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The Physiology of Marriage
Honore de Balzac
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Part 1. A General Consideration
Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 1. The Subject Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 2. Marriage Statistics
Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 3. Of The Honest Woman Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 4. Of The Virtuous Woman
Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 5. Of The Predestined Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 6. Of Boarding Schools
Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 7. Of The Honeymoon Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 8. Of The First Symptoms
Part 1. A General Consideration - Meditation 9. Epilogue
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 10. A Treatise On Marital Policy Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 11. Instruction In The Home
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 12. The Hygiene Of Marriage Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 13. Of Personal Measures
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 14. Of Apartments Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 15. Of The Custom House
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 16. The Charter Of Marriage Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 17. The Theory Of The Bed
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 18. Of Marital Revolutions Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 19. Of The Lover
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 20. Essay On Police Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 21. The Art Of Returning Home
Part 2. Means Of Defence, Interior And Exterior - Meditation 22. Of Catastrophes
Part 3. Relating To Civil War
Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 23. Of Manifestoes Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 24. Principles Of Strategy
Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 25. Of Allies Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 26. Of Different Weapons
Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 27. Of The Last Symptoms Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 28. Of Compensations
Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 29. Of Conjugal Peace Part 3. Relating To Civil War - Meditation 30. Conclusion
