reach the remote cause, the same profound
       unconsciousness of absurdity.
       You remember _La Grammaire_? Caboussat's cow has eaten a piece of
       broken glass, with fatal results. Machut, the veterinary, comes:--
       _Caboussat._ "Un morceau de verre ... est-ce drole? Une vache de
       quatre ans."
       _Machut._ "Ah! monsieur, les vaches ... ça avale du verre à tout
       âge. J'en ai connu une qui a mangé une éponge à laver les
       cabriolets ... à sept ans! Elle en est morte."
       _Caboussat._ "Ce que c'est que notre pauvre humanité!"

       Penny Dreadfuls and Matricide.
       Our friends have been occupied with the case of a half-witted boy who
       consumed Penny Dreadfuls and afterwards went and killed his mother.
       They infer that he killed his mother because he had read Penny
       Dreadfuls (_post hoc ergo propter hoc_) and they conclude very
       naturally that Penny Dreadfuls should be suppressed. But before
       roundly pronouncing the doom of this--to me unattractive--branch of
       fiction, would it not be well to inquire a trifle more deeply into
       cause and effect? In the first place matricide is so utterly unnatural
       a crime that there must be something abominably peculiar in a form of
       literature that persuades to it. But a year or two back, on the
       occasion of a former crusade, I took the pains to study a
       considerable number of Penny Dreadfuls. My reading embraced all
       those--I believe I am right in saying all--which were reviewed, a few
       days back, in the _Daily Chronicle_; and some others. I give you my
       word I could find nothing peculiar about them. They were even rather
       ostentatiously on the side of virtue. As for the bloodshed in them, it
       would not compare with that in many of the five-shilling adventure
       stories at that time read so eagerly by boys of the middle and upper
       classes. The style was ridiculous, of course: but a bad style excites
       nobody but a reviewer, and does not even excite him to deeds of the
       kind we are now trying to account for. The reviewer in the _Daily
       Chronicle_ thinks worse of these books than I do. But he certainly
       failed to quote anything from them that by the wildest fancy could be
       interpreted as sanctioning such a crime as matricide.
       The Cause to be sought in the Boy rather than in the Book.
       Let us for a moment turn our attention from the Penny Dreadful to the
       boy--from the _éponge á laver les cabriolets_ to _notre pauvre
       humanité_. Now--to speak quite seriously--it is well known to every
       doctor and every schoolmaster (and should be known, if it is not, to
       every parent), that all boys sooner or later pass through a crisis in
       growth during which absolutely nothing can be predicted of their
       behavior. At such times honest boys have given way to lying and theft,
       gentle boys have developed an unexpected savagery, ordinary boys--"the
       small apple-eating urchins whom we know"--have fallen into morbid
       brooding upon unhealthy subjects. In the immense majority of cases the
       crisis is soon over and the boy is himself again; but while it lasts,
       the disease will draw its sustenance from all manner of
       things--things, it may be, in themselves quite innocent. I avoid
       particularizing for many reasons; but any observant doctor will
       confirm what I have said. Now the moderately affluent boy who reads
       five-shilling stories of adventure has many advantages at this period
       over the poor boy who reads Penny Dreadfuls. To begin with, the crisis
       has a tendency to attack him later. Secondly, he meets it fortified by
       a better training and more definite ideas of the difference between
       right and wrong, virtue and vice. Thirdly (and this is very
       important), he is probably under school discipline at the time--which
       means, that he is to some extent watched and shielded. When I think
       of these advantages, I frankly confess that the difference in the
       literature these two boys read seems to me to count for very little. I
       myself have written "adventure-stories" before now: stories which, I
       suppose--or, at any rate, hope--would come into the class of "Pure
       Literature," as the term is understood by those who have been writing
       on this subject in the newspapers. They were, I hope, better written
       than the run of Penny Dreadfuls, and perhaps with more discrimination
       of taste in the choice of adventures. But I certainly do not feel able
       to claim that their effect upon a perverted mind would be innocuous.
       Fallacy of the "Crusade."
       For indeed it is not possible to name any book out of which a
       perverted mind will not draw food for its disease. The whole fallacy
       lies in supposing literature the cause of the disease. Evil men are
       not evil because they read bad books: they read bad books because they
       are evil: and being evil, or diseased, they are quickly able to
       extract evil or disease even from very good books. There is talk of
       disseminating the works of our best authors, at a cheap rate, in the
       hope that they will drive the Penny Dreadful out of the market. But
       has good literature at the cheapest driven the middle classes from
       their false gods? And let it be remembered, to the credit of these
       poor boys, that they do buy their books. The middle classes take
       _their_ poison on hire or exchange.
       But perhaps the full enormity of the cant about Penny Dreadfuls
       can best be perceived by travelling to and fro for a week
       between London and Paris and observing the books read by those
       who travel with first-class tickets. I think a fond belief in
       Ivanhoe-within-the-reach-of-all would not long survive that
       [The end]
       Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch's essay: Poor Little Penny Dreadful